computer generated phone call

I love it how companies try to make you think they are doing YOU a favor to allow to paperless billing.

I've seem some companies offer a 1 timer credit to switch.

Sheesh, they should just offer a credit for whatever it saves....
But, what they will probably end up doing is start charging extra for the paper bill.
It is funny how they promote it. But I'm all for paperless billing. It saves the company money and saves trees (no, I'm not a huge tree hugger, but hey this is an easy one, might as well do it right?). I don't really see a reason for anyone to be on paper billing for MOST things these days.
I started athread about this recenlty. In the general Dish discussion forum. But they do not just say that you qualify---they put you on it unless you call back to say no.
Now that is just wrong. As I said, I am all for it, but you shouldn't be forced into it.
I received this type of call about 2 weeks ago. The call I received it was technically voluntary, but heavily biased toward making you accept because if you hung up on the call, you were enrolled in paperless billing. After the initial description of the benefits of paperless billing, it said something like this:

To enroll in paperless billing either hang up or press 1 now, if you wish to keep receiving bills in the mail press 2 now.

I bet a lot of people just hang up before it ever gets that far. In that case they'd be switched to paperless billing.
or in my case you found it on your answering machine after you came home from a trip.

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