DirecTivo HR10-250 Blowout!

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Go ahead and call back - i'm in the same situation as you and DID get the deal - it took a few calls - you gotta play CSR roulette. Call retention and vent, they will/should give it to ya.
Alright, tell me if I should do this. I called in and here is what they offered me:

- HR10-250 for $399-$100(rebate)-$150(account credit)=$150.
- $5 off programing for one year
- $5 off HD package for six months

What do you think?
It works!

I've only been a member for a few days but am I glad I joined. I've been following this thread for several days. Yesterday I phoned retention and was told I didn't qualify for any deals and the cost was $399 for the present HD DVR. I just got off the phone with them again and received the deal for $20 as many others have reported. I've subscribed to D* for 12 years and have bought 2 receivers and my present SD Tivo. I told them I deserve a free one and that Comcast offers me everything I need for the present. I had no problem; the CSR was very friendly and helpful. Installation is scheduled for Sunday afternoon.
My friend at work called the retention number, he shoots....SCORE...HD TIVO for the low low price of nothing!! Then again, he pays 120 a month for his DTV service and never called for anydeals....they are bringing it out monday...but here is my question, he lives in the philly DMA like me, will they turn on the NY HD locals for him??
Third time's a charm!

First 2 calls yielded nada. I called a 3rd time and changed my approach. Take my get more bees w/ honey than you do with vinegar. I was extremely polite and calm. I felt I had a good case to fight for a free HD DVR. Customer for 6 years, auto bill pay, premium channels, and a well-documented problem with bad weather reception. Every time it thunderstorms, I lose reception. Every time!!!. It may be only for a few minutes, but I still lose it. I had installers come on 2 separate occasions over the last 6 years, and was told everything is in proper working order. I get very high signal strengths on clear days (98,99). I've learned to live with it since my only alternative was crappy Patriot Media (I live in Hunterdon County, NJ). The CSR felt my pain and made the deal for me. (Thank You, Claudia!). My deal:

1. Free HR10-250
2. Free OTA ant
3. Free Install
4. Free 4 months HD prog
5. $19.95 S/H

Installer came and left within an hour, neat, clean job. One problem...he had the OTA ant on his work order, but his boss told him not to bring it. "Don't bother", is what he was told. Apparently, every OTA ant they install in my area doesn't work. I live approx 60 miles west of NYC, and the DTV OTA ant is alleged to have a range of 35-45 miles. What the hell...give it a shot...its free! I can't believe he didn't even bring it!!! However, cooler minds prevail and I wasn't about to make a stink about it. I didn't want my free deal pulled.

Discovery HD is incredible. It seems to be the clearest of all HD channels. Some of my locals in the HD range, particularly ABCE (ch.86), FOXE(ch.88), come in a 4:3 format. What's up with that! The Ratio correction doesn't fill my 16:9 screen.

Also, I have a SONY KDF42WE655. If anyone else out there has this TV, did your screen change from WIDE ZOOM to FULL automatically after hooking up the HR10-250? Is there a recommeded setting for this SONY to use with the HR10-250?
rpl47 said:
Some of my locals in the HD range, particularly ABCE (ch.86), FOXE(ch.88), come in a 4:3 format. What's up with that!

Being a digital channel doesn't mean all the programming comes in 16:9 aspect ratio; nor does it mean the programming will always be HD; in fact most is not.

Not all widescreen means the 16:9 * Aspect Ratio either. Some 16:9 aspect ratio can be found on SD channels as well like IFC; with letterboxing. So 16:9 and widescreen does not mean digital or HD.

Some channels will stretch non-HD and non-widescreen programs to appear as 16:9. On the flip side, most all movies are "reformatted/cropped" to appear as 4:3 when on TV. Most users would prefer this not happen unless they choose to do it via their on display. You will see that as wanting an OAR program: Original Aspect Ratio; or as it was shot on film.

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rpl47 said:
First 2 calls yielded nada. I called a 3rd time and changed my approach. Take my get more bees w/ honey than you do with vinegar. I was extremely polite and calm. I felt I had a good case to fight for a free HD DVR. Customer for 6 years, auto bill pay, premium channels, and a well-documented problem with bad weather reception. Every time it thunderstorms, I lose reception. Every time!!!. It may be only for a few minutes, but I still lose it. I had installers come on 2 separate occasions over the last 6 years, and was told everything is in proper working order. I get very high signal strengths on clear days (98,99). I've learned to live with it since my only alternative was crappy Patriot Media (I live in Hunterdon County, NJ). The CSR felt my pain and made the deal for me. (Thank You, Claudia!). My deal:

1. Free HR10-250
2. Free OTA ant
3. Free Install
4. Free 4 months HD prog
5. $19.95 S/H

Installer came and left within an hour, neat, clean job. One problem...he had the OTA ant on his work order, but his boss told him not to bring it. "Don't bother", is what he was told. Apparently, every OTA ant they install in my area doesn't work. I live approx 60 miles west of NYC, and the DTV OTA ant is alleged to have a range of 35-45 miles. What the hell...give it a shot...its free! I can't believe he didn't even bring it!!! However, cooler minds prevail and I wasn't about to make a stink about it. I didn't want my free deal pulled.

