You guys should both listen to my argument, which is of course very persuasive.

If channel providers thought they could make the same money providing fewer channels, don't you think they'd jump at the chance? Of course they would. They would be even happier to get you to pay more, so the argument is even stronger in that case. They're the experts; it's their job to extract the maximum amount from our wallets every chance they get. The fact that all providers fight tooth and nail to keep the present bundled regime going for as long as possible means that at least these channel providers think they'll be making less, and possibly much less, if they had to sell channels a la carte. I side with the channel providers' expertise and have to believe that the cost would be
less. Not the same, and not more, but less. DO NOT SWALLOW THE CHANNEL PROVIDER LIES on this topic. They will continue fleecing us for as long as they possibly can.