Charlie Chat Summary


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Nov 7, 2003
Can someone post a Charlie Chat summary? I'm stuck at work and I can't get into the satelliteguys chat thanks to a heavy duty firewall here.
Neutron said:
Can someone post a Charlie Chat summary? I'm stuck at work and I can't get into the satelliteguys chat thanks to a heavy duty firewall here.
Me too! Can't join the chat, however, I want to know what is going on!
Basically it was all about CBS (and other Viacoms) going dark tonight.
They talked about Viacom...25 minutes
Locals...all the ones already up..adding Rochester, NY
They had the brunette from Bingo Tv as a guest
They took some questions...mostly on Viacom. One guy got through the screeners and was pissed "Charlie, these are the channels we mostly watch and if they leave, Im leaving too"...sounded like he was on dope.

-no new HD
-CBS HD is leaving if you get it in an O&O and the Viacom's go
-you WONT lose CBS if you have distants
Iceberg said:
They talked about Viacom...25 minutes
Locals...all the ones already up..adding Rochester, NY
They had the brunette from Bingo Tv as a guest
They took some questions...mostly on Viacom. One guy got through the screeners and was pissed "Charlie, these are the channels we mostly watch and if they leave, Im leaving too"...sounded like he was on dope.

-no new HD
-CBS HD is leaving if you get it in an O&O and the Viacom's go
-you WONT lose CBS if you have distants

I'm in CBS O&O, but also get CBS as distants. Wonder if I'll lose CBS-HD?
The main information from the chat is that they are going to give a $1 credit to any customer who loses CBS, and $1 to all customers with Viacom channels in the basic packages.

So, basically, you will either get a $1 or $2 credit on your bill until the channels are added back.
Personally I don't think $1 comes even close to making up for it (the viacom stations). I was expecting more like $5-10. Kind of insulting. They are saying those Viacom channels are only 2% of the viable channels in the AT60? (Remember there are a lot of chaff channels in the count).
I noticed the box that got covered on on Monday Night Raw from Viacom.

Frankly, I'm with DN on this one. If I lose SpikeTV as well, so be it.

I can patiently wait til summer for more HD channels. I just got HDTV for crying out loud.
Meanwhile, if you have the HD pack you will lose CBS-HD and there will be no refund for losing a sizeable percentage of your programming. That stinks.
From Dish Website, this is what we're losing.

BET - Comedy Central - MTV - MTV2
Nick Games & Sports
Nickelodeon/Nick at Night (East and West)
NOGGIN - VH1 - VH1 Classic

CMT, Spike Tv & TV Land are also Viacom, but under a seperate contract.
yeah, that really stinks. I was figuring it out, and we should get a 10-15% off our bills since thats what the bulk of the channels that will be dropping. After all, whats fair is fair, and $1 for 15-20 channels total sure isn't.
AndyMon said:
Meanwhile, if you have the HD pack you will lose CBS-HD and there will be no refund for losing a sizeable percentage of your programming. That stinks.

CBS HD is not part of the $9.99 HD Pack
Sign Guy Dino, I just got HD/dish as well and believe me no one from dish warmed me what was going on. Im going to take a day or two and decide if i want this stress in my life. Hell, thats why i ordered this in the first place. My 811 receiver even seems to have a mind of its own.
Does the Charlie Chat change anyone's views that they had before about this whole fiasco?

When did 157 go online?

As always, it's about whose Ox is gored

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