I do not understand televised national news. Ever since there was the invent of the smart phone, and the drastic increase in users in that field, anytime I open up safari on my phone, it auto populates national and international news. I appreciate the mobility personally. As far as Cartoon Network, they really haven't been relevant as they once were when they were creating great shows. It's been atleast 15 years since that time, and their relevance has dwindled more, minus adult swim, which ultimately when you think about it, it's true target audience is 16-30 year old stoners, that appreciate fart jokes. There are exceptions, and a lot of other people do like it, but that is really the target. And this coming from someone who even partakes and enjoys both things. It's just not something, in particular that could make it break me leaving or joining a company, but the increased prices are. And I do believe that may be dish's stance on their true value.