Repost -- DTV gave me the deal and then took it back -- beware!
When I first replied, the reply got stuck in the wrong place, not at the end of the thread.
Thanks to the good folks on this forum, I called last Friday, and got the "deal". I have been a sub for about 20 months, have the $45/mo package, HD pack, and sports pack (no movie channels or NFL ST). It took two calls, but the rep gave the HD DVR for $20 shipping, and an MPEG-4 HD rcvr for $99 + $20 shipping, but with $120 in monthly credits, all for a 2 year commitment. It took a good half hour to 45 minutes to get all the details finalized. I was very happy

. With holidays, etc., install was scheduled for Tuesday, July 11th.
Last night, I go online, and check my account. It says that the install for the HD DVR has been canceled (the install for the MPEG 4 is still there). I start to get a queasy feeling in my stomach

I call the number given, and tell them that I did not cancel the install, and want to know what happened. I am told that I called them back on July 4th and canceled the install

. Um, not true, I respond. I have not spoken with DTV since the 30th when we scheduled the install. Oh. It looks like a supervisor reviewed the order and determined that I was not eligible for a free HD DVR, so he called me twice on the 4th and told me that, and then he canceled the order. NO, I have not spoken with anybody from DTV since the 30th, nobody called me, I still want the install. They are very sorry, but I do not qualify, a supervisor determined it, and yes, they did speak with me about it. And on, blah blah blah.
So, I am ticked about a couple of things, first, that I spent 45 minutes on the phone Friday, most of it on hold so the retention person could get approval to give me this deal, and in the end somebody else comes along and just says no. Then, they don't even bother to call me to let me know, but say that they did. And they were going to continue on with the other install without letting me know. My wife would have been the one who was home, and would not have known that they were only installing part of the thing, and we would have been on the hook for 2 years.
This is absolutely unacceptable customer relations.
Partly, I just wanted to vent. I am pretty ticked

but also, wanted to warn you. If you have an HD DVR install scheduled, and you got "the deal" without really qualifying as a returning NFL ST sub, you may want to double check and see if it has been canceled behind your back like mine was.
I am not even sure what I am going to do at this point. The entire thing has been well documented in my account notes -- there is no way to call and see if I can get the deal from scratch. I could call retention and demand satisfaction after the way I have been treated and threaten to leave for DISH (which I am strongly considering doing at this point). Or I could just sulk for a while.
Good luck to you all.
- martincva