Still waiting to see my credit show up....
-- On Sun, 6/20/10, wrote:
Subject: RE: Erroneous POV Charge 5/22/2010
Date: Sunday, June 20, 2010, 10:19 AM
I can go ahead and make the exception and have the PPV waived. I would recommend changing the lock code password and I can put the PPV limit to zero so this doesn't happen in the future.
Thank you
Matt Kliewer
Executive Communications
DISH Network L.L.C
From: George Lee
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 8:04 PM
Subject: Erroneous POV Charge 5/22/2010
Dear Sir or Madam,
My account number is *****.
I am a long time subscriber and I have never been late for a payment. I contacted online chat regarding an erroneous POV charge. I am absolutely sure I did not order the POV. After the exchange below where I was told I had no recourse, I checked the settings of the receiver that my wife uses (we are the only two users in our household) and the POV option is locked (a setting that my wife would not know how to change).
While $6.99 is not a lot of money, I am sorry to hear that Dish will not even entertain that something could be amiss with Dish's billing policy. The current policy seems to imply that the customer is ALWAYS at fault. Thanks for listening,
George Lee
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: How can I provide you with the best value and service today?
George Lee: I see a VOD charge on 5/22 that I never ordered
George Lee: I never ordered or watched "The Blind Side"
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: I am sorry about that and will be happy to help you
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: I was unable to access your account with the phone number you have provided. Can you please provide a different telephone number or the 16 digit account number listed on your Dish Network bill statement?
George Lee: Was it #####96425?
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: Thank you
George Lee: Account number is ############3312
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: Thank you
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: I am sorry, but we can't waive VOD. The VOD are non refundable and can only be ordered by the remote and selecting yes to order 3 times
George Lee: but I never ordered it!
George Lee: the first time I saw the charge was on my online bill
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: I am sorry, but we can't waive the charge
George Lee: can you apply a credit...wasn't there a promotion recently for a free POV?
George Lee: also, can you verify if the POV was ever watched. I would not have ordered anything to watch at 1:50 PM. I don't think I was even home
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: Ok
George Lee: do you have a fraud department???
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: I can't give a credit
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: We are not able to check if it was viewed
George Lee: please refer this to the fraud department and give me a case number
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: You will need to call in to 1-800-894-9131
George Lee: are you saying the only way to resolve this is to terminate my contract with DISH?
George Lee: please refer me to the supervisor
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: No, but the department you need to talk to is not on chat
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: That is why you need to call in
George Lee: i need to call in to terminate my contract??
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: No
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: If you want to talk to the fraud department you would need to call in
George Lee: so i have to pay for a POV that i didn't order
George Lee: you can't issue a credit
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: No
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: VOD is non refundable
George Lee: ...can you offer a credit for a future POV to make things right?
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: No
George Lee: so you can't do anything, correct?
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: Correct
George Lee: can you see if I have ever ordered a POV before?
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: I do not see one
George Lee: so it's highly unlikely i ordered the one on 5/22, which is one day before my birthday - so i know i didn't order the POV - can you have your supervisor look at this?
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: The supervisors have to follow the same business rules, and we are not able to waive VOD charges
George Lee: i want the supervisor to see this and tell me him/herself, thanks
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: Would you mind holding 1-2 minutes while I check if there is a supervisor available?
George Lee: ok
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: Thank you for your patience
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK: It will be 1-2 minutes to transfer you
(Mang10-PTLco-RF) Sara B. has entered the session.
(04-21rf) Debbie E.3KK has left the session.
(Mang10-PTLco-RF) Sara B.: Hello, I'm Debbie's manager.
George Lee: hello
(Mang10-PTLco-RF) Sara B.: I've reviewed your request and the information Debbie gave you is correct. we do not waive VOD charges because the only possible way to order them is via the remote. we can't order VOD from our system. you may not have ordered it yourself, but someone in your home did.
(Mang10-PTLco-RF) Sara B.: Is there anything else that I can assist you with?
George Lee: it's seems that you can't. it's your word against mine. i'm very unhappy
(Mang10-PTLco-RF) Sara B.: we don't want you to be unhappy, but in this case there's nothing to dispute based on system limitations.
George Lee: your agent acknowledged that i never ordered a pov prior to this charge. I have been with dish for a very long time. basically, there is no recourse for me, correct?
(Mang10-PTLco-RF) Sara B.: it's true that you haven't ordered one in the past, but they don't get ordered on their own, and it couldn't have been a mistake on our end because we can't order them for customers. in this case there is nothing we can do. you would need to by the $6.99.
(Mang10-PTLco-RF) Sara B.: I mean pay, not by. sorry about that.
George Lee: ...and there's no way the dish computer could make a mistake, right?
(Mang10-PTLco-RF) Sara B.: the computer meaning the program we use in the call centers or your receiver?
(Mang10-PTLco-RF) Sara B.: the receiver won't order events on its own.
(Mang10-PTLco-RF) Sara B.: and our computers can't.
George Lee: i can see this is going nowhere. this is definitely not customer service. I may need to re-evaluate staying with dish, thanks