Care and Feeding of a 12 foot Paraclipse...

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"the aliens made me do it!"

Mauiguy -

In the past year, Linuxman's exploits with the Birdview dishes have been legendary.
This year, you and Stogie have put the Paraclipse on the map.
Studying each dish in depth, brings out a lot of its secrets, and makes it all the more attractive . . .
. . . especially when ya feel confident that you can make it work.

I love that killer mount!
But, I've been researching the Ajak H-H mounts, too.
Mostly as a result of all the fine pictures in this thread!

Thanks to everyone here for all the entertainment and education!
Decisions, decisions,,,,,You could invite the neighborhood kids in to do some graffiti........

Naaa...the kids are cool here, I grew up with their parents, mostly, so they tread lightly around me....

Mauiguy -

In the past year, Linuxman's exploits with the Birdview dishes have been legendary.
This year, you and Stogie have put the Paraclipse on the map.
Studying each dish in depth, brings out a lot of its secrets, and makes it all the more attractive . . .
. . . especially when ya feel confident that you can make it work.

I love that killer mount!
But, I've been researching the Ajak H-H mounts, too.
Mostly as a result of all the fine pictures in this thread!

Thanks to everyone here for all the entertainment and education!

Anole, let me get this one going, and then I'll give you my honest assessment. I am confident that it will be better, but how much is what I am interested in. I am going to write some SQ's down the next few days, I am very interested in how much the Para improves them.

I'll tell ya this, though. If it didn't have the H-to-H mount, mine would still be in that guy's yard...LOL:cool:

Oh, and Mauiguy, its gonna be aluminum. I have a can and then some...LOL
I was gonna suggest flat gray (#1), dull aluminum (#2), or whatever best matches the rest of the dish (#3).
Were you going to paint it all?
I guess if so, then it doesn't matter so much.

Say, any luck with that car-door edging, or anything similar?
How far would it have to span?
How far from rib-tip to the next rib-tip?
Reason I ask, is because the stuff at an automotive store will be in cut lengths.
There is another nylon edging used in holes on chassis (several kinds, actually), which comes in 50' rolls.
I was gonna suggest flat gray (#1), dull aluminum (#2), or whatever best matches the rest of the dish (#3).
Were you going to paint it all?
I guess if so, then it doesn't matter so much.

Say, any luck with that car-door edging, or anything similar?
How far would it have to span?
How far from rib-tip to the next rib-tip?
Reason I ask, is because the stuff at an automotive store will be in cut lengths.
There is another nylon edging used in holes on chassis (several kinds, actually), which comes in 50' rolls.

It will be shiny aluminum, because that's what I have. LOL
But I think its gonna show as different regardless because the mesh is different, my replacement panels are preforated, very small holes. The original Paraclipse mesh looks like expanded metal, if you know what that is. I am just painting the replacement panels, because they are Winegard Grey, a dark grey.

I am gonna need three pieces of trim 5 feet long. I am going out tomorrow, and I am gonna look about a bit and see if I can come up with something.

Mauiguy- I did the scalar ring measurement today we discussed. I used a 1X2 and marked it, then went to the next and...the four points we talked about..... it was EXACTLY the same at all four points. I was shocked and amazed. :eek: :D
great job there

Hi Stogie,
I have been following your progress on your Paraclipse, You're doing one heck of a great job there! I'm always looking for new pictures as you go forward. You have made a very interesting thread here!

P.S. Too bad we couldn't meet as I was coming back from Texas to Florida with my Birdsview. I wasn't that far!
It will be shiny aluminum, because that's what I have. LOL
But I think its gonna show as different regardless because the mesh is different, my replacement panels are preforated, very small holes. The original Paraclipse mesh looks like expanded metal, if you know what that is. I am just painting the replacement panels, because they are Winegard Grey, a dark grey.

I am gonna need three pieces of trim 5 feet long. I am going out tomorrow, and I am gonna look about a bit and see if I can come up with something.

Mauiguy- I did the scalar ring measurement today we discussed. I used a 1X2 and marked it, then went to the next and...the four points we talked about..... it was EXACTLY the same at all four points. I was shocked and amazed. :eek: :D
Mauiguy- I did the scalar ring measurement today we discussed. I used a 1X2 and marked it, then went to the next and...the four points we talked about..... it was EXACTLY the same at all four points. I was shocked and amazed. :eek: :D

Man you gotta love a guy that can build a satellite dish correctly. Congratulations....
Man you gotta love a guy that can build a satellite dish correctly. Congratulations....

