Cord cutting time

Roku units will work only with one tv and the remotes require a direct line of sight with the unit. Sorry. But a cheap Roku possibility for each set is the Express. I have 2 and purchased the 2nd one on Ebay for only 26 bucks.
Roku units will work only with one tv and the remotes require a direct line of sight with the unit. Sorry. But a cheap Roku possibility for each set is the Express. I have 2 and purchased the 2nd one on Ebay for only 26 bucks.

That's NOT TRUE with the Roku 3 remote for sure (not sure about other Roku's). The remote is bluetooth, and doesn't need line of sight. Though that's not really the question she asked.

Not sure if you can bind multiple remotes to a single Roku in a central location, but I'd think it's possible. If not, you can always carry the remote with you. Bluetooth doesn't have a whole lot of range though, so you'd have to test this.
The Plex DVR service fills the drive on my Mac at a maddening pace and it leaves behind HUGE mpeg2 files that would be better off as HEVC files.
You could set up an automated script to use Handbrake or similar to a format that your streamers could use. Know that the Tablo records MPEG2 as well and their computer-based program downloads them a re-compresses them.
Sorry Dish, you're overpriced.
And paying $4.99/month for just guide data isn't overpriced? DISH is more, but you get Autohop in the bargain.

Maybe the Amazon products are nicer, but DVR-like features on a Roku leave a whole lot to be desired.

A true no-brainer shouldn't have significant compromises.
That's NOT TRUE with the Roku 3 remote for sure (not sure about other Roku's). The remote is bluetooth, and doesn't need line of sight.
The newer Roku devices use Wi-fi Direct rather than Bluetooth. The two protocols use the same radio band but they are not compatible. Yeah, all we need is something else eating up the 2.4GHz band.
Well, the inexpensive Roku Express remote definitely does need direct line of sight. Don't know about the more expensive units as I have no experience with them. Guess it's true that you get what you pay for. But for me, these inexpensive units are just fine for my secondary TV's. And as far as I know, the cheap one still has all the same features. Still waiting for my Fire TV for our main tv.
Use free program vidcoder to easily re-encode the mpeg 2 files to hevc. It runs on the handbrake engine but is much more user friendly. I do it every week with stuff I pull off my TiVo and was doing it before with the files from HD Homerun that NextPVR recorded.

I wasn't sure but thought the Tablo compressed and encoded the files to h264 MP4 for streaming to the roku.
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I just signed up for my free week of Vue (Elite Slim) for $45 a month and Sling (Blue) for $25 a month.

I watched Talking Dead on Vue and the picture quality was VASTLY SUPERIOR to the picture I have been getting on my Dish HD (for $105 a month!)
I'm watching The Walking Dead right now and I do not see any compression artifacts and no buffering at all. Of course with TWD they actually shoot the entire series on 16mm film so the graininess is clearly visible.
I never noticed the graininess on Dish, maybe because the compression they use softens the picture enough to mask it? Anyway, it's a bit surprising to see such a dramatically better picture.

The thing that alarms me though is that there is a chance I can cause buffering if I'm watching TV and surfing at the same time, something I do pretty much around the clock because I have a TV right next to my Mac screens on my desk.
I have to take my 15 year old modem and trade it in for a new one so I can get the 60mbps speed that I'm paying for through Spectrum. I also need to figure out how to set up my router to ensure that my TV viewing gets highest priority and is allotted the bandwidth it will need to provide me with a 100% perfect picture.

Right now I'm watching through my PS4 which I find extremely difficult to use because I'm old and clumsy and I can't figure out how to operate the dipstick little controller. But I'm old so you know...
I'll have to try it on my Roku's later tonight.

As for sharing a Roku between multiple TV sets, I absolutely CAN do that. I'm doing it now with one of my Dish tuners.

I have one of these Amazon product ASIN B008S3C3TC
I put the output of the Dish tuner into it then I connected multiple 50 foot HDMI cables to the output and ran them to my kitchen, my bedroom and my office upstairs and my living room.
Actually to be more specific, I have a Roku 2 and an Apple TV 3 and the Dish HD tuner plugged into a 4x1 HDMI switch which is then connected into the 1 in - 4 out splitter.
So I can select which of those three devices I want to feed the rooms. Of course it's only one device at a time and I have to push the button there in the living room to select but I rarely change it from my Dish tuner.
But if I select the Roku 2 or the Apple TV, it does go to all four screens at the same time.

