Someone losing a channel they watch is not a complainer. It's people like you with with their holier-than-thou attitudes that are the problem.
You don't watch. Keep your mouth shut.
Please look up the word "complain." You will find it is NOT pejorative word. The word "argument" or "upset" are other words that are not pejorative, but the declining quality of our education system means too many adults don't know what the words they hear mean. This issue and those who are expressing dissatisfaction have legitimate "complaints" about Dish and/or AMC.
Legal: What is the "complaint."
Medical: What are your "complaints" I can help cure.
Common Usage: I have a "complaint" about the Dish/AMC," or This customer has a "complaint", so how do resolve this?
A "Complainer" is one who "complains" or makes known their dissatisfaction.
Therefore anyone who expresses DISSATISFACTION at losing a channel--or any other reason--they they don't want removed can't be anything but a "complainer." But posting complaints and being a complainer is NOT a negative thing nor does it say anything negative about the "complainer". In fact, it is often GOOD to be a complainer because that is often how change occurs and let's others know how they can do things better or to their satisfaction.
What? People aren't going to "complain" to Dish about a channel they don't want to lose. Many people phoning in or otherwise contacting Dish are going to say, "I am "complaining" about your decision to drop AMC."
Most posts, and I would say because of the nature of this forum, here are "complaints" because we are often motivated to express DISSATISFACTION as opposed to when all is well. Every legitimate gripe we all have with a problem install or box or 922 is a "complaint." The words "complaint" and "complainer" are the most ACCURATE and CONCISE of words to use in such matters. And by the way, I never directly addressed you in a past post on this thread, but you internalized it. That's not our problem.
Now you have not liked the word "complainers," but is your crass last sentence in your reply really better or elevates the individual compared to one using a precise and concise, proper word that is NOT pejorative, but reveals more about the one who is motivated to "complain" about such a word? Obviously, such an individual is incapable of articulating an INTELLIGENT point of disagreement concerning a post does say worse about them than my choice of the word "complainers." One needn't regress to such ancestral hostility when none was expressed to them in the first plan, and allow millions of years of evolution to slip away robbing that individual of intelligence to the degree that they express themselves like a cave man, thug, or lesser animals. Take a break, and allow your civilized, better self to define you.
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