Cord cutting time

Get an out door tv antenna and see the same Repeats
Being able to see what you want when you want to watch it is surely worth something. Except for ABC, most shows make an appearance at most twice during their season and you certainly don't want to have to wait for the second half of the season if you miss an episode.
Guru i said it's time to go camping
And my 91xg RCA27inch that I converted to use 12,DC
Power, O no I all most for got the channel master amp.
That works off of 12,volts azz well no vhf this time out.
Well, it's been about two weeks since I cut the cord.

There's good, there's OK and there's bad to it. For instance, remotes. The Roku remote only controls the Roku. For awhile I would have a PILE of remotes in bed and it was a fight to find the right one. VERY ANNOYING.
Until I found this little gem, the SideClick.


Since it's a learning remote only and not tied to "codes" you can program it to control many devices !! However the lack of a prominent MUTE button is a bit annoying but not enough to stop me from buying more of these.
I'm going to buy two more for the other two Rokus in my house.

My old Roku HD was a DOG. It was miserable and unusable so I bought a refurbished Roku 3 to replace it. It's much better now. However I still hate my Roku 4, it locks up a LOT and I have to pull the power cord on it several times a week. But it just got a firmware update a few days ago so maybe it will behave better, too soon to tell yet. I won't buy another 4. The next time I upgrade it will be to the Roku Ultra and whatever the next evolution of the Apple TV turns out to be.

On to the services. Vue and Sling are, um, OK... I just added the DVR service to Sling for another $5 a month so now it's $30 instead of $25. I'm ok with that but I FEEL the DVR service should be included for free. But, whatever.

Vue is INTENT on trying to have me watch F*x "news" and sports. Not once have I ever watched either one intentionally nor would I ever. 99.99% of the time when I start the Vue app on my Roku it comes up defaulting to F*x.

vlcsnap-03228.jpg vlcsnap-03232.jpg

On a rare occasion it will instead suggest that I should watch some "sports" show. Which I will not. But it's almost always defaulting to that one particular channel which I deeply object to.
I can not find any way, anywhere to disable this obnoxious behavior. You would think that it would default to offering up shows or channels that I do watch. But no.
At this point I am 100% certain that F*x is paying Sony to have their content pushed to the top. I HATE that Vue/Sony is doing this but being that there is no way to stop this I just have to learn to ignore it.
I also have to be careful to never, ever select the option to watch ANYTHING offered up by the "Recommended by Viewers" feature because as sure as the sun rises, when something is done playing it will indeed begin playing something else in that list and without fail it will always be that channel that I will not watch. It's a shame I can't block channels or shows. TV shows and movies have ratings but "news" and sports do not. Even if they did it appears that Vue has no option for recognizing and blocking things by ratings.

No channel numbers. There is no easy way to quickly access your channels. You have to maneuver through their idiotic little system of tiles full of cr*p that I do not want to see.
I don't want to see the "Recommended by Viewers" feature at all. I don't want their own top recommendations, at all. I want MY favorite channels listed at the top so I can navigate to them quickly.

The Vue UI is horrible. It's a steamy pile of poo and I can't stand it. BUT, on Sling, they got it right. I like the Sling UI 100% better. Vue needs to copy the Sling UI because it's smart and easy and it works.

Access to On Demand content through Vue is pretty shabby. I wanted to watch more episodes of Fear Thy Neighbor from Investigation Discovery but they only offer TWO episodes, period.
To see more episodes I had to install the ID GO app and then do the log in with credentials thing. Once inside the ID GO app I found all of seasons 2-3 and 4 but season one is missing.

ALL of the content available over the ID GO and Science Go apps, the picture quality is HORRIBLE. They seem to have everything set up for 1990 CRT TV. The picture is interlaced for old style CRT type TV's and looks like POO on LED TV.
Really???? WT F ?????? I was shocked at how horrible Science Channel shows look on Science Go. Oh, and I have all my screens and systems set up to run at 720p 60fps because that seems to be what pretty much all the services stream at. The one exception is HBO NOW which I have set to run at 1080p because all of their content is streamed in 1080p and looks fantastic. I subscribed to HBO NOW as soon as it appeared, I bought an Apple TV 3 so I could watch Game of Thrones and was very, very happy with the quality. Even on my Roku's the quality is excellent. BUT, I despise the HBO NOW UI. It too is a steamy pile of poo, just like Vue. I hate it with a passion. It's a massive pain to navigate.
I suspect that Vue hijacked people from HBO so they could both have a horrible UI.

