One site quoted the 59ms delay but the ViaSat website says typically 638ms which is about right. They also mention that latency has little effect on most things except for someone playing a live shoot um up game with others remotely and it would obviously have no effect on streaming a DirecTV signal. Here is a ViaSat discussion on latency. Satellite internet latency: What's the big deal?
That latency is impossible with geosynchronous satellite internet. It is around 45,000 miles up to the satellite and back to Earth, and then another 45,000 miles for the return ping. That's over half a second delay added by the speed of light, not counting any processing that might take place inside the satellite as well as wherever your packet goes when it leaves the Viasat downlink to its ultimate destination.
Even web browsing is pretty latency sensitive these days - I can't imagine how bad of an experience it would be to browse with 500+ ms latency, regardless of the bandwidth. Streaming video would be OK though. But not comparable to your AT&T fiber in any way, shape or form!
There are a few companies developing low Earth orbit satellite internet which will greatly reduce the ping time, but they will need hundreds of satellites so it won't be cheap to reach fully operational status.