Charged for VOD that I didn't order

Or.... call or go online to your state's attorney general's office and make a complaint. They will at least steer you in the right direction. To be allowed to make a charge against your account with no sort of confirmation, proof or tracking proceedure should be against the law. Taking away the tools for the customer to use to track their purchases is an abomination. They claimed my purchase was made from my remote, yet the purchase never showed up in my "Past Purchase" history. There is definately a "billing" problem on their end and they don't want to admit it.
Dish stole from me too!

:mad: Guess I'm just another Dish customer hit with a $6.99 VOD charge for something I didn't order. Dish charged me for a movie on 12/28/10. Nobody was even home, my family and I were at a relatives! Furthermore, the VOD was for a movie I paid $1 for to rent from Redbox weeks before. Dish just said Someone must have been there and known the 4-digit lock code and they would not refund the charge. We even offered to provide them evidence we were not home and for the Redbox rental for the same movie. My purchase history for the one receiver I have didn't show anything.
I am SO glad I didn't sign up for longer to get the Free HD for life. Only a few more months and Dish will be out of my house!
Ya know, with all of the customers Dish has with VOD capability, randomly charging them $6.99 for something they didn't order would add up to a lot of money! Anybody know a good lawyer to start the class action lawsuit?
:mad: Guess I'm just another Dish customer hit with a $6.99 VOD charge for something I didn't order. Dish charged me for a movie on 12/28/10. Nobody was even home, my family and I were at a relatives! Furthermore, the VOD was for a movie I paid $1 for to rent from Redbox weeks before. Dish just said Someone must have been there and known the 4-digit lock code and they would not refund the charge. We even offered to provide them evidence we were not home and for the Redbox rental for the same movie. My purchase history for the one receiver I have didn't show anything.
I am SO glad I didn't sign up for longer to get the Free HD for life. Only a few more months and Dish will be out of my house!
Ya know, with all of the customers Dish has with VOD capability, randomly charging them $6.99 for something they didn't order would add up to a lot of money! Anybody know a good lawyer to start the class action lawsuit?

Same thing happened to me. I am the only one who knew the code and they gave me the same standard reply about someone else knowing the code. When I told them to send a signal to the receiver preventing anyone from ordering PPV or VOD in the future they wanted $5.00! That was the final straw and I fired DN on the spot after 10+ years and went to DirecTV. My HR24s are now set to $0.00 as the maxium amount to spend for PPV or VOD and setting that up did not cost me a cent. DN just don't get it. You'll feel good when you fire them.
Dish calls this the PPV or VOD credit limit. I had mine set (via chat) to $0 at no cost at the same time I was getting my spurious charge erased. No more PPV/VOD charges have appeared.
While this has not happened to me, there are too many credible people posting to ignore it as not being a Dish billing problem, or a pirating problem. Everyone who had this happen, that has some kind of proof that it could not have been ordered, really has to get together, higher an attorney to look into it, and/or notify your State Attorney General. This kind of thread is great, but only up to a point if you want something done about it. You might be helping others of us out by getting Dish to admit there is a problem. (If there is one....)

The only thing that happened to me was years ago all of sudden Cinemax was added to my account. At first I thought it was a free preview, but my bill reflected a charge. Dish insisted I added it. I told them the date it shows added to my bill (as pro rated) we were on a cruise. Further, my wife knows nothing about ordering anything to do with Dish, I would be the only one who would do it. They deleted the charges, but made it clear it had to be me......
Dish calls this the PPV or VOD credit limit. I had mine set (via chat) to $0 at no cost at the same time I was getting my spurious charge erased. No more PPV/VOD charges have appeared.

This is the best way to prevent anything from being ordered if locks do not work. If it's set to $0, you will have to call in to order every event.
Today we are having DirecTV installed in our home.

While DirecTV was being installed, and as I tried to figure out the best way to cancel DISH, I went to the online account and couldn't see where to cancel. I ended up in a chat with an agent again. This time, right off the bat, the person offered to reverse the charges on two more PPV. This is interesting, because the person who reversed the 11 (out of 23 or 24 all together), said it was a one time for life thing and that no one could reverse any more ever.

