DISH Hacked - Websites are BACK ONLINE!

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The largest ransomware payment — where an organization pays to have their software freed from a malware attack — was by CNA Financial. The Chicago-based firm paid $40 million to a Russia-based hacker group.

Probably paid with Bitcoin, not with a money order.
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If this is indeed ransomware, the sad part is that the bad actors are probably in Russia, China, Nigeria, or some place similar and nothing will happen to them even if they are caught. They'll just move on to the next victim.

Paying such types just encourages others to join their ranks.
I read once, not that long ago, that in most instances, when this happens, the companies just pay the ransom and try to keep it as quiet as they can
If this is indeed ransomware, the sad part is that the bad actors are probably in Russia, China, Nigeria, or some place similar and nothing will happen to them even if they are caught. They'll just move on to the next victim.

Paying such types just encourages others to join their ranks.
I was thinking it might be Bally sports….
I don't know if any member posted this here. If he or she did please don't get mad!
It is from pcmagazine's web site regarding ransomware.

Have a good day. On my way to Hawaii!!

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I read once, not that long ago, that in most instances, when this happens, the companies just pay the ransom and try to keep it as quiet as they can
I can tell you from my experience my company did not pay. We restored our systems and worked with the FBI and a third party to help mitigate the potential of it happening again. The hackers tried to blackmail us with data they harvested from our servers but they had nothing we considered confidential.
I wonder how much ransom money Dish is being asked to pay to restore the system.
It doesn't matter if it's 10 cents. You can't pay them, because it'll then never stop, they'll find a way to keep doing it.

Being in IT for over 28 years, I have NO sympathy for people or companies that do NOT have multiple backups. It royally SUCKS having to revert, but sometimes it's your only real path.
A: You obviously didn't read the article from the FTC that I linked, it explains that banks are required by law to reimburse as long as you pay attention and don't wait too long to report it.
Using your debit card and possibly being compromised your going to have to have new paper checks issued with a new account number..I guess if your a preferred member like I am with fifth third that would be okay because they give free checks..Most people have to pay for checks..I'd rather just call my credit card company and have a new card issued..

I can't wait to hear the official statement from Charlie..I'm sure that nobody's personal information has been compromised..I really believe that..They wouldn't tell you if it was..Personal information is probably compromised way more than we dream of and we never hear anything about it.
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It doesn't matter if it's 10 cents. You can't pay them, because it'll then never stop, they'll find a way to keep doing it.

Being in IT for over 28 years, I have NO sympathy for people or companies that do NOT have multiple backups. It royally SUCKS having to revert, but sometimes it's your only real path.
You don't think Dish would pay 10 cents to end thIs nightmare? Why not pay $2 million to save $10 million? Leave the rest to the FBI.
It wouldn't end it..they would just ask for more
It might end it. We were told during our incident the hackers are even bold enough that after the ordeal is over the hackers will ask you to give them a good review. They ask for reviews so they can share those reviews with their victims as proof they will do what they say they will do. This is to help overcome objections to paying them just like your comment.
It might end it. We were told during our incident the hackers are even bold enough that after the ordeal is over the hackers will ask you to give them a good review. They ask for reviews so they can share those reviews with their victims as proof they will do what they say they will do. This is to help overcome objections to paying them just like your comment.
No no no no no
If there is a ransom request I just hope Dish totally rejects it and continues to work through the problem even if it extends the outage.
Paying ransom to scumbags just make them richer and encourages this kind of activity.

I do hope the authorities can catch the bastards responsible for this. Doubt it though, I have little faith in the FBI anymore.
Switch Status is showing you the satellites it saw the last time it tested installation. Press TEST INSTALLATION. Most likely it will say "you have fewer satellites..." You can cancel or save at that point. The problem could be anywhere from the Dish to receiver.
Yes I was afraid to save....Should have I saved it? I didnt want to have to have Dish come out and do some magic or restore something if I did that lol
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The first pic showing Tuner 1 transponder 0 is what we call the 0 of 0 Transponder glitch. Typically, when you see that Tuner shows 0, setting it to 1 and backing out to where it says Acquiring Signal, that status bar will start to turn green and restore your service. Occasionally, we'll have to go to that Check Switch screen more than once and re-set Tuner to 1 and then back all the way out again
I did change it to 21 in one of the pics but it didnt change anything... should have I changed it to 1 instead of 21?
Today, everything is fine. Today is sunny...yesterday cloudy, but it has always worked on cloudy days. I do not remember exactly what my signal strength was but changing Satellites I am getting 52-69 depending on which one I pick. So we did have some really high winds I think Tuesday or Wednesday of last week, but everything worked through Friday evening... clouds, rain and everything. I wonder if I may have some water issues as opposed to a pointing issue...or a little of both.
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I did change it to 21 in one of the pics but it didnt change anything... should have I changed it to 1 instead of 21?
Today, everything is fine. Today is sunny...yesterday cloudy, but it has always worked on cloudy days. I do not remember exactly what my signal strength was but changing Satellites I am getting 52-69 depending on which one I pick. So we did have some really high winds I think Tuesday or Wednesday of last week, but everything worked through Friday evening... clouds, rain and everything. I wonder if I may have some water issues as opposed to a pointing issue...or a little of both.
Your dish is out of alignment. You get some, but not all, channels. You'll need a tech to come out.

Hopper Plus for existing customers

Dish traveler not locking on Satellites