Vue gives me some buffering problems and sometimes it makes me so mad I have to stop myself from beating the Roku into fundamental atoms with a baseball bat. Every time it buffers, it backs up a bit so that you don't miss anything.
But after it's buffered several times in a row over a matter of minutes, it can be backed up by 5 or 10 minutes. And if you try to fast forward back to where it should be, it gets worse and if you persist, it will eventually just blow up and crash.
I've found the best way to avoid this is that just before I sit to watch something I go to the menu and do a system reset. It wastes several minutes to do this but it cuts down on the buffering problem.

And my internet speed is NOT a factor in the buffering. I'm paying for 60 but I'm actually getting 70.

Screen Shot 2017-04-23 at 10.45.14 PM.jpg

Vue still cuts shows off when you're doing catch up, dvr or on demand stuff. I hate that. Sling, gets it right. They record PAST the scheduled end time and not once have I had a show on Sling DVR terminate before the actual end of the show.
Vue badly needs to fix this. Again they need to look to Sling for the right way of doing DVR, just like Sling gets the UI right.

Vue has more channels but it's more annoying to navigate their system and they have more buffering problems than Sling. But because neither of the two services have ALL the channels I want I have to subscribe to both of them.
And I'm ok with with because even so I'm subscribing to two different services at once, it's still a substantial savings over Dish.

I tend to like using Sling more than Vue but View has channels that Sling doesn't. I haven't found the 720p / 30fps thing on Sling to be a problem because the things I watch are not action oriented and move pretty slowly.

Going back and forth between the multiple services it a bit annoying but not a deal breaker. I also have a work around for moving around the house between multiple TV's.
Downstairs I had one of my Dish tuners connected to a "1 to 4" HDMI splitter. I removed the Dish tuner and put the refurbished Roku 3 in it's place. It feeds the big screen TV in my living room, the TV in my kitchen, it also goes to the TV in my bedroom upstairs and to my desk upstairs. In my bedroom I have another Roku 3 and originally my satellite tuner downstairs fed the TV in my bedroom upstairs. I could switch between the satellite or that Roku as needed.
Now at that TV I can select between either Roku. And the same is true at my desk, I have a Roku 4 at my desk but I can select either it or the Roku 3 downstairs. So when I want to go downstairs for a few hours I wait until a commercial then I kill the Roku 4 and switch the TV to the Roku 3 downstairs, I use the Roku app on my iPhone to open whatever app I need and restart the program I was watching before the commercial. Now the Roku downstairs is running so I just go downstairs to the kitchen, turn the TV on in there and continue watching. That's for LIVE shows. If it's on demand stuff then I don't have to do all that, I just kill the app, go downstairs and load the app down there, it will remember what I was watching and put me right back to where I was when I killed the show and app on the upstairs Roku. And of course this all works in reverse too.

One of the problems I'm struggling with is that for many decades I have been conditioned to watching TV as it is presented to me, in real time, in serial fashion. So I had schedules that I would follow to watch my shows every night.
That's a hard habit to break. With the automatic DVR'ing of my shows I can watch everything at anytime I please. And that's good for me because I keep extremely bizarre hours that change every single day.
For years I had a habit of watching the multiple evening news shows from 5-7pm but I lost my TV tuner that was built into my Dish tuner, that was nice that it integrated my local TV into my Dish tuner and guide, I miss that because it allowed me to watch local OTA TV all through the house and record it. What I had to do was subscribe to Plex Pass which gives me the ability to DVR my local TV channels. So I set up Plex to record the evening news shows for me and I just watch them later on whenever it's convenient to me, pretty much the way I now watch everything else.

Watching things as their air in serial order isn't as big a deal for me anymore as it used to be. I'm trying to adjust to it and eventually I will. I miss some of the convenience of having an All in One system like the Dish and OTA tuners but this new way isn't too awful that I feel I want to switch back. I think I'm going to stick with this as it is. I hope that Vue will fix their HORRIBLE UI but I'm not holding my breath. I hope that they will fix the problem with their DVR service cutting off the last few seconds or in some cases, MINUTES of stuff. If Sling would pick up the channels I subscribe to Vue for, I would drop Vue. But I don't see that happening.
Oh yeah, and the Vue bluetooth remote control, it's horrible too. I hate the placement of the mute button and I HATE WITH A FLAMING PASSION that it powers down every 30 minutes no matter what options I set on the Vue service or the PS4. I do like the TV guide feature that Vue has but that only works on the PS4 and isn't available on my Roku's. Because of the PS4 remote always powering down / going to sleep mode, I don't like use the PS4 to watch TV.
Also the PS4 pumps out 170 degree air constantly. It's a freaking space heater !! There's no need do that thing to get so flippin hot all the time. I need to rig a duct to it to draw the hot air out of the room.

