Sure, with things like HEVC, you can fit more data into less bandwidth, and they will continue to improve that over time, but there are roadblocks in the way to slow things down as well. Things like UHD and HDR will require more bandwidth, effectively cancelling out any bandwidth savings and then some. Also, better compression needs faster CPUs, and we've essentially hit the wall with Moore's Law. I work in High Performance Computing, and the reality is CPU cores aren't really getting any faster these days at the high end. They are just adding more cores, so parallel jobs are faster. The upshot is, compression methods will be limited by the CPUs available and what is economically reasonable. Are you really going to run a 44-core, 205W CPU just to get an extra 5% of bandwidth compression?
I try not to say "never," but I have a hard time imagining unicast streaming ever being as cost effective as Satellite or OTA broadcast, especially with launch costs declining.