Now, two days later, suddenly someone is able to reverse two more at 6.99. They said it would take up to 48 hours to show on my account and I'll be surprised if it is there. That would leave 10 or 11 still that I am expected to pay for, when I know that no one in this house ordered them. When this person asked me if there is anything more they could do, I said thanks for the two more reverses, but yes, please tell me how to cancel the service and they said I'd need to chat with the loyalty department.

I did end up talking with the "loyalty" department via the online chat. The guy there "Gary" actually said that it could have been the neighbours UHF remote if it were on the same frequency as ours. (Their adult daughter said not, but I'd still like to find out if the parents say not too when they return from Hawaii. She said they had left for Hawaii about a week ago, and coincidentally that is around the time the last couple of movies were charged to our account.)

Gary (from loyalty) said we could change the frequency so this won't happen in the future. It is too late for us!

If somebody had said this on Friday, I might well have stayed with DISH. Instead, after talking with seven or eight people all together (four on the phone and the rest on chat), I have been so disappointed in the lack of concern for what has happened in our situation that I really think I'd think about giving up TV all together rather than staying with DISH. Even though "Gary" suggested the remote issue might be the problem, he didn't offer to credit back the rest of the VOD.

Would be interesting to know if when you switched to D*,did your neighbor switch services also later?.;)
Dish calls this the PPV or VOD credit limit. I had mine set (via chat) to $0 at no cost at the same time I was getting my spurious charge erased. No more PPV/VOD charges have appeared.

When I had Dish a few months they wanted $5.00 to do that so I fired them and got DirecTV. I set the PPV/VOD limit to $0 via the remote controls- -far easier then having to deal with a Dish CSR.
...They deleted the charges, but made it clear it had to be me......
That attitude is typical of Dish Network and probably a part of their Corporate culture. When I had a bogus charge for a VOD that was PIN protected and the PIN was only known to me and not written down, they insisted it was either ordered by me or someone in the house that knew the PIN. They act like their customer's are chronic liars which they determine, no doubt, by using themselves as a measuring stick! There was one fellow who posted about a bogus VOD charge and he DID NOT EVEN HAVE A DVR!! So much for Dish Network's perfection.
Before I call Dish network on this, I wanted to see if anybody has any insight as what I should do or say to dish? I just checked my bill today and it says that I ordered a VOD on 06/21 - THE NEW DAUGHTER START 05:03pm for $6.99. I have locked all the receiver with a 4 digit code that I only know and nobody else in my family knows or can guess. I was out of town that week and I can prove it. But when I went to check each of the receiver that I have (all 3 of them) in the menu and under previous purchase, none showed anything. So my question is, how do I tell dish that I didn't order it? Do you think each order says which receiver it came from and they can trace it back to the receiver? I even asked all my family member and they all said no. Has anybody else had the same problem where they didn't order anything and it showed up on the bill? Thanks!
I never order or even heard of this company so yeah what did you guys so to get your refund besides cancel your bank card ?
I would get as much detail about the charge as possible. Sometimes there is a toll-free number associated with the entry. If so, call the number and ask who they are. Merchants often use a bank charge service with a different name than their main one. So, it's possibly legitimate. If it's not legitimate, then dispute it.
I once had a dog ordered porn stepping on a remote.
I don't have a dog, but way back when Dish added the PPV channels to channel 1, probably to make it easier for people to have an accident, they had BUGS. At least that's my claim and I'm sticking to it. I had some porn show up on my bill, and I called to get it removed. Dish did that, but then said that was my last freebie. So I told them to zero my PPV credit limit, and they did so. Now nobody nohow can charge any PPV to my account. I hope Dish is now happy with their BUG, because it has cost them in the long run.

Boost Mobile sucks after Dish conversion

Original Hopper to new Hopper 3 Smart Card info??

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