Cutting the cord has been a bit frustrating but I'm too hard headed to take the easy way out and go back to Dish. There's some definite advantages this way but there's some definite disadvantages as well.
But the good things outweigh the bad things so I'm in for the long run.

What I subscribe to now:
  1. HBO NOW
  2. Hulu Plus (commercial free option)
  3. Netflix
  4. Amazon Prime (for the shipping but the video is useful too)
  5. Playstation Vue Elite Slim
  6. Sling Blue plus DVR
  7. Curiosity Stream
  8. Plex Pass (to get OTA DVR feature in my Plex server)
I think there is maybe one more streaming service I subscribe to but it escapes me at the moment. I've got access to a LOT of shows and movies now and now I can watch them almost anytime I wish.
The picture quality of some of it isn't always the best but what can you do? They store and serve it that way so it's out of my control. At least it's there.

I don't have any real regrets over cutting the cord. It's basically OK. Thankfully my ISP, Spectrum doesn't have data caps. I won't know for a few weeks yet how much data I'm using but I'm sure it's a staggering amount.
Dee_Ann, it kinda sounds like you'll crack before Fall.

Not underestimating your resolve, just questioning whether you're going to be able to keep up so many battles (steaming piles of poo) on so many different fronts. Perhaps that's what you do.
Well, it's been about two weeks since I cut the cord.

There's good, there's OK and there's bad to it. For instance, remotes. The Roku remote only controls the Roku. For awhile I would have a PILE of remotes in bed and it was a fight to find the right one. VERY ANNOYING.
Until I found this little gem, the SideClick.

View attachment 125840

Since it's a learning remote only and not tied to "codes" you can program it to control many devices !! However the lack of a prominent MUTE button is a bit annoying but not enough to stop me from buying more of these.
I'm going to buy two more for the other two Rokus in my house.

My old Roku HD was a DOG. It was miserable and unusable so I bought a refurbished Roku 3 to replace it. It's much better now. However I still hate my Roku 4, it locks up a LOT and I have to pull the power cord on it several times a week. But it just got a firmware update a few days ago so maybe it will behave better, too soon to tell yet. I won't buy another 4. The next time I upgrade it will be to the Roku Ultra and whatever the next evolution of the Apple TV turns out to be.

On to the services. Vue and Sling are, um, OK... I just added the DVR service to Sling for another $5 a month so now it's $30 instead of $25. I'm ok with that but I FEEL the DVR service should be included for free. But, whatever.

Vue is INTENT on trying to have me watch F*x "news" and sports. Not once have I ever watched either one intentionally nor would I ever. 99.99% of the time when I start the Vue app on my Roku it comes up defaulting to F*x.

View attachment 125841 View attachment 125842

On a rare occasion it will instead suggest that I should watch some "sports" show. Which I will not. But it's almost always defaulting to that one particular channel which I deeply object to.
I can not find any way, anywhere to disable this obnoxious behavior. You would think that it would default to offering up shows or channels that I do watch. But no.
At this point I am 100% certain that F*x is paying Sony to have their content pushed to the top. I HATE that Vue/Sony is doing this but being that there is no way to stop this I just have to learn to ignore it.
I also have to be careful to never, ever select the option to watch ANYTHING offered up by the "Recommended by Viewers" feature because as sure as the sun rises, when something is done playing it will indeed begin playing something else in that list and without fail it will always be that channel that I will not watch. It's a shame I can't block channels or shows. TV shows and movies have ratings but "news" and sports do not. Even if they did it appears that Vue has no option for recognizing and blocking things by ratings.

No channel numbers. There is no easy way to quickly access your channels. You have to maneuver through their idiotic little system of tiles full of cr*p that I do not want to see.
I don't want to see the "Recommended by Viewers" feature at all. I don't want their own top recommendations, at all. I want MY favorite channels listed at the top so I can navigate to them quickly.

