Honestly, I do not think there is a need to explain why it is in HD. If someone can not tell, they need to adjust their settings, use the correct cables or get a new tv

Honestly, I do not think there is a need to explain why it is in HD. If someone can not tell, they need to adjust their settings, use the correct cables or get a new tv
Anyone watching the next episode? BIG difference
yeah i noticed that too. we can expect the last season and the new upcoming seasons of south park in HD and other programs like we all read earlier in this thread. very nice!!I also notice that CCHD does the same thing Spike HD did when it first went HD. When Spike first went HD if they did not have an HD program they would only use the Spike logo on the HD channel. They only used the Spike HD logo when they had an HD program on the air.
yep. 2006. but it still looks better when compared to the sd channel. it's great to see them not stretching things.
I don't want anything HR or the same as. But I didn't come here to fight about equipment so I'm not going too. I'm well aware or the HR series.DirecTV's HR22 is pretty much the same thing as a Tivo. it can search shows by title, actor, keyword, and it only records each episode of a show once instead of over and over like Cumcast.
You are passing up the offer of 2 HD DVRs in hope for a TiVO, which more likely than not Direct is not going to give you? I know you have had a bad experience with the HRs, but they have come a long way. I have yet to have an issue as many others as well. If it is free, why not take the chance?I don't want anything HR or the same as. But I didn't come here to fight about equipment so I'm not going too. I'm well aware or the HR series.![]()
Thank you. But E* has more of what I'm looking for " Premiums" And I love their Equipment. But I wouldn't mind having a few of D* HD channels. YESHD, ComedyHD, FXHD.i wasn't trying to fight, just help save you money.