Charged for VOD that I didn't order

I too was slammed for VOD charge

I am on autopay and paperless billing so I just happened to go online (which I seldom do) and checked my bill. I was surprised my monthly bill had gone up and only until I reviewd my online bill did I dicover they had charged me with a VOD that I or my wife did not order. Dish VOD is too expensive and we would never use that service. I called billing support and the agent said he would, as a "courtesy", allow a one time removal of the charge but would block my account from further VOD/PPV access. (Which I am happy with) Upon further investigation I learned that your "purchase history" Past and present can be viewed for 60 days by using the system setup menu. (722 DVR)No such history shows on my system. I am posting here to document MY experience so others can see that this indeed is a problem. If it happens again, I won't be looking for a "courtesy" refund from Dish, but I will be complaining to my States Attorny Gen office. (That can be done online) I like Dish and this is the first time I have expierenced a problem with their billing. On a 722 its impossible to order a VOD by accident... too many clicks of the remote.
I am on autopay and paperless billing so I just happened to go online (which I seldom do) and checked my bill. I was surprised my monthly bill had gone up and only until I reviewd my online bill did I dicover they had charged me with a VOD that I or my wife did not order. Dish VOD is too expensive and we would never use that service. I called billing support and the agent said he would, as a "courtesy", allow a one time removal of the charge but would block my account from further VOD/PPV access. (Which I am happy with) Upon further investigation I learned that your "purchase history" Past and present can be viewed for 60 days by using the system setup menu. (722 DVR)No such history shows on my system. I am posting here to document MY experience so others can see that this indeed is a problem. If it happens again, I won't be looking for a "courtesy" refund from Dish, but I will be complaining to my States Attorny Gen office. (That can be done online) I like Dish and this is the first time I have expierenced a problem with their billing. On a 722 its impossible to order a VOD by accident... too many clicks of the remote.

Man I tried for close to an hour to remove the charges from my account. I was told simply that it was not possible...cough cough... from multiple people. I had two movies ordered within the same minute. Also, the day before I changed my package to lower my bill. All i ended up was 3 PPV coupons... I was leaving Dish network over the $12 dollar charge for the principle, but couldn't get a los for Direct and TW sucks.
Man I tried for close to an hour to remove the charges from my account. I was told simply that it was not possible...cough cough... from multiple people. I had two movies ordered within the same minute. Also, the day before I changed my package to lower my bill. All i ended up was 3 PPV coupons... I was leaving Dish network over the $12 dollar charge for the principle, but couldn't get a los for Direct and TW sucks.

If you tried both the front line CSRs and were escalated to a Supervisor, and neither helped, hang up and e-mail ceo @, then be patient. They will get back to you, although it may take a few days. They are tracking these issues, and can help.

If you're going to use the coupons, you got a good deal. If you're not, then they should refund the charges.
I am on autopay and paperless billing so I just happened to go online (which I seldom do) and checked my bill. I was surprised my monthly bill had gone up and only until I reviewd my online bill did I dicover they had charged me with a VOD that I or my wife did not order. Dish VOD is too expensive and we would never use that service. I called billing support and the agent said he would, as a "courtesy", allow a one time removal of the charge but would block my account from further VOD/PPV access. (Which I am happy with) Upon further investigation I learned that your "purchase history" Past and present can be viewed for 60 days by using the system setup menu. (722 DVR)No such history shows on my system. I am posting here to document MY experience so others can see that this indeed is a problem. If it happens again, I won't be looking for a "courtesy" refund from Dish, but I will be complaining to my States Attorny Gen office. (That can be done online) I like Dish and this is the first time I have expierenced a problem with their billing. On a 722 its impossible to order a VOD by accident... too many clicks of the remote.

I asked to have VOD/PPV blocked after a bogus VOD billing, and they wanted $5.00 to perform the block. I am going to DTV soon unless they offer me the AEP free for a year! :rolleyes:
I Quit

I just quit DN after 10 years. That was not my immediate initial intent but after getting too much run around from CSRs and Loyalty I quit. :D Dropped calls too. Just too much Bovine Scatology (BS). The last straw was when I got charged for a VOD I did not order (apparently a common DN problem) and attempted to get the charge removed several weeks ago and it STILL was on the current SEP bill. Enough is enough!