The Vue UI is horrible. It's a steamy pile of poo and I can't stand it. BUT, on Sling, they got it right. I like the Sling UI 100% better. Vue needs to copy the Sling UI because it's smart and easy and it works.

Access to On Demand content through Vue is pretty shabby. I wanted to watch more episodes of Fear Thy Neighbor from Investigation Discovery but they only offer TWO episodes, period.
To see more episodes I had to install the ID GO app and then do the log in with credentials thing. Once inside the ID GO app I found all of seasons 2-3 and 4 but season one is missing.

ALL of the content available over the ID GO and Science Go apps, the picture quality is HORRIBLE. They seem to have everything set up for 1990 CRT TV. The picture is interlaced for old style CRT type TV's and looks like POO on LED TV.
Really???? WT F ?????? I was shocked at how horrible Science Channel shows look on Science Go. Oh, and I have all my screens and systems set up to run at 720p 60fps because that seems to be what pretty much all the services stream at. The one exception is HBO NOW which I have set to run at 1080p because all of their content is streamed in 1080p and looks fantastic. I subscribed to HBO NOW as soon as it appeared, I bought an Apple TV 3 so I could watch Game of Thrones and was very, very happy with the quality. Even on my Roku's the quality is excellent. BUT, I despise the HBO NOW UI. It too is a steamy pile of poo, just like Vue. I hate it with a passion. It's a massive pain to navigate.
I suspect that Vue hijacked people from HBO so they could both have a horrible UI.

Vue gives me some buffering problems and sometimes it makes me so mad I have to stop myself from beating the Roku into fundamental atoms with a baseball bat. Every time it buffers, it backs up a bit so that you don't miss anything.
But after it's buffered several times in a row over a matter of minutes, it can be backed up by 5 or 10 minutes. And if you try to fast forward back to where it should be, it gets worse and if you persist, it will eventually just blow up and crash.
I've found the best way to avoid this is that just before I sit to watch something I go to the menu and do a system reset. It wastes several minutes to do this but it cuts down on the buffering problem.

And my internet speed is NOT a factor in the buffering. I'm paying for 60 but I'm actually getting 70.

View attachment 125843

Vue still cuts shows off when you're doing catch up, dvr or on demand stuff. I hate that. Sling, gets it right. They record PAST the scheduled end time and not once have I had a show on Sling DVR terminate before the actual end of the show.
Vue badly needs to fix this. Again they need to look to Sling for the right way of doing DVR, just like Sling gets the UI right.

Vue has more channels but it's more annoying to navigate their system and they have more buffering problems than Sling. But because neither of the two services have ALL the channels I want I have to subscribe to both of them.
And I'm ok with with because even so I'm subscribing to two different services at once, it's still a substantial savings over Dish.

I tend to like using Sling more than Vue but View has channels that Sling doesn't. I haven't found the 720p / 30fps thing on Sling to be a problem because the things I watch are not action oriented and move pretty slowly.

Going back and forth between the multiple services it a bit annoying but not a deal breaker. I also have a work around for moving around the house between multiple TV's.
Downstairs I had one of my Dish tuners connected to a "1 to 4" HDMI splitter. I removed the Dish tuner and put the refurbished Roku 3 in it's place. It feeds the big screen TV in my living room, the TV in my kitchen, it also goes to the TV in my bedroom upstairs and to my desk upstairs. In my bedroom I have another Roku 3 and originally my satellite tuner downstairs fed the TV in my bedroom upstairs. I could switch between the satellite or that Roku as needed.
Now at that TV I can select between either Roku. And the same is true at my desk, I have a Roku 4 at my desk but I can select either it or the Roku 3 downstairs. So when I want to go downstairs for a few hours I wait until a commercial then I kill the Roku 4 and switch the TV to the Roku 3 downstairs, I use the Roku app on my iPhone to open whatever app I need and restart the program I was watching before the commercial. Now the Roku downstairs is running so I just go downstairs to the kitchen, turn the TV on in there and continue watching. That's for LIVE shows. If it's on demand stuff then I don't have to do all that, I just kill the app, go downstairs and load the app down there, it will remember what I was watching and put me right back to where I was when I killed the show and app on the upstairs Roku. And of course this all works in reverse too.

