What, you mean I can actually get ATT service where I live then ?This was a brilliant move by At&t for several reasons. Other articles talk about how they prepared for this leaving everyone else in the dust. They got Billions of dollars to put in towers with available use exclusively for first responders. Those new towers will put in thousands of places no towers were allowed before, and/or At&t had no access to before. They will also use those towers for their business I.E. wireless.
Further, they will be climbing not only those new towers but every tower they have and installing the new technology.
"In addition to the $6.5 billion they're getting to do this, there's another benefit. AT&T will have to put cell towers in something like 99.9% of locations. They'll even even put them in places where their permits have been denied before. That means sleepy hamlets like Forest Falls, California will get AT&T service, for the first time ever.
While they're up there…
Mr. Stephenson went on to say that technicians will need to scale every single cell tower in the nation in order to get FirstNet equipment installed. While they're up there, every LTE tower will be upgraded to "5G Evolution," effectively doubling download speeds. If you get 25Mbps now, you'll get 50. If you get 50, you'll get 100. I'm talking about the kind of speeds you're probably getting with your landline internet, just on your phone."
Get ready to double your cell data speeds - if you have AT&T - The Solid Signal Blog
ATT service is SOOOOOO much better than whats available here.