Again, I want it, but I refuse to pay roughy $3500-4000 over 2 years to get it, Traditional TV is just not worth it anymore, especially since the majority of programming is reruns or reality shows.
Have you looked at the Fall TV Schedule, yech, we are now at the point where the best new shows are exclusive to the streaming services and the rest of the shows are on there also.
If I did not get YTTV for free ( Gift Card loophole) I would drop it in a second, the vast majority of shows on Traditional Live TV channels are on streaming services, then you get the exclusive shows also at a much less expensive price and better quality.
If I could get CNN, CNBC and Michigan Football via a streaming service separate from a OTT Service, Traditional Live TV would be gone.
This is what it says-
The package currently has about 1.5 million subscribers, down from some two million customers at its peak. DirecTV, now co-owned by AT&T and private-equity firm TPG, has been losing $500 million annually on the package for several years, people familiar with the financials of the package said.
My guess is the peak is many years ago.
And this is no surprise, specially since DirecTV Satellite has lost about 11-12 million subs the last 8 years.
Sooner or later, commercial establishments will have to upgrade, we all know streaming is the future of Television, there will come a point that both Dish and DirecTV will become unprofitable because of sub loss and stop offering services, even if they want to continue running the service at a loss, then the Satellites will start failing, remember no more are being built or launched.