This used to mean something back when "native mode" was an option; it went away in Summer 2019. IIRC, you pick one format and live with it unless you view content that is either 1080p native (PPV) or 4K where it switches to the appropriate resolution. One school of thought reasoned that changing resolutions caused channel changes to take much longer.DIRECTV give you check boxes next to the options you want to use.
Native mode is long gone and it's not coming back. - The Solid Signal Blog
This once-popular feature disappeared a year ago. Here's why it's probably never coming back.
As for interlacing, you shouldn't see that on a non-CRT display (though you may see artifacts). All of DIRECTV's conventional 1080 channels are interlaced (PPV 1080p channels are obviously 1080p) and always have been.