Caught in ATT hell

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access and knowledge are 2 diff things
many horror stories on the dtv forums of people that bought at att corp stores
That said, I didn't say that I personally would go to the store for D* service, I would go directly to D* via phone.

As for the att stores, I try to find someone I am comfortable with and get to know before any major accusations...
Then They move on ....
That has to be as high of a retention rate for employees as a Fast food restaurant.... it' amazing ... (probably don't pay enough to keep people)...
I used to work in an AT&T corporate store. Turnover is high because it's a high stress job with pretty steep quotas. Pay was actually decent for what it was with commission but it was all about sales, tricking customers into adding features, and bending the truth to sell customers things they didn't need.

This was years ago before AT&T bought DTV, but when I was there the system we used to order DTV was awful. No one knew how the pricing worked or how to order. Most reps just guessed and said whatever it took to get the wired sale while putting whatever info into the order screen to get it to go through.

If you want a taste of what it's like, read the billing sub forum for DirecTV Now on att's forums. There are many posts of sales reps (Retail Sales Consultants) just signing up customers for DTVNow without their consent. It tells me there's a quota for DTVNow signups.

Avoid the store at all costs unless you know exactly what you want and already know the pricing and double check everything a rep does.
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