OK, I finally get from Dish Network what I wanted.
I am an existing customer, who put Dish account on hold for $5.00/month fee back in July 2004. (Actually because of Club Dish credit $5.00/month, I paid only $0.25/month in taxes. That was the main reason I did not cancel).
I called three or four times tring to get HD DVR 942 and HD811 receivers.
Today I asked to switch to retention department, told the story published on this forum by someone who cancelled Dish account and get 942 as former customer deal.
That was they suggested and I ageed to:
1. Cancel existing account.
2. Get former customer deal: HD DVR 942 for $250, HD 811.
3. Selected AEP + HD pack.
4. Promos: 3 month discount of AEP for the price of Top60 pack - $42.xx*3 = $124. HD pack free for 6 month: 6*$9.99 = $59.94. Total: $183.94.
That means I get 942 for $70.
This is a very good deal.
So E* existing customers can actually get a decent deal from Dish Network.
Good luck