Discovery HD is incredible. It seems to be the clearest of all HD channels. Some of my locals in the HD range, particularly ABCE (ch.86), FOXE(ch.88), come in a 4:3 format. What's up with that! The Ratio correction doesn't fill my 16:9 screen.

Also, I have a SONY KDF42WE655. If anyone else out there has this TV, did your screen change from WIDE ZOOM to FULL automatically after hooking up the HR10-250? Is there a recommeded setting for this SONY to use with the HR10-250?

i got the same deal - they did bring a antenna which i paid $49 for but it was only UHF. here in south Florida the networks are UHF/VHF, so i called directv back and they refunded the $49 i paid and gave me a $75 credit so i could go out and get my own antenna ( i did not ask for this ? ) along with a $10 credit for 6 months. I gotta say, Directv treats me right - always have & hopefully always will. :hatsoff:
Called again today and just asked if I was still under contract, she said yes and asked me if I was thinking about cancelling. I said yes and told her about not having an HD DVR and also having to pay an extra $99 for the Super Fan to see games in HD. She gave me the following to stay with them:

Free HR10-250
$10/mo. discount for one year
$50 Instant Credit

Third time was a charm for me!
Wow. DirectTV lives to fight another day in my house!

I was DECIDED that I would switch to FIOS once it became available -- they just got their Cable franchise and VZ will start installing in less than 45 days here in AA County, MD.

I stumbled across this thread, and then decided to give DTV one last chance. I just got a new HDTV for the bedroom (replacing a 15 year old 13 incher -- I was due!), and figured, if I could get a HD tivo for free for the bedroom, I'll stick around. Here are the deals offered in my 2 calls to Retention, both of which occurred tonight:

1st Offer (approx 8:00 P.M. EDT):

Waive $19.95 install fee
$150.00 off $399.00 price of HD Tivo
$10/month programming credit for 12 months.

I wasn't happy with that deal, and I (very nicely) told him so. I then asked if that was the best he could do, he said yes, and I said I would remain a "free agent" and would probably switch to VZ once it became available. He essentially said "sorry to hear that, but it is the best I can do." I told him I knew about the hearts program, and asked how many hearts I had -- he said 5 hearts, signifying that I was one of their best customers. I (half-jokingly) told him he has to do better for one of his best customers. He said that was the best he could do.

I told my wife, we ate dinner watched a little TV, and then I called again. For me, second time was the charm. I called back, told them I had called earlier that evening, and that I wanted to stay with Direct TV, but there is a total bidding war going one where I live with the new competition (true) and that it looks like I might be leaving. The second Retention guy asked what it would take for me to stay -- I told him I'd stay if they gave me a free HD Tivo. Here's what he did:

2nd Offer (approx 11:00 P.M. EDT)

Waive $19.95 install fee
FREE HD Tivo (lease, not own)
$10.00 credit for 12 months

The only thing I didn't get was ownership of the box. Right now, I am happy, because I think by the time I am done with this box it will have little value. It is my second HD Tivo (I have one in the basement), I get my locals OTA, I love Tivo (I will now have two HD tivos and one Series 1 SD tivo hacked for 100s of hours of recording goodness!) and thus I have no desire to switch to MPEG-4 unless and until they force me to do so.

So did I leave something big on the table by agreeing to the lease??

BTW, I am apparently a 5 heart guy, but I am not a big spender -- my monthly bill, with tax, is about $76. The lesson here is persistence and kindness. It has ALWAYS worked for me with DTV -- and their customer service is head and shoulders better than anyone else I have dealt with.

So the installer will be out next Tuesday. I sure hope FIOS sucks, because I am now in it for the long haul with DTV!
Sunday Ticket and Super Fan

Hello I am usually a lurker 1st time blogger. Wanted to get clarfication on st games in HD. If I do not subscribe to superfan does that mean no HD games besides the ones in my local market?
cowboys67 said:
Hello I am usually a lurker 1st time blogger. Wanted to get clarfication on st games in HD. If I do not subscribe to superfan does that mean no HD games besides the ones in my local market?

Correct. You have to get Super Fan to get HD games that you cant get from your local stations.

I live in the metro atlanta area near Stone Mtn and wanted to know if the HR10-250 receiver picks up ota channels real well. I had the D* 811 receiver and had many problems picking up FOX which didn't work for me Cowboys, Falcons fan.
I have a HR10-250, live in Annapolis, MD (about 40 miles from the DC broadcast towers), have an antenna on the roof, and pick up the 4 major DC locals (ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox) without a problem -- also get UPN on and off.

Can't get the Baltimore locals (30 miles north, as opposed to DC being 40 miles West) because the antenna is highly directional.

Go to, and use their tool for determining what kind of antenna you might need.