While I appreciate the kudos, its was blind-arsed-luck.:D LOL

Let's give the credit to Mr. Paraclipse for building a good design...LOL:up

Hi Stogie,
I have been following your progress on your Paraclipse, You're doing one heck of a great job there! I'm always looking for new pictures as you go forward. You have made a very interesting thread here!

P.S. Too bad we couldn't meet as I was coming back from Texas to Florida with my Birdsview. I wasn't that far!

Thanks for the well wishes. I take a lot of pictures so maybe I might help someone else, or maybe they can look at what I have and have a better idea than I can come up with...;)

You certainly passed within 500 feet of my house becuase I live just south of interstate 12 in Slidell, LA. My backyard borders the eastbound lane. Ten years ago I could have hucked a rock and hit the interstate, but not anymore...LOL

Hey Stogie,

Just make sure that your aluminum paint doesn't have any metal particles in it.

There are several threads about paint and the effects of metal in the paint. :eek:

Aluminum spraypaint on aluminum mesh matters? What are the chances that .99 Wally world spraypaint has metal in it?
Aluminum spraypaint on aluminum mesh matters? What are the chances that .99 Wally world spraypaint has metal in it?
Any metal particles even on mesh are like rain drops. They refract the signal and would cause noise interference.

I don't know about the Wally World paint, but I would spray it on some metal and hold it in the sun and see if it glitters off the sparklies if there are any before I would use it. :eek:
Any metal particles even on mesh are like rain drops. They refract the signal and would cause noise interference.

I don't know about the Wally World paint, but I would spray it on some metal and hold it in the sun and see if it glitters off the sparklies if there are any before I would use it. :eek:

Okay, I'll buy SILVER then...sheese. I have a wall full of half used spraypaint...Thanks for the tip. :D
Stogie, I just discovered your find today! I really need to check the C-Band section of the forum from time to time. Congratulations! I love the H-H mount!

Your Paraclipse is in far better condition than mine. I've been putting off working on mine due to the fact that, besides a complete remesh (as in total replacement of the panels), I'll need to find a buttonhook. I'll also have to figure out how to crack what's left of the old buttonhook out of its rusted position in the center of the dish. I guess it's not IMPOSSIBLE, but I'm on the lookout for an easier solution. I do know where another Paraclipse is, but it too is missing most of its mesh :(

Let me know if I can do anything to give you a hand. I wish I'd seen this thread earlier, it would have been fun to help you remove the dish from its original home. Maybe I'll be around when you raise it :)
Stogie, I just discovered your find today! I really need to check the C-Band section of the forum from time to time. Congratulations! I love the H-H mount!

Your Paraclipse is in far better condition than mine. I've been putting off working on mine due to the fact that, besides a complete remesh (as in total replacement of the panels), I'll need to find a buttonhook. I'll also have to figure out how to crack what's left of the old buttonhook out of its rusted position in the center of the dish. I guess it's not IMPOSSIBLE, but I'm on the lookout for an easier solution. I do know where another Paraclipse is, but it too is missing most of its mesh :(

Let me know if I can do anything to give you a hand. I wish I'd seen this thread earlier, it would have been fun to help you remove the dish from its original home. Maybe I'll be around when you raise it :)

That MAY happen this weekend if I can find enough help, J.

I can give you some tips on taking rusted bolts out...LOL

PB Blaster. Lots of it. LOL
Stogie, I just discovered your find today! I really need to check the C-Band section of the forum from time to time. Congratulations! I love the H-H mount!

Your Paraclipse is in far better condition than mine. I've been putting off working on mine due to the fact that, besides a complete remesh (as in total replacement of the panels), I'll need to find a buttonhook. I'll also have to figure out how to crack what's left of the old buttonhook out of its rusted position in the center of the dish. I guess it's not IMPOSSIBLE, but I'm on the lookout for an easier solution. I do know where another Paraclipse is, but it too is missing most of its mesh :(

Let me know if I can do anything to give you a hand. I wish I'd seen this thread earlier, it would have been fun to help you remove the dish from its original home. Maybe I'll be around when you raise it :)

If that other paraclypse dish has a quad feed support for the feedhorn it might be worth your while to snag it and use it for parts....