I plan to replace all my Rokus with the new Roku Elite as I have a collection of many models. Roku 2 in my living room (that CAN feed four screens at once), a Roku 3 in my bedroom and a Roku 4 in my office.
The Roku 2 is a clunker and uses IR remote and is slug slow. The Roku 3, I can't really find anything to complain about it, it just works.
The Roku 4 locks up a LOT. I have to pull the power cord on it frequently and I think it's a real POS. I also have a few really, really old Rokus that I don't use, I bought them on ebay years ago so I could try to record from them by the AV outputs but they are such crummy old junk that I gave up on them a long time ago.

So I'm going to replace all my working Rokus with Roku Elites this year and I plan to get whatever the next generation of Apple TV comes out this fall (I hope for an ATV 5)

I really would like to have ONE device that feeds all the screens in the house at once, which I CAN DO with a splitter. But I really need to have a remote that I can leave in each room so I don't have to carry one remote around from room to room. I live alone so I have no use for individual TV's that operate independent of one another. I want to watch something in one room, pause it, put the remote down and walk to the kitchen. Pick up the remote that stays in the kitchen and press play to resume watching in that room. And so on... Being limited to one remote control per device is SO STUPID and short sighted. I have remotes all over the house for my Dish tuners and I even converted them from IR only into wireless radio remotes with that UFO gadget from Amazon. They all use the same frequency to talk to the one base station that uses an IR blaster to control the Dish tuner. I leave a remote in my kitchen, living room, bedroom, office, etc. so I don't have to carry one remote all around the house, which would be STUPID AND ANNOYING !!

So I just discovered an extremely annoying thing about the PS4. It constantly displays a Playstation VUE logo in the upper right corner of EVERYTHING.
After a lot of googling it seems that the way to get rid of it is to enable the inactivity timer. So after you sit and watch TV for an hour or so without touching the remote it will pop up a warning that the system will power down in 10 seconds!
Then you have to "wake" the remote that went to sleep after 10 minutes in time to cancel the 10 second countdown. This is totally unacceptable. When you disable the inactivity timer the VUE app on the PS4 goes into DEMO MODE and that then forces the logo onto the screen. WHAT A BUNCH OF IDIOTS!!

Ok, so I won't be using the PS4 to watch TV. I won't tolerate that sort of behavior. So, that said, I loaded it up on my Roku 4 and it works on there without the logo or the forced power down. BUT, some options and features seem to be missing on the Roku. But I would rather live with a slight lack of minor features on the Roku than put up with the stupid logo and automatic power downs on the PS4. I also hate the stupid PS4 game controller. It's not designed for old people, at all.

I just popped over to look at A&E and El Rey on Sling and it looks decent. El Rey in HD is nice, shame Dish (which is the provider of Sling) doesn't offer El Rey in HD. I mean really, what the h*ll Dish?? (Sometimes I just feel the need to watch really corny stuff!)

Now I can catch up on my Cold Case Files I've missed this new season.

These new services have some shortcomings for sure but I really think I can learn to live with them and maybe even love them soon. :D

The picture quality on Sling is not as good as Vue, the 30fps vs 60fps is pretty obvious. Maybe they will fix that one day. I hope so. But the things I watch are typically not "action", the shows I watch are mostly people moving slowly or not at all so I don't think it's going to really ruin it for me.

The worst thing I will miss is how my OTA channels are integrated into my Dish tuners so I could watch either, live, on one device. I'll lose the live viewing of my OTA channels for now but my Plex Pass DVR records stuff, like my local news every night. I can watch it like 30 minutes delayed instead of live. But I do intend to buy that Tablo 4 tuner device which will give me live OTA to all my house and DVR ability. I read that it does support 8tb drives so BOOM! That's a done deal. I'll order one late next month as I'm already over budget for this month. With the Tablo and new Rokus I'll have a really nice, nice setup. And then I can put the PS4 back in the living room for the grandkids.
QUOTE="osu1991, post: 4048648, member: 10999"]Use free program vidcoder to easily re-encode the mpeg 2 files to hevc. It runs on the handbrake engine but is much more user friendly. I do it every week with stuff I pull off my TiVo and was doing it before with the files from HD Homerun that NextPVR recorded.

