From today's
Dish Channel Chart
(For those that don't know, I am the author of this page so I give myself permission to copy it.

Test channel 45 added to channel 240 tp 13 at 119° with mirrors not in the system on channel 8199 and 8399. Not available to subscribers (ANON)
Test channel 46 added to channel 250 tp 16 at 119° with mirrors not in the system on channel 8259 and 8669. Not available to subscribers (ANON)
Test channel 47 added to channel 253 tp 17 at 119° with mirrors not in the system on channel 8339 and 9393. Not available to subscribers. (ANON)
These test channel are most probably nothing to get excited about, and,
for those with distant network channels, probably the harbingers of REALLY bad news. The placement of these channels are such that if activated they will be the next channel up or down on any Distant Network channel. These channels are most likely slates with information about the removal of distant network channels. For those unaware, Dish Network lost BIG a few months ago in an appeals court decision which sent the case back to the lower court with a strong recommendation (order) to force Dish to
remove ALLLLLLLLL distant network channels from EVERYBODY no matter what! Period. No exceptions. No not even your waiver. No not even if you qualify under the SHVIA. No not even if you have a signed letter from the president of the NAB saying its okay. NO NOT FOR ANY REASON. No distant networks for ANYONE. YES EVEN YOU! This is being done as a punitive measure since Dish has been found to flagrantly disregard the rules and regulations of who qualifies for distant network signal.
Dish has been fighting this for a couple of months and trying to work a deal with the NAB and the networks (which brought the suit in the first place). The final determination is expected very soon.
Satelliteguys.US members may have received an e-mail to visit
Letter from Charlie Ergen CEO Echostar (Dish Network) posted at by Scott G
I think I just heard the other shoe falling.
See ya