Why not crowdfund? And the perks can be different tests of Pup Membership, etc
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Remind me to disable that feature.The other thing is the convenience I discovered when we switched to XenForo. When we did this and I found out about the "watch" feature it really limited my random browsing of this site. I now "watch" the entire video games forum and automatically "watch" any thread I post in.
no it was more like 2 people whined and bitched because they THOUGHT that. When I was staff I had no issues with posting about any receiver out there as long as it was legal (some receivers weren't and yeah we nuked those posts). So much like a lot of things out there one or two people whine and complain, so change it and ruin it for everyone elseAs you might know I removed the Gold Sponsors last year of my own doing, the reason for this was because (especially in the FTA forums) that they could not talk about a product or service if our Gold Sponsors did not sell it.
Remind me to disable that feature.![]()
No I haven't touched it (or anything) Other then reenabling the Spy feature at about 9AM et this morning.
On politics it sure is! You were the exact one that locked up a topic yesterday. "The ones of you who want to discuss global warming can start a new thread in the PIT." Sounds like a subtle pub membership plug to me. You do know a lot of the hobbies here are based on politics, the digital transition is a great example of politics.
In addition we really DON'T like closing threads. But sometimes we have to.Just so you know, the staff has discussions about threads all the time, should we close them or let them run their course. Invariably some knucklehead goes way overboard with a comment in a thread and it all blows up and we have to close it. Any time politics enters, we really have to close it before it goes off the rails.
On politics it sure is! You were the exact one that locked up a topic yesterday. "The ones of you who want to discuss global warming can start a new thread in the PIT." Sounds like a subtle pub membership plug to me. You do know a lot of the hobbies here are based on politics, the digital transition is a great example of politics.
Factual politics are allowed. Things like the FCC is considering reclassifying broadband or a news story that the President calls on the FCC to do something. When it strays into opinions is when the posts are curtailed. Even then I have found the moderators leave a lot of leeway with discussion on how it could impact satellite, IPTV, etc. There were lots of threads and discussions of the digital transition. This site has done very well keeping a line between reporting and discussion of how the government impacts TV & Internet without allowing it to become a political platform.
Discussion tends to be quickly shut down when the discussion turns away from the technology subjects covered by this web site, or links to political sites, etc.
And yes a perk of pub membership is the "pit", but really there are a lot of other political sites to visit if you really want to talk politics.
So in other words in order to get around the uptight no politics rule, "just leave and find some other website to discuss it, is the fix.So what about those people that I or someone else want to discuss it with, do they or I ask, "lets go to another website to discuss politics"?
Factual politics are allowed. Things like the FCC is considering reclassifying broadband or a news story that the President calls on the FCC to do something. When it strays into opinions is when the posts are curtailed. Even then I have found the moderators leave a lot of leeway with discussion on how it could impact satellite, IPTV, etc. There were lots of threads and discussions of the digital transition. This site has done very well keeping a line between reporting and discussion of how the government impacts TV & Internet without allowing it to become a political platform.
Discussion tends to be quickly shut down when the discussion turns away from the technology subjects covered by this web site, or links to political sites, etc.
And yes a perk of pub membership is the "pit", but really there are a lot of other political sites to visit if you really want to talk politics.
Satelliteguys is a website/forum about television (mostly). Scott provides "The Pit" for paying members as a perk. If you want to discuss politics, there are plenty of websites to do that on. Or, pony up $20 and join us in The Pit. All the Pub Membership money goes to support and pay for the site. Bandwidth, servers, software aint free!
With all due respect dude, I think you are chasing your tail, lots of nice friendly people have answered you and yet you still complain. We had this discussion one time before, let me go back over some key points. You are right paying 20 bucks to every website you visit is silly and not practical. However, if you find a site you enjoy visiting often and want to help it stay nothing wrong with paying for that one or two sites a year. With that said I still have yet to see where we have asked you for money. No body here has demanded you pay to stay. If you want to become a pub member and help pay the bills great! If you don't that is fine too. No need to keep running it in the ground. You are welcome here just like anybody else.![]()