I wasn't sure but thought the Tablo compressed and encoded the files to h264 MP4 for streaming to the roku.[/QUOTE]

I believe I read that, that the Tablo saves in a weird file structure but that the end result is an h264 MP4 as you say. I saw people have written apps to pull the files from the Tablo drives and assemble them as a single MP4 file on you Mac or PC. That's great for when you want to keep something permanently.

As far as programming my Mac to automate the reencoding of videos from the Plex recordings, that's a bit over my head. I tried to use "Automator" before to have it do some simple task and it took me all of about 2.1 seconds to realize I was in over my head. I'm not worth a darn at "programming" stuff. I do ok on connecting cables and wires although they look like the Flying Spaghetti Monster had a fight with a school of octopuses. But, it works.

I guess before I get too far ahead of myself I need to get that Tablo and get used to using the new Vue and Sling services..

Ok, so now I'm P*SSED OFF.... Sling does not allow you to authorize the A&E channels on demand shows! NONE of the A&E owned channels !! NOT ONE...
The on demand app in my Roku will not let me watch but one or two episodes of a FEW shows !! I can't use the language here that I'm speaking right now in my home over this!
I'm really, really MDK187 REDRUM REDRUM REDRUM FURIOUS over this !!!

Sling, does not have any provision at all for watching previous shows so this means it's strictly a LIVE AS AIRED system and it won't let you record or save shows at all.
How freaking stupid and useless is this? I watch a LOT of stuff on the A&E networks, sometimes I'll binge The First 48 for a whole weekend. I like to watch the older shows which they rarely air.
I got behind on Cold Case Files, I need to catch up. Sling won't let me! I can't record it, Sling doesn't DVR it so that means I can only ever watch it AS IT AIRS.
I missed the last 4 episodes of 60 days in last season, I need to catch up. I need to catch up this season too. Sling won't let me.
There are even some shows on Viceland that I like, Sling won't let me watch previous shows.
American Pickers. I like that. I'm waaaaaaaay behind.. Sling won't let me catch up.
FYI channel. Nope. Not that one either..

Sling, not a very good deal.. I signed up for Sling ONLY BECAUSE Vue doesn't have the A&E channels.
If you can't access on demand programs what is the point of the service? I can't record/DVR anything or catch up on missed shows.

Surprised Dee Ann that Spectrum did not give you a new modem when you signed up. I opted for the 60 meg WiFi set-up and got a spanking new wireless modem for $5 more a month. Works great. Recorded 3 CBS shows last night with my Vue/Roku system. Really wanted just the 8pm and 9pm shows, but since CBS was their usual Sunday self being off schedule, I added the 10pm show as well so I would be sure of getting the 2 shows complete. Waiting til later to see how Vue handled it. Whether it recorded the time slot or the show. Always had to modify the CBS Sunday night schedule with my DTV because it seems there is always something that runs over and f****s up recording. As with anything else, it will be a bit of a learning process with Vue.
So I just discovered an extremely annoying thing about the PS4. It constantly displays a Playstation VUE logo in the upper right corner of EVERYTHING.
After a lot of googling it seems that the way to get rid of it is to enable the inactivity timer. So after you sit and watch TV for an hour or so without touching the remote it will pop up a warning that the system will power down in 10 seconds!
Then you have to "wake" the remote that went to sleep after 10 minutes in time to cancel the 10 second countdown. This is totally unacceptable. When you disable the inactivity timer the VUE app on the PS4 goes into DEMO MODE and that then forces the logo onto the screen. WHAT A BUNCH OF IDIOTS!!

Ok, so I won't be using the PS4 to watch TV. I won't tolerate that sort of behavior. So, that said, I loaded it up on my Roku 4 and it works on there without the logo or the forced power down. BUT, some options and features seem to be missing on the Roku. But I would rather live with a slight lack of minor features on the Roku than put up with the stupid logo and automatic power downs on the PS4. I also hate the stupid PS4 game controller. It's not designed for old people, at all.

I've never seen that logo appear on my PS4. In Power Save Settings > Set Time Until PS4 Turns Off > Media Playback, I have it set to 4 hours. Interacting with the app (changing channel, pausing or FF/RW) resets that timer. 5 hours is also an option. For the controller, I use the PS4 Universal Media Remote and have the time to turn off set for 30 mins. 60 mins and disabling it are also options. But all PS4 controllers, the gaming controller you have and the media remote, are battery hogs so it's good for them to power down if not being used. I use rechargeable AAA batteries in my media remote and have to recharge them every 4-6 weeks it seems. It's really no problem waking up the controller from sleep. You just tap the PS button once. I just automatically do it now whenever I pick up the remote when I haven't been interacting with the app for a while.

