Cablevision Disavows Dolan and Dish Offers No Aid

bratboy said:
(Snip)...As far as I can tell you have not managed to get one voom person to drop service over your negativity and I doubt you will in future either.
Bratboy, I have so far usually found myself in general agreement with your posts, but I can't agree with the above statement.

Now I have no proof (other than his already-proclaimed admissions), but I highly suspect that Dragon002 may, indeed, have influenced more than one VoOmer (or potential VoOmer) to cancel. Due to his proclaimed inability and/or unwillingness to install the OTA.

Of course, that would only result in his getting paid for another service call or two to "improve" OTA, and then maybe another one to de-install...and then also offer him an opportunity to make a "switch" and collect some sort of bonus from another company. Hmmmmmmmmmm???????? :rolleyes: Like he's always maintained, he's in it for the money.

Now I don't believe (or even remotely suggest) that people work just out of the goodness of their hearts...we all have to eat, pay our rent, and survive...but I, personally would not work for a company that I felt was as vile and worthless as he seems to feel VoOm is...PARTICULARLY if (as he claims), there is little chance of getting paid...and when he's got all those little mouths to feed. :river :rolleyes:

Just my thoughts...Vicki :)
drod said:
I don't have any problems installing the dishes, thats not the question. The question does an average consumer see the purpose in paying 100$ when they can go to D*, E*, or the cable for a free installation? Doubtful.

what is a 1.00 and not all the D* AND E* install are free either some charge 49.99 to get installed besides that most people don't even look at the 1.00 that nothing when they are getting all the hd channel

Vicky, Im sure in face to face he has, I've read some of his other posts/boasts. I was referring to his BS here not causing someone here to cancel their Voom was all. Its just that here it seems most realize him for what he is (insert your own choice of words, hehe).
Ilya said:
A small correction: VOOM is in 0.04% households, not 0.0004%.
Just to set the record straight ;)
Sorry. I misread the scientific notation that came up when I divided 40k Voom customers by 108.4m TV households and rounded up. :D
(3.69003690036900369003690036900369e-4 = 0.0004 = 0.04%)

Thanks for the correction.
On average:
If you visited 2,500 houses with a television you would find 1 with Voom
You would find 23 with Sky Angel, 253 with Dish Network and 299 with DirecTV.

dragon002 said:
no lobstah, half of mine were already shut off by dish and direct for non payment..have any clue how many are going to pay the bill with voom?? on the 19inch B&W portable in that trailer?....

I like dragon's neighborhood :) Guess this is where he gets this syntax :D And his notable skills as a dbs tech :D :D And yeah, on his 19" B&W set DirecTV must look just fine.... Just have to wack it from time to time :yikes

And if that doesn't work, well, he just gets to chase the wife and make some more mouths to feed :yikes :yikes :yikes

dragon002 said:
...voom is done, IMHO

And your opinion is worth..., maybe a lot in your trailer, but out in the real world, less than most :haha :haha :haha

But seriously, I have never seen another forum which attracts so many trolls jumping on a product. Makes one wonder if someone is paying for these comments, or if these guys just don't have lives or jobs, or both.

Back to Voom now :lick
Tyork, the argument is that Lobstah is saying that they should kill the installers and have everything a self installation. The problems V* is having with the installers is bad but noones going to pay 100$ for that 1.00$ installation.
and i totally agree with him to some point there are bad installer out there but not all are bad so why not just weed out the bad ones and get someone in there that want to do the job right. and than voom want have these problems and neither will D* and E* they all have the same problem with installers.

A further correction:
justalurker said:
will0471 said:
Of that 10%, how many are HD homes? Probably 1%.
There is a $2,995 report on the net that will answer that question (% of satellite viewers with HD).

One free report (here) suggests 12.6 million total HD households by the end of 2004 with ONLY 4.6 million households actually receiving a HD signal via broadcast or pay TV.
This page refers to the $2,995 report and gives the following insight:
There are currently 4 million HDTV households in the United States, up from 1.6 million in March 2004.
The 10+ million numbers were WORLDWIDE, not US TV households. (I thought the number seemed high.) That would place HD penetration at around 4% with about 1% of HD homes having Voom (not bad).