I'll be getting the DTV Premium package when they stop that NFL ticket promotion and replace it with something else in addition to the Korean package. DN lost a lot of money on this ex-customer.
The I cancelled E group is getting larger. Indicates D is the only large provider growing while everyone ese E and cable are shrinking....
Nothing wrong with signing up for DirecTV,then when your "special deals" ends reality sets in and you realize Dish network is the better price.:)

DirecTV must have alot of money because they have sent me 18 "Come back,we miss you letters" since I left in Oct. 2009.Problem is I'm SD only,maybe if I tell them "If you buy me that 60" LED HD Sony Bravia I have been looking at"? "We'll talk subscription"?.:o

At least I know if this economy gets worse and I need to go to a cheaper programming package nobody beats Dish network's prices.;)

This changing providers crap to me is getting old(I've only done it once,it was a pain) think I'll stay with Dish network for awhile.:)
So, did anyone here get charged for VOD they didn't order, but do use their Dish remote as a Universal Remote?
I have three remotes. They are all set up to turn on/off the TV's. On/OFF and the volume buttons are the only universal features I use on these remotes and don't require you to change the component input. Supposedly It takes around seven clicks to actually order a VOD and even if one was ordered by remote inadvertently, it should show up in the purchase history for 60 days (as per FAQ from Dish web site). I have never actually ordered a PPV or VOD. My alleged VOD purchase showed up on my bill, but not in my purchase history. Sadly, I seldom use my DVR for recording.
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My first post was way back in June. Til this day, I have not seen my "courtesy credit". I never expected they would give it to me anyways but I'm still keeping any eye on my monthly bill for any "let's steal from the customer" charges.

All my receivers are still disconnected from the phone/internet and will be like that no matter what they tell me.
This has happened to me on 3 different occasions, all for VOD's. I have had one credited back to me after making a complaint. Like the other posters mentioned, none of the movies show up on the recently purchased page.

Has anyone emailed the Ceo at dishnetwork and got any favorable results?

I have set my password to block all PPV/VOD channels, for some reason I have to re-set my password every week or so, ( I think someone mentioned that those setting reset when Dish updates the VOD movies).

At this point I may pay the $5 to get all PPV channels blocked.
There is no charge to request a PPV lock on your account, The agent was scamming you to get their fee numbers up. Use online chat to request the lock and keep a copy of the conversation.
The same thing happen to me as well. I call and they would not remove it. They said that I order it. I was very concern when my bill was $194.00. I checked online and it showed the movie. My bill has really gone up this year alone. Now I have to contend with some vod that I did not order. I have been with Dish for years, now I am thinking about moving on as well. The lady on the phone was very rude and didn't care about my situation. I have not order a movie from dish for years, their price is too high for one movie. My bill is high enough.
I am amazed at the response from Dish. In all of my 16 years with them I never have had a problem that was'nt solved. I have had a few charges that were not mine, and they were removed from my bill with a phone call.
I ended up with a VOD that I didn't charge. I call customer service and got the
run around. I have never ever ordered a pay for view movie of any sorts.
I email ceo at dishnetwork and told them that when I make my choices for
renewal that I would keep this incident in mind. I pay them about 184.00 a
month. They reverse the VOD charge the following month. I also had
them to set a 0.00 limit for VOD and pay for view movies.
I can beat that, I just got charged for almost $300.00 worth of porn that we never ordered, as the wife and I are all that live here this is really getting old. We called dish but they won't budge, said it was ordered on phone line, what can we do to fix this.
Not to go OT, but this is why I'm upset that Dish removed the "Activity since last Statement" tab from the Dish Network Customer site. I would check this at lease once a week to make sure no un-ordered PPV or VOD charges were on my account. Now I have to wait till my statement post.

Boost Mobile sucks after Dish conversion

Original Hopper to new Hopper 3 Smart Card info??

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