Charlie Ergen flew to Dubai to fundraise for satellite TV giant

If he is talking to the Saudis, then I see them buying the controlling share of Dish and then immediately pushing, and making happen, a merger with Direct TV.
The United Arab Emirates (which includes Dubai) is not Saudi Arabia which is a separate country. The UAE borders Saudi Arabia.

If you're looking for money, Dubai is a good place to start.
Looks like it is not just Boost-

Amazon really wants you to join the Amazon Prime family and buy all of your stuff from them. To help with this, Amazon is reportedly in talks with Dish, T-Mobile, and Verizon to sell wireless phone plans for free or as little as $10 a month. This comes from Bloomberg, who talked with people who had knowledge of the plans.

I don't see how this will work. So Amazon has made deals with T mobile and DISH and ATT but they will some how be the one you go through for cell phone service? Or is it that Amazon will give you a discount of $10.00 on your wireless bill if you sub to Amazon Prime membership?
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I don't see how this will work. So Amazon has made deals with T mobile and DISH and ATT but they will some how be the one you go through for cell phone service? Or is it that Amazon will give you a discount of $10.00 on your wireless bill if you sub to Amazon Prime membership?

I think you'll be bombarded with ads.

I don't see how dish fits into this, they're relying on T-Mobile for their MVNO phone service.
"WASHINGTON, D.C.—Dish Wireless has until June 30th to build out its 5G network to cover 70% of the U.S. population, with the deadline coming a year after the company had to meet a 20% coverage milestone in June 2022."

"At CTIA's 5G Summit this week, Dish's EVP of Network Development Dave Mayo said that the company expects to meet that deadline."

I thought loaning TMobile a bunch of frequencies a couple years ago for potential hurricane relief, thinking TMobile's free service during recovery would overload TMs network, which it didn't, it wasn't needed and TM wouldn't give it back. Was putting it in service? I think he did too. So Charlie had to go to the FCC and beg them to help get it back. Never heard what happened after that.

Then all of a sudden TM, that was far from, has a 5G Internet product that sounds a lot like what Charlie was planning.

So basically it's been in use. Just not by Charlie. Isn't he collecting rent on it?

I know something is going on, my bill went up $60! Seriously looking to leave after 30 years.

Hit record in middle of program and the entire episode recorded

I'm returning to Dish, what would i expect for the switch back