One of the problems I'm struggling with is that for many decades I have been conditioned to watching TV as it is presented to me, in real time, in serial fashion. So I had schedules that I would follow to watch my shows every night.
That's a hard habit to break. With the automatic DVR'ing of my shows I can watch everything at anytime I please. And that's good for me because I keep extremely bizarre hours that change every single day.
For years I had a habit of watching the multiple evening news shows from 5-7pm but I lost my TV tuner that was built into my Dish tuner, that was nice that it integrated my local TV into my Dish tuner and guide, I miss that because it allowed me to watch local OTA TV all through the house and record it. What I had to do was subscribe to Plex Pass which gives me the ability to DVR my local TV channels. So I set up Plex to record the evening news shows for me and I just watch them later on whenever it's convenient to me, pretty much the way I now watch everything else.

Watching things as their air in serial order isn't as big a deal for me anymore as it used to be. I'm trying to adjust to it and eventually I will. I miss some of the convenience of having an All in One system like the Dish and OTA tuners but this new way isn't too awful that I feel I want to switch back. I think I'm going to stick with this as it is. I hope that Vue will fix their HORRIBLE UI but I'm not holding my breath. I hope that they will fix the problem with their DVR service cutting off the last few seconds or in some cases, MINUTES of stuff. If Sling would pick up the channels I subscribe to Vue for, I would drop Vue. But I don't see that happening.
Oh yeah, and the Vue bluetooth remote control, it's horrible too. I hate the placement of the mute button and I HATE WITH A FLAMING PASSION that it powers down every 30 minutes no matter what options I set on the Vue service or the PS4. I do like the TV guide feature that Vue has but that only works on the PS4 and isn't available on my Roku's. Because of the PS4 remote always powering down / going to sleep mode, I don't like use the PS4 to watch TV.
Also the PS4 pumps out 170 degree air constantly. It's a freaking space heater !! There's no need do that thing to get so flippin hot all the time. I need to rig a duct to it to draw the hot air out of the room.

Cutting the cord has been a bit frustrating but I'm too hard headed to take the easy way out and go back to Dish. There's some definite advantages this way but there's some definite disadvantages as well.
But the good things outweigh the bad things so I'm in for the long run.

What I subscribe to now:
  1. HBO NOW
  2. Hulu Plus (commercial free option)
  3. Netflix
  4. Amazon Prime (for the shipping but the video is useful too)
  5. Playstation Vue Elite Slim
  6. Sling Blue plus DVR
  7. Curiosity Stream
  8. Plex Pass (to get OTA DVR feature in my Plex server)
I think there is maybe one more streaming service I subscribe to but it escapes me at the moment. I've got access to a LOT of shows and movies now and now I can watch them almost anytime I wish.
The picture quality of some of it isn't always the best but what can you do? They store and serve it that way so it's out of my control. At least it's there.

I don't have any real regrets over cutting the cord. It's basically OK. Thankfully my ISP, Spectrum doesn't have data caps. I won't know for a few weeks yet how much data I'm using but I'm sure it's a staggering amount.

The positioning of "Recommended" or "Popular" live TV channels in the top row of the Vue app is definitely a Roku thing, though I do encounter something similar in the PC browser version of Vue as well. It's just a very bare-bones user-unfriendly interface, and the result of limitations with the Roku, as I understand it. It seems to be defaulting to the most frequently watched cable networks, which include Fox News, HGTV, ESPN, CNN, USA, MSNBC, Disney, TBS, E!, etc., depending on time of day. I know on the PC browser, which I use in my home office, it's a bit of a pain to drill down to one of my favorite channels I regularly watch (since it doesn't remember the channels I watched last or most frequently).

However, when I launch Vue on the FireTV stick, PS4, or PS3, it automatically streams last channel I had watched, regardless of the device I had been watching it on, which is kind of cool.

Regarding the PS4 media remote, let's just say if it didn't automatically turn off after 30 minutes, you'd probably be ranting and raving about having to replace the batteries every few days. Though if you don't use it much, that may not be a problem.
I think this thread really highlights the challenges and trade offs with streaming over traditional pay TV. The multiple devices and services that are often needed, plus individual charges and usability is often more frustrating to many than just paying one bill and dealing with one interface.