I have removed one button hook feed but i destroyed it in the process as I was going to mount the quad feed modification. The way they used to make them had the tube slide in to the back hub plate and then they had those u-bolt clamps that would squeeze the outer portion making it darned near impossible to remove the hook.
Old dish is off the pole....wanna see how I did it? LOL next question. The pole I have in the ground is the correct size, but is short, like the old one. My concrete is about 3 inches below ground level. Do y'all think I should put some kind of stop above ground level so when I put the Paraclipse pole/motor on the pole so it won't go all the way down? What kind of clamp would do the job?

Or should I dig it out and pour more concrete to ground level?


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Old dish is off the pole....wanna see how I did it? LOL next question. The pole I have in the ground is the correct size, but is shortlike the old one. My concrete is about 3 inches below ground level. Do y'all think I should put some kind of stop above ground level so when I put the Paraclipse pole/motor on the pole it won't go all the way down? What kind of clamp would do the job?

Man i am jealous. See if you can picture this: When i put my mount and dish up, I had a lawn tractor with a roll bar. I leaned a long extension ladder against the roll bar and had it positioned so that the top of the laddder was directly over the pole. I lashed it all together.

Then using a pulley and rope I pulled the mount straight up some foruteen feet and then lowered it down on to the pole. The entire affair looked something like Wile E. Coyote might have used.

I agree that you might want to put something under that mount to prevent it from sitting in the dirt. Otherwaise it will be a little difficult to rotate the mount on the pole when tuning the dish.

I briefly thought about some bricks (as in pavers) but they may also prove to be unstable resulting in the mount sliding down to the dirt anyway.

A piece of pipe with an inside diameter of 3.5 inches might work. My mind goes to a piece of PVC drain pipe.

I hope some one has better ideas than mine. Good luck....

Edited to add:
I did not see the part about you pouring more concrete. That is probably the best idea as it would provide an un moveable base that you could rotate the pole on.
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Man i am jealous. See if you can picture this: When i put my mount and dish up, I had a lawn tractor with a roll bar. I leaned a long extension ladder against the roll bar and had it positioned so that the top of the laddder was directly over the pole. I lashed it all together.

Then using a pulley and rope I pulled the mount straight up some foruteen feet and then lowered it down on to the pole. The entire affair looked something like Wile E. Coyote might have used.

I agree that you might want to put something under that mount to prevent it from sitting in the dirt. Otherwaise it will be a little difficult to rotate the mount on the pole when tuning the dish.

I briefly thought about some bricks (as in pavers) but they may also prove to be unstable resulting in the mount sliding down to the dirt anyway.

A piece of pipe with an inside diameter of 3.5 inches might work. My mind goes to a piece of PVC drain pipe.

I hope some one has better ideas than mine. Good luck....

Edited to add:
I did not see the part about you pouring more concrete. That is probably the best idea as it would provide an un moveable base that you could rotate the pole on.

I'd hate to pour more concrete, as I am planning on getting it mounted this weekend while I can hustle help. If I pour concrete it'll be a couple days before I can mount the dish. Although I guess I could put a sleeve on the pole, pour the concrete, and when it sets take the sleeve off an let it slide down to the concrete.

Unless I use that quick set concrete...hummmmm:confused::)
Yep that will sure work for you and I bet you could also use it to pull out those poles too. At the price now days for poles using a tractor would be a great idea for getting them out. I think there is some kind of attachment that hooks on the tractor to dig a hole in the ground too! Now thats my idea of a "Tractor Pull"!! lol


Old dish is off the pole....wanna see how I did it? LOL next question. The pole I have in the ground is the correct size, but is short, like the old one. My concrete is about 3 inches below ground level. Do y'all think I should put some kind of stop above ground level so when I put the Paraclipse pole/motor on the pole so it won't go all the way down? What kind of clamp would do the job?

Or should I dig it out and pour more concrete to ground level?
Afternoon update, I went out and dug around the pole, and made me a 2X2 form and set it up so the top would be above ground level. Got it all ready, then off to the Orange box to get some quick dry cement. No sooner than I put the sack in my SUV it started STORMING raining...MONSOON..... So my hole is now full of water. And its still raining. :eek::cool:

So, back in the shop, I got the SatAv CL2 LNB mounted up on the feed support, and got all but two mesh panels installed. Getting closer and closer.

I hooked my positioner box up to the motor to see how many counts it would do...1900 counts from far east to far west. Wow, this thing has some precision.:)

:eureka:Special Note for Brother Anole::eureka:

The automotive door trim did not work. I got a roll from Autozone, it just isn't deep enough. Back to the drawing board. :(

If it ever stops raining I will pour concrete...LOL:cool:
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