I personally could never live without the PS4 Vue guide grid and other features the PS4 app offers, including a number of shortcut keys on the PS4 media remote, all of which wouldn't be available on the Roku app.
QUOTE="osu1991, post: 4048648, member: 10999"]
Ok, so now I'm P*SSED OFF.... Sling does not allow you to authorize the A&E channels on demand shows! NONE of the A&E owned channels !! NOT ONE...
And you are angry because? Sling doesn't offer it. They are developing a DVR service to go along with Sling so some time in the future you'll be able to record. But yeah, no On Demand does hurt for some people, but this should have been apparent during the test drive.

No need to get angry.
Hello, First post here....
First thing I would do is use the Roku and get Sling. It works great, and there is on demand too.
Second, use free PLAYON app for recording. Until you get a Tablo, which is $300.
Third, in about a month, Direct Tv Now will be Roku, and will have 100 channels for $60/month.
You will be in heaven then.....


I think I want to cut the cord, so to speak and say goodbye to Dish.

I was looking at the new Playstation Vue service. Sadly they don't carry all the channels I would prefer but I saw that Sling does carry some of those channels missing from PSVue.

I think that I've found that if I subscribe to PSVue "Elite Slim" for about $45 a month AND the Sling "Blue" package at $25 a month that will give me almost every channel I'm getting now on my $110 ($1,300yr) monthly Dish AT250 package. There will be a few channels lost but it wouldn't be the end of the world, I could work around the loss.

That's a substantial monthly savings compared to what I'm paying for Dish. I'm sure there will be taxes on them but even with taxes added it would be a big savings. I'm guessing with taxes for both services I would be paying about $75 a month vs $110 a month for Dish.

My concerns are how well it actually works. I can't tolerate buffering. It's OK if if buffers at start but not in the middle of a program! That's 100% unacceptable!

Concerns are,

  1. Buffering
  2. Pause "live" video
  3. Rewind "live" video
  4. Time shifting or DVRing of programs for later viewing

My Dish tuners are DVRs so I can pause anything, I can rewind a few seconds or a lot (which I do often to hear or see something I missed) and I can record anything for later and that's important for me.

The devices and services that I currently own and subscribe to are,

  • Roku 4
  • Roku 3
  • Apple TV 3
  • Playstation 4


  • Amazon Prime
  • Hulu Plus (commercial free option)
  • Netflix
  • Plex Pass (I have a SiliconDust OTA recorder to record local OTA stuff plus my own library of saved shows)
  • CuriosityStream HD

I know the devices themselves can't record anything with maybe the exception of the Playstation which has a piddly little 500gb drive in it. I've read that the PSVue service sort of has a so called "cloud DVR" service but that's all I know. I don't like, trust or use ANYTHING that has "cloud" associated with it. But maybe this would be benign enough that the risk is nil.

I haven't seen anything mentioned about Sling having a DVR type ability so am I safe to assume it's like old school cable TV where you have to watch it as it airs?

I've also read that a lot of people had problems with Sling on the Roku 4. Has this been fixed yet?
I've never tried to watch TV on the PS4, I bought it for when the grandkids come over so it's quite alien to me, also it seems to put out very hot air, like you could bake bread behind the thing!

I've been thinking about replacing the Roku 4 because it seems to freeze up a lot and do other stupid and annoying things. I've been thinking about buying a Roku Ultra and putting the 4 in my kitchen.

That Apple TV 3 is sort of stupid, you can't add anything to it at all. Here it is, this is all you get, ever.
I know the Apple TV 4 does allow you to install apps such as Plex but I'm waiting for the 5th generation Apple TV before I replace this one. The Roku 3 seems to work well, I can't really find any problems with it but this year I want to begin replacing my 1080p sets with UHD 4K sets. Even then the Roku 3 will still work but the Ultra would be better.

I still have a dream of having just one device to watch EVERYTHING. Originally I bought the Apple TV because that was the only way to watch Game of Thrones via HBO NOW but since then they have released apps for Roku and iOS.

I see that Sling and PSVue have apps for Roku but do they really work well enough to replace my Dish service? I'm a big fan of on demand viewing and binge viewing.

