DISH Drops AMC Networks (AMC Back on DISH channel 131)

COME ON EVERBODY...ESPECIALLY demsd!!! This has become a swirling, down the flusher of a thread. Everybody just go to bed, relax, or whatever. It's getting too personal, and needs to stop....yes, demsd..I mean you.

Personal? The only one making it personal is you.

Voom stopped delivering new programming for All of their Voom channels and showed about 4 programs a day , repeated over and over and over. This was a breech of the contract with DISH . They agreed to deliver new programming and failed. DISH dropped all the channels except for 5 of the best ones- like Monsters HD and told them to condense their programming on to the 5 remaining channels. Voom said NO all 20 channels or nothing! DISH said Okay :Nothing and dropped all of them. Voom was in the wrong from the beginning on this one. After the drop of the channels DISH added a lot of new cable channels in HD.

If VOOM was in the wrong, why are they going to win the lawsuit and Dish will pay out the wazoo???
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COME ON EVERBODY...ESPECIALLY demsd!!! This has become a swirling, down the flusher of a thread. Everybody just go to bed, relax, or whatever. It's getting too personal, and needs to stop....yes, demsd..I mean you.

Aw, c'mon, this thread is getting as awesome as the original two VOOM threads. Haven't had this much passion around here in a long time. :ok:

And it's amazing it is about the same set of channels..............

Enjoying the show.

What are you talking about... highest rated show is 6.5 million for 6 hours in a year, 3.5 for 14 hours?

I already posted that
DISH serves nearly 14 million U.S. households, a base that accounts for 15 percent of AMC's subscriber base (95.7 million). Your claim is that only a few hundred thousand of that 15% watch AMC, and a subs ability to break their contract all factors into how many DISH subs watch AMC?

You lost me.

Assuming even distribution if Dish is 15% of AMC's base and 6.5 million people watched the walking dead, one assumes at 15% of 6.5 million is 975k Dish subs. I was pointing out that the high ratings was for 6 episodes of 1 hour each. Most of the time a lot fewer Dish viewers are watching AMC. Dish can drop AMC and likely not suffer huge consequences - given that many are locked into contracts, plus many will not leave over just one channel (or 3 in this case). This dropping potentially costs AMC a lot more revenue than Dish, given that Dish also gets to pocket the $$ instead of paying it to AMC, helping make up for any subs that might leave.

Dish is also probably a lot less than 15% of the AMC base given that a lot of subs do not even get AMC.

I firmly believe Dish has run the numbers, and given that they have a lot of experience with dropping channels and knowing how many subs will actually leave, they know they will come out ahead. Especially if they can pressure a settlement in the VOOM dispute.
Aw, c'mon, this thread is getting as awesome as the original two VOOM threads. Haven't had this much passion around here in a long time.

Yeah, but its getting monotonous. There is the "its all about the suit" side and everyone else on the it's about the rate increase side. It's both.

If Rainbow was coming in asking something in the 0-10% increase range, the contract would be renewed already. Frankly, IMO, if Rainbow is asking for more than that then Dish should drop the channels That's a position I would take for pretty much any channel.

The negotiations are not happening in a vacuum, and the suit is no doubt influencing things. It is probably making both sides more intrasigent then they otherwise would be.

The ratings arguments are senseless, even though both sides have evidently spent a lot of time researching. There is a difference between peak ratings and what sells subs. I personally have no doubt not having CNN / Fox News / Sports Channels would cause much more havoc with subs than any/all of the Rainbow channels.
Remember when "VOOM" was all about the sound a little kid made while playing with a toy car, truck, airplane, or boat? Oh, the good old days!

It's ridiculous to debate the lawsuit here - even using court documents - lawyers LIE. The only ones in a court case who are required to tell the truth are witnesses under oath.
If VOOM was in the wrong, why are they going to win the lawsuit and Dish will pay out the wazoo???

I didn't say DISH would win. As I see it Voom started the problem by endlessly repeating 4 or 5 programs ALL DAY LONG on their channels. This was a breech of the original contract that they agreed to with DISH. VOOM was supposed to spend so much money creating new programming , and they failed to meet their obligations. DISH tried to compromise and keep only 5 of the best channels that Voom could spend on creating programming for and they refused. DISH dropped them. As I see it , it was Voom's fault . As for the court case and who said what first I don't really care to entertain the arguments that many have made here. It is useless to speculate on it. It reminds me of the Tivo lawsuit that went on for YEARS. I hope DISH wins the case, but I won't be surprised if they don't.
It's ridiculous to debate the lawsuit here - even using court documents - lawyers LIE. The only ones in a court case who are required to tell the truth are witnesses under oath.

...and they lie too...

That's why one has to read through the various letters, depositions, emails and spreadsheets filed with the court to determine whose verision of the truth is less dishonest and misleading than the other. :) The bottom line is VOOM will win if they can prove they met the spend limit; EchoStar will win if they did not. Judge Lowe's jury instruction may serve to lower the bar for VOOM and lead to big buck$ in punitive damages should VOOM prevail in this case. As you'll recall, the spoliation of evidence instruction will be given to the jury because the court found (as later affirmed by the appellate court) Dish had detroyed evidence that was relevant to VOOM's claims; "We agree with the motion court that an adverse instruction was warranted because Echostar's spoliation of electronic evidence was the result of gross negligence at the very least, and now affirm."

Regardless, I am sure Dish would still be raising a hullabaloo over AMC Networks' fee increase since they do it with all the programmers; seriously, this uproar is nothing new. However, I feel their case with the now defunct VOOM is the reason Dish announced terminating all the AMC Networks channels at the end of June. Personally, I think this dispute will hurt both parties should they not reach a new agreement. While there is certainly "bad blood" between the two parties...VOOM feels Dish illegally terminated the affiliation agreement because they were not happy with the contract they signed, and Dish feels that VOOM was an unwilling partner who took advantage of them by not mass-marketing the VOOM HD channels nor offering them better terms when they saw Dish was backed into a corner...however, they will need to treat these as two issues as separate matters (i.e., compartmentalize) in order to reach a deal.

I think we'll see a deal reached during June...however, there was a lot of blood shed between the Hatfields & McCoys before they resolved their differences... :fencing:

A trial date has yet to be set for the breach of contract suit. The Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court only denied an application by DISH to appeal the decision by the lower court regarding evidence DISH destroyed in the VoomHD case -- and that was last weeks news. The contract with AMC does not expire until end of June. So, DISH got its rump handed to it by the NY Supreme Court, and it is lashing out at AMC. Planned? Questionable.

Just an updated...according to WebCivil Supreme both parties met in court on May 15th and it looks like another trial date has been set for the September 18th. Amazing how the appeal delayed this case for more than a year and a half. The next question is...will this case go to trial or will there be a settlement? Perhaps Dish is trying to tie both issues together in order to get a better deal?
All I really want to know is what networks will replace the amc networks ? I am very interested in what dish does to replace them
Nothing, according to the latest lineup cards. Sundance has been gone a week at least, and no replacement. My guess is some complainers will get a few temporary freebies or credits. I've complained many times already about Sundance and was offered nothing but an apology.
This will more than likely get worked out. Most thought we would never see AMC Hd because of the Voom lawsuit and yet it showed up while the suit still hasn't been settled.

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