I think the key is that time is money and if you break down all of the services and equipment you need to gain a somewhat equivalent experience to pay TV, are you really saving anything? This won't be true for everyone but certainly for many.
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I think after reading this I will stick with dish . When I want to watch tv I turn on the receiver sit back and relax. I don't have time to grab a bunch of remotes change inputs all to save a few bucks. Just going out to get a pizza and a few beers cost as much as a month of dish .
I think after reading this I will stick with dish . When I want to watch tv I turn on the receiver sit back and relax. I don't have time to grab a bunch of remotes change inputs all to save a few bucks. Just going out to get a pizza and a few beers cost as much as a month of dish .
Of course, with a Harmony remote, you can have the remote do all the remote stuff including changing the inputs. I've got a TV, AVR, Hopper, 4K player, AppleTV, and Roku in my setup and all I have to do is press one button to do any activity. Works like a charm....
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I think after reading this I will stick with dish . When I want to watch tv I turn on the receiver sit back and relax. I don't have time to grab a bunch of remotes change inputs all to save a few bucks. Just going out to get a pizza and a few beers cost as much as a month of dish .

Of course, with a Harmony remote, you can have the remote do all the remote stuff including changing the inputs. I've got a TV, AVR, Hopper, 4K player, AppleTV, and Roku in my setup and all I have to do is press one button to do any activity. Works like a charm....

And much of the content is available with a TIVO with OTA. You not only get access to the streaming, but also have the DVR capabilities for OTR recordings/
Personally, I am finding most of the cable over IP just not worth it. I am doing just fine with broadcast OTA, Netflix and Amazon Prime. I am thinking of adding HBO Now, but I am never at a loss of things to watch.
I also add the endorsement of a Harmony remote. It just does what you want, as does the TIVO. No muss, no fuss.
I want to see that pizza!

Taking this thread aside a bit, I'd like to mention another, simple, option.

The Channel Master DVR+ allows you to use your own EHD. Or stick with a small onboard storage if you don't archive a bunch of programs (I slapped a 1TB onto it). It has a wireless option for Internet or you can use the RJ-45 jack. The tuner is good, although I hear it will take special care if you have bad multi path problems. The guide is free, from Rovi, and it will fall back to PSIP if there is no Internet connection.

It will also do Vudu, YouTube and Pandora. And a set of channels from Channel Master themselves (haven't looked at them). AND it does Sling, in case you wish to take that road.

And all these are in the EPG. No changing modes or using a different UI. It's all "just there" and is simple. Granted, no Netflix or multitude of Internet choices. But for what it does, it does well, and without a monthly fee.

This could be a good choice for many.
I put this in the Vue thread.
ABC signed deal with Vue, Directv Now and YouTube to carry over 160 local affiliates. Will cover over 90% of the country. Sorry no link. Saw this on tv.
Great news!

Sent from my iPhone using SatelliteGuys
Switching inputs and remotes is not quite the pain I thought it would be. My PS4 handles PS Vue and all the major streamers I sub to, and my PS4 universal media remote is a learning remote, so I've programmed my AVR and TV functions into it, no problem. I just press the PS button, which automatically turns on the TV and sets it to the correct input, and turn on the AVR. I only switch to the antenna input for certain live sports, like the NBA playoffs on ABC. If I still had cable, I'd be switching much more often between the cable box and PS4 for Netflix and Prime.

I'm saving more than $60/mo. That's a lot of pizza and beer for a skinny light weight like me. :)
Switching inputs and remotes is not quite the pain I thought it would be. My PS4 handles PS Vue and all the major streamers I sub to, and my PS4 universal media remote is a learning remote, so I've programmed my AVR and TV functions into it, no problem. I just press the PS button, which automatically turns on the TV and sets it to the correct input and turn on the AVR. I only switch to the antenna input for certain live sports, like the NBA playoffs on ABC. I'm saving more than $60/mo. That's a lot of pizza and beer for a skinny light weight like me. :)
That is basically what I do, except using the fire tv. Hit the home button and it turns the tv and fire on and puts it on the correct input. The tv remote will also control the fire, so no added steps for me, and the savings are substantial as far as tv costs go.
Wonder how long it will be til ABC and NBC come on line at Vue. Looking forward to that day. Using a Tablo unit now for my other locals. But it has been so long since I depended on my OTA antennas for viewing that I had forgotten how funky and unstable it was. I'm in kind of a hell hole for reception where I live in spite of using separate antennas for UHF and VHF reception along with an indoor booster.
In one month I went from paying $224 for cable TV and Internet to pay $126 for the same thing.....only thing I did different was I dropped cox cable TV and went with sling tv. Same channels I used on cox.
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