So considering the substantial savings I would have by dropping Dish and going to Sling and PSVue, is the service reliable enough that I would be happy with it? My internet is plenty fast, I'm getting like 24megabits down but I need to take my old modem and trade it for a new one since they upgraded everyone to 60megabits speed. I have no issues at all streaming from Amazon Prime, Netflix or Hulu, no buffering and the video is always HD quality so I can't imagine that I should have any problems with any other streaming services.

Anyone have any regrets for switching to sling and or PSVue? I'm a bit afraid to switch, I want to be really, really sure of this before I jump off the cliff.

Third, in about a month, Direct Tv Now will be Roku, and will have 100 channels for $60/month.
Thus far DIRECTV Now seems to have done little to establish itself as a real competitor. Not having any of the really useful DVR features is a major downer.

That said, DIRECTV Now may (or may not) offer better authentication options than Sling does.

Judging from the relative beat-down that the Roku app for Tablo gets, it may be worth chasing after a streamer that works better or waiting until the Roku app is brought up to the level of other streamers.
Hello, First post here....
First thing I would do is use the Roku and get Sling. It works great, and there is on demand too.
Second, use free PLAYON app for recording. Until you get a Tablo, which is $300.
Third, in about a month, Direct Tv Now will be Roku, and will have 100 channels for $60/month.
You will be in heaven then.....

I don't think you can record with the free version of PlayOn. Regardless, I've had nothing but trouble with my paid version of PlayOn, which I used mainly to record the 3-4 broadcast network shows I couldn't record through my PS Vue TV service. Automatic timer recordings failed every other week, forcing me to reenter my PS Vue log in credentials (which with Sling won't even get you access to many cable channels) and rerecord manually. Fox shows usually recorded fine, but ABC shows were unwatchable -- constantly freezing and cutting off the end of the episode. I resorted to watching those shows On Demand via PS Vue and discovered much to my delight that if I waited one week, there's no forced commercials--just, at most, a 15-second promo for another show at the usual commercial breaks. YMMV
I've never seen that logo appear on my PS4. In Power Save Settings > Set Time Until PS4 Turns Off > Media Playback, I have it set to 4 hours. Interacting with the app (changing channel, pausing or FF/RW) resets that timer. 5 hours is also an option. For the controller, I use the PS4 Universal Media Remote and have the time to turn off set for 30 mins. 60 mins and disabling it are also options. But all PS4 controllers, the gaming controller you have and the media remote, are battery hogs so it's good for them to power down if not being used. I use rechargeable AAA batteries in my media remote and have to recharge them every 4-6 weeks it seems. It's really no problem waking up the controller from sleep. You just tap the PS button once. I just automatically do it now whenever I pick up the remote when I haven't been interacting with the app for a while.

I personally could never live without the PS4 Vue guide grid and other features the PS4 app offers, including a number of shortcut keys on the PS4 media remote, all of which wouldn't be available on the Roku app.

I wish show a screen capture of what is showing and how I have things set but it seems that the new forum takes any image I upload and chop it down to a tiny, tiny, unreadable image. I guess because I've been very inactive and let my membership lapse. (I've given up on FTA and all my dreams are dead now..)

Anyway, I went into the main settings of the machine itself and disabled all sleep and auto-off and low power modes. The PS4 now runs full power 24/7 unless I manually put it in low power mode.
In the Vue app on the PS4 I found various instructions on the PS4 forum that detail how to turn off the logo,

Steps to remove PS Vue logo on PS3 and PS4

  1. Go to (Settings) on the PS Vue Home Srceen
  2. Then go down to (Tools) and click (Device Settings)
  3. Then go down to (Demo Mode) and uncheck (Disable Inactivity Timer)

So from what I've found on the forums and google, the machine, when using Vue, is either in Demo mode or timer mode.

If you disable the inactivity timer it enables "demo mode" which causes the logo to show up. It goes away if you enable the inactivity timer.

Pretty freaking LAME.

As for the standard game controller that came with the machine, I find it extremely difficult to use, probably because I'm really, really old.
It's hyper sensitive and obviously is designed to be used by children with minds that burn sugar like the sun burns hydrogen and who have the reflexes of a cobra on meth.
And if you have arthritis in your hands, oh well. Anyway, giving up on the game controller, I found the PS4 media controller on Amazon and just ordered one, it will be here Wednesday.
Maybe that will make it less tedious and annoying. IF I can get rid of the logo/timer problem I would be ok with it, using the new remote.

