No Dish Reception and GTMedia V8 Finder 2

If you're skew is at 87, shouldn't need to change it. It is possible to show 119 and be aimed at wrong satellites. If this is the case, try lowering your elevation 2-3 degrees then rotate the dish 5-10 degrees towards the west.
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Well, I now appear to have both 119 and 110 without changing the dish. I think I figured it out. The LNBF has 3 feed heads but uses only one downlead to the Wally box. It has three outputs so that three Wally boxes can be connected to it for three separate TV's. I am assuming then that the purpose of the switch is to multiplex the three satellites to each of the three download leads so that any single Wally box can pull signals from all three satellites. The diagnostics showed 119 as locked and a signal level of 62. I got to thinking that since you can select the satellites in the diagnostics screen that I would run the switch check with 110 selected instead of 119. That did it, the switch test locked in 110 with a signal strength of 62 and I now have both 119 and 110 with all the channels that used to be there. It appears then that the switch test has to be run for each individual satellite.
Last Friday I switched to Doxazosin (Alpha-blocker), and am slowly ramping up on that, trying to find the amount that works.
One last thing on this, as I don't want to leave you all hanging, or sidetrack the thread again: looks like Doxazosin MIGHT be a winner! I started with 1mg on Friday, 1/5, and I'm ramped up to 6mg the last two days, one more night of that, and then I try 8mg.

I've finally got my BP down to averaging 140~/85~. I think the 8mg / night dose will be the final amount I'll need to take it to 120/80~ and keep it there. As a bonus, this drug also helps with BPH in males. I got bored out 25 years ago with a TURP, and I do NOT want to go through that ever again! So, this should help

I'm not having any side effects that I'm positive come from this one, though it can be real hard to tell sometimes just what are side effects, and what is being caused by something else.
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The check switch normally only needs ran once, and whatever satellite you had selected in previous screen has no effect on it. It checks for all satellites in one pass. Why it didn't bring in the 110 originally? Who knows lol. But glad you got it working.
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Thinking of going back to 4K Joey from wirless

How to setup OTA (Over-The-Air) Antenna -Tuner To A Wally