I got one similar to this and it works great.
stuart628 said:
well just as a update, thought I would let everyone know, they have now pulled my HD DVR for free from my account, as it is not for new customers, it is for returning sunday ticket sub's only. I am not mad, just disapointed, but I will wait my time and see what I can do next year for deals when my contract is up!

just to update this situation again :) I actually found someone who sold me his Hr10-250 for 125 dollars, so I am trying to sell a R10 and R15 I have for that price to offset the cost, but I have it all hooked up and I am loving it! great combo of Tivo and Hd!
Decided I'd take the plunge and give this a try. Called the retention line and told the rep (Cory) that I wanted to cancel my Sunday Ticket. No problem he says, looks up my account, says hang on a minute, comes back, says it's been canceled and my bill has been credited the first month ST payment. No offer, no concern for losing a 10 year ST sub. Nada.

Before I hang up, I ask him to put me on a list if they keep one of people who would be interested in special offers to retain long-time Sunday Ticket subscribers. He asks what I mean. Said I don't know if they keep any sort of list of people who would want to upgrade to HD but would be interested in a special offer including that. All he did was ramble off prices of HD.

I mentioned I saw in some emails from friends that they've been getting HD Tivos offered to stay subbed but I've seen nothing like that either through my bill, regular snail mail or email. Told him that while I'd love to upgrade to HD, I can't afford $400 for the hardware. He asked why I thought it would cost $400. Told him isn't that what the HD tivo costs, he says yes but the regular HD box doesn't cost that much (also that the HD tivo was dropped by $100 to $299). Told him I still couldn't afford it. Sorry was the only reply.

No care or concern that after 10 years I'm dropping ST.

Maybe I'll try another CSR.....
First post in here but I have been a lurker. Anyway, I almost did this deal last year and but the best I could get was the H10 for around 199. Tried again this year because I was going to cancel ST and got the H10 for the shipping cost. This is a lease I found out when the guy installed it and I was signing the paperwork. No mention of it being a lease on the phone. D* told me I would get a free upgrade to the new equipment when it comes out but I live in the Pensacola area and we seem to be one of the last ones to get anything. So the deal I got was this.....

H10-250 for $19.99
Superfan - Free
ST- early bird price or $210
Free OTA ant.
Agreed to 2 year subscription.

What's everyone opinion on the lease deal? I don't see it as being a problem.

I had the unit installed Monday July 10Th. I am having my OTA ant. installed today the 14Th.
I took adavanatage of the offer when my Standard TIVO died 2 weeks ago. Called the retention number and the first person would only replace my Standard TIVO. When I told him I was a customer since 1994 and had Sunday Ticket and Super Fan and wanted a HD TIVO he still did nothing. At this point I just cancelled my broken TIVO box and hung up. I called back about 30 mins later and got a different person and it was like I was talking to a whole different company. The bottom line is that she sent me a HD TIVO for no cost and no shipping cost. You just have to keep trying back until you get a CSR that will work with you.
shinner said:
Decided I'd take the plunge and give this a try. Called the retention line and told the rep (Cory) that I wanted to cancel my Sunday Ticket. No problem he says, looks up my account, says hang on a minute, comes back, says it's been canceled and my bill has been credited the first month ST payment. No offer, no concern for losing a 10 year ST sub. Nada.

Before I hang up, I ask him to put me on a list if they keep one of people who would be interested in special offers to retain long-time Sunday Ticket subscribers. He asks what I mean. Said I don't know if they keep any sort of list of people who would want to upgrade to HD but would be interested in a special offer including that. All he did was ramble off prices of HD.

I mentioned I saw in some emails from friends that they've been getting HD Tivos offered to stay subbed but I've seen nothing like that either through my bill, regular snail mail or email. Told him that while I'd love to upgrade to HD, I can't afford $400 for the hardware. He asked why I thought it would cost $400. Told him isn't that what the HD tivo costs, he says yes but the regular HD box doesn't cost that much (also that the HD tivo was dropped by $100 to $299). Told him I still couldn't afford it. Sorry was the only reply.

No care or concern that after 10 years I'm dropping ST.

Maybe I'll try another CSR.....

I'd keep trying. I got the HD Tivo for the shipping cost without even mentioning Sunday Ticket or threatening to quit. I just said I was a long time customer and I heard about the free HD DVR. She just said ok.

Two days later, I called about the H20 and the 5 LNB dish and this particular person said "hold on" and a few minutes later came back on the line and I got this free as well, both being installed next week.

So, I would suggest keep trying, even without threatening anything.

I was denied the first time I tried too. Ended up cancelling NFL Ticket. I called back immediately, and got a different CSR (girl this time, first one was a guy, and a jerk). She set it all up for me. All I paid was the $20 shipping. My local installer asked how I got it, and took notes so he could try too. So my advice is, if it doesn't work the first time, keep trying. She did tell me it was a case by case basis. I guess it depends on the mood of the CSR you get.
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