I went to Spectrum this morning and switched out my dinosaur modem for a new one. What was weird is that they kept me on the Time Warner "agreement" according to the guy
and he said that even with the new modem I would still have the OLD Time Warner speeds of yesteryear. So I had to switch from TW to Spectrum to get the full speed.
TW was charging me $59.99 a month plus $10 a month modem lease for very slow speeds. Having switched now, my monthly rate went from $59.99 to $64.99 but there's no modem
rental fee. So I save about $5 a month and my speeds are now like 20 times faster than they were this morning. So now I'm getting 70Mbps / 6Mbps and that's pretty remarkable.
I'm happy with that. This should allow me to watch TV and do my usual web surfing stuff and not end up getting things in a bind and having the dreaded buffering problems.

There's going to be a BIG learning curve for me on all this. I don't adjust to change very well and this is all a huge change. The whole PS4 thing is a fluke for me, I got it for the grandkids but now it looks like I'm taking it over from them.
But I guess they can still play on it and I can watch TV via the Rokus. I really don't know yet how this will all workout, I guess it will take some time to get used to it all and figure it all out.
I'm old and slow and bitter and angry about the whole world and some technology things make me want to just smash them. I am a senior citizen and trying to adapt to new things and new ways but it's not easy.
But I am trying.
Thus far DIRECTV Now seems to have done little to establish itself as a real competitor. Not having any of the really useful DVR features is a major downer.

That said, DIRECTV Now may (or may not) offer better authentication options than Sling does.

Judging from the relative beat-down that the Roku app for Tablo gets, it may be worth chasing after a streamer that works better or waiting until the Roku app is brought up to the level of other streamers.

I won't do business with AT&T. Not at all.
I wish show a screen capture of what is showing and how I have things set but it seems that the new forum takes any image I upload and chop it down to a tiny, tiny, unreadable image. I guess because I've been very inactive and let my membership lapse. (I've given up on FTA and all my dreams are dead now..)

Anyway, I went into the main settings of the machine itself and disabled all sleep and auto-off and low power modes. The PS4 now runs full power 24/7 unless I manually put it in low power mode.
In the Vue app on the PS4 I found various instructions on the PS4 forum that detail how to turn off the logo,

So from what I've found on the forums and google, the machine, when using Vue, is either in Demo mode or timer mode.

Pretty freaking LAME.

As for the standard game controller that came with the machine, I find it extremely difficult to use, probably because I'm really, really old.
It's hyper sensitive and obviously is designed to be used by children with minds that burn sugar like the sun burns hydrogen and who have the reflexes of a cobra on meth.
And if you have arthritis in your hands, oh well. Anyway, giving up on the game controller, I found the PS4 media controller on Amazon and just ordered one, it will be here Wednesday.
Maybe that will make it less tedious and annoying. IF I can get rid of the logo/timer problem I would be ok with it, using the new remote.

In my PS Vue settings, the "Disable Inactivity Timer" box is unchecked. I've never touched that setting before and have only tweaked the PS4's master power settings. I've had PS Vue since last June and have never seen the PS Vue logo appear on my screen like you describe. I've also never had my PS4 power down unexpectedly. Though recently, during March Madness, I had left it on unattended for the better part of the day while I did other things around the house and saw for the very first time (in 2+ years of owning a PS4) the countdown shutoff warning.

Yes, the PS4 gaming controller is very impractical to use for ANY media streaming functions, especially given how quickly its charge runs out (you'd be recharging it 2-3 times/week if you used it to control PS Vue throughout the day). The blue tooth functions are a serious power drain. I keep a pair of AAA non-rechargable batteries nearby to put in the media remote while the rechargeable are recharging -- that's how badly I don't want to use the gaming controller for media streaming.
Third, in about a month, Direct Tv Now will be Roku, and will have 100 channels for $60/month.

DirecTV Now on the Roku has been delayed, was supposed to be by the end of March, now it is sometime in 2017.

Sent from my iPad using the SatelliteGuys app!
Dee, I remember when you first starting setting up all your dishes for FTA. You think that was a fun learning curve lol, all this streaming stuff and how to get it, is loads of work and fun too!
We've had Sling for two years and it works for us. We don't watch a lot of Tv. We tried Vue on the Roku and the interface/guide was awful so we dropped it. Best of luck I know you'll figure it all out

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