I'd re-enable Bookmarks Manager in chrome://flags if disabled.
Why? I'm trying to make sense of what the Bookmark Manager actually does. From Google's own description:
"Collect bookmarks by topic: Your bookmarks will automatically be organized by topic, like "Tokyo" and "Photography." You can still organize them into folders yourself.
Familiar bookmarks, new look: Your existing bookmarks will automatically get updated with images and descriptions, wherever possible."
If that's what it does, I'm not interested. I've been on the internet since 1995 and never used Favorites/Bookmarks period until 2013 when I got my present job. My primary use of Bookmarks is to bookmark GUI configuration pages for devices on my home and work networks that have static IPs and then having them sync to my PCs at home and work, my phone and tablet. The other Folder you see in my screen cap just has links to the NFL, NHL, MLB, NASCAR, UFC, Fox Sports, ESPN and Yahoo Sports homepages. The one folder that is not seen is my Account Management folder that just has bookmarks for various online accounts like my bank, DirecTV, TWC and a few others. I know many people bookmark specific articles, forum posts, blog posts, editorials, recipes and whatnot for future reference. I also know many people who've attempted to access those links months or years later only to find them dead. Everything like that I just Print to PDF.