Now you can play with cleaning the old remote, as I suggested in post #15. It is a beneficial learning experience, if you care for that type of thing.
That's what drives me nuts about streaming; can't skip past the commercials. And the commercials are always 1080p crystal clear and never buffer while the program itself looks like 480i 16:9Skip forward is totally worn out while ship back is fresh as a daisy. Really don't like commercials, do you?
Those old enough will know... that's grody, dude.Well I got a new remote for free. I did another chat where I just lied and said my remote was completely nonfunctional. Would you believe even then they wanted me to take the batteries out and put them back in.You would think being a 10 year plus customer that has always had the protection plan they would just send a remote with the first complaint without jumping threw a bunch of hoops but I guess not. Here is a picture of the remote I was trying to get replaced. You can see the printing on the some buttons is completely worn off, The remote was worn out.
That's what drives me nuts about streaming; can't skip past the commercials. And the commercials are always 1080p crystal clear and never buffer while the program itself looks like 480i 16:9