Visiting the 2,500 average homes (mentioned a few posts ago), you would find 92 with a HDTV set. Since (on average) 253 of those 2,500 homes would have E* and 299 would have D*, getting people to add or switch to V* would be the challenge.

BTW: Note the March 2004 figure ... 1.4% of US TV Households had HD and now we are at 4%. Voom's 25k figure for end of June was about 1.7% of all March HD TV households. Anything less than 71k subscribers would show that percentage slipping.

Your issue isn't that someone could self-install, your issue is churn.

And MY issue is that I forgot to give you a "vacation" the last time I was here :)

I just fixed that. Thanks for playing...bubye now! :)

Dragon You need your brain deinstalled you voom hater. Your brain isn't worth $60. Ha Ha ha.

Voom will reign. All you nathsayers will be proved wrong. Dolan will reign supreme the KIng of HD.

So Dragon go back to your worthless dead end job, and your miserable life
justalurker said:
A further correction:
This page refers to the $2,995 report and gives the following insight:
There are currently 4 million HDTV households in the United States, up from 1.6 million in March 2004.
The 10+ million numbers were WORLDWIDE, not US TV households. (I thought the number seemed high.) That would place HD penetration at around 4% with about 1% of HD homes having Voom (not bad).

Visiting the 2,500 average homes (mentioned a few posts ago), you would find 92 with a HDTV set. Since (on average) 253 of those 2,500 homes would have E* and 299 would have D*, getting people to add or switch to V* would be the challenge.

BTW: Note the March 2004 figure ... 1.4% of US TV Households had HD and now we are at 4%. Voom's 25k figure for end of June was about 1.7% of all March HD TV households. Anything less than 71k subscribers would show that percentage slipping.


This is exactly why VOOM is also going for NON-HD users now.

1) They add SD channels. Some noone else has
2) They debut an SD-only rcvr at CES

People here complain voom is not understanding the market. On installations, I agree, but they definitely see the writing on the wall. That is why they added all the sd channels, to get sd subs! This causes billing and payments, causing cash-flow!
drod said:
... they should kill the installers and have everything a self installation.

I think this is misleading...I get the impression from this forum that people just want the choice to do their own installs if they prefer. Not everyone is willing/capable of doing a self install.
Rhodemaster said:
I think this is misleading...I get the impression from this forum that people just want the choice to do their own installs if they prefer. Not everyone is willing/capable of doing a self install.

I'm perfectly capable (digit-world engineer with some handy analog knowledge;)) and yet nothing can be far from me than wanting to do self-install - I'm busy on weekdays and I relax on weekends or spend time with my wife or hobbies etc.
It's a service which should be done for free by default.
I can't install an oil filter. My boss says I can't operate something unless it costs $10,000.
Has anyone seen or know of any proof that dragon actually is an installer and that there is still a problem with the churn rate. Just questioning his motives and credibility.
Easier just to ignore him than to waste your time trying to see if he tells the truth about anything. Suffice to say he hates Voom and wants it to seems his main goal in life and I personally don't have time to waste on someone as negative as him. "Ignore" feature can really be your friend sometimes. Someone said they were giving him a 3-Dayer but I gather right after he posted again so I just put him on my "BS/ignore" filter list, and now the forums are a much more pleasent place for discussions, at least for me hehe :p
For an installer, Dragon sure does post a lot when he should be on site installing (poorly mind you) all those VOOM system he hates so much. Dragon, I sit my arse behind a computer screen much of the day so I can read and post from time-to-time. How is it that you have so much time to post during the daylight hours when that is your bread and butter time?

Why is that Dragon? TYORK and others don't believe you; you simple are not credible! Hmmm. I smell a Red UFO.
I do ignore him. I was mainly posting this for people to think about it. I could say I am the president of the US. But what proof do you have.
I guess he's just got more free time to post lately, must not be enough Voom uninstalls to keep him busy these day ROFL

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