Care and Feeding of a 12 foot Paraclipse...

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You're doing a great job Stogie!

If there were Paraclipse factory workers watching you, I think they would think you are doing a factory installation. :)

Pfft. Hardly. The mesh is so messed up, that even turned over it is a bear to get reasonably flat. I took a plastic faced hammer, put each sheet on the floor, and gingerly work the edges flat. I have one of the outer sheets that is so torn up that I don't know how well I can make it look. I need to figure out something to put on the outer edge of that mesh, some of the panels have the plastic strips on them ,but they are all dry-rotted and nasty looking....

But thanks for the kudos. :)
Why don't you try a metal weather strip or plastic if you can find one for the bottom of doors. They have a groove that you can slip onto the mesh to straighten up the edge and you can get them up to 4 foot long. :)
Yea, or in the automotive store, there is a plastic version of chrome strips for the edge of your car door.
They're used as bumpers.
I think that comes in at least 4' strips.
It's sorta "U" shaped, and should slip right onto the bare edge of your mesh
A clip every 6" should hold it in place.
Of course, maybe you don't want a chrome-looking rim around your dish . . .

Can't think it should cost much, and maybe it now comes in other colors.
Yea, or in the automotive store, there is a plastic version of chrome strips for the edge of your car door.
They're used as bumpers.
I think that comes in at least 4' strips.
It's sorta "U" shaped, and should slip right onto the bare edge of your mesh
A clip every 6" should hold it in place.
Of course, maybe you don't want a chrome-looking rim around your dish . . .

Can't think it should cost much, and maybe it now comes in other colors.

Thats a good idea Green chrome though....I don't want any bling on my dish....:D

My thought was using some of the rubber moulding/finish strips they use when building fiberglass boats to finish the rough edges on the consoles, etc. Comes on a roll, don't know how much it is a foot, the automotive stuff might be cheaper.

Guess I need to do some googling.:cool:

Well so much for that...that stuff's door moulding it is....

Flex-Trim -
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Yea, let's go to the Mercedes dealer and buy some light bulbs for our VW.

You need to go to Walmart and look around! :D
Sears, even.
Do they still have Western Auto in the East? Don't see 'em out here in the west.

Maybe check out J.C. Whitney, on line?

I used to have a buddy with a sail boat at the marina.
You know the definition of those, don't you?
They're a hole in the water you throw money into!
Okay fellers...Mauiguy suggested that I go ahead and install the feed before I went much how in the heck do I center it again? There isn't much play at ALL in Paraclipse's mounting system...they have a steel ring that the feed mounts to, then the feed/scalar ring mounts to that, and they have nylon adjusting bolts to adjust it in and out. how do I check for centering though? Where do I measure from?


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Okay fellers...Mauiguy suggested that I go ahead and install the feed before I went much how in the heck do I center it again? There isn't much play at ALL in Paraclipse's mounting system...they have a steel ring that the feed mounts to, then the feed/scalar ring mounts to that, and they have nylon adjusting bolts to adjust it in and out. how do I check for centering though? Where do I measure from?

OKay, You already checked the dish for trueness using the string method. So, now you measure from the edge of the dish to the edge of the scalar ring. Measure from each of the four points around the dish. I went between the support legs so I did not have to guesstimate. (Actually I measured from the very end of the ribs, due to the flexibility of the mesh...)

As you know, you want it to be equal all the way around.

Then you can adjust for your focal distance if you wish. If all works perfectly those plastic adjusters can be moved with your fingers. However on my current dish they are way to tight and I need pliers to turn them.

OH......... this is edited because you mentioned the very little play in the feed mounting system. The problem I found was that when tightening the feed poles they would some times "twist" a little. This slight twisting then torqued the feed plate a little etc etc. When I assembled it I had all of the pieces loosely bolted together and then tightened them. So a slight twist on one pole had an effect on othr poles. (hope you follow this convoluted explaination)

Good idea on using those automotive edge protectors for the edge of the dish... I may look in to that....
OKay, You already checked the dish for trueness using the string method. So, now you measure from the edge of the dish to the edge of the scalar ring. Measure from each of the four points around the dish. I went between the support legs so I did not have to guesstimate. (Actually I measured from the very end of the ribs, due to the flexibility of the mesh...)

As you know, you want it to be equal all the way around.

Then you can adjust for your focal distance if you wish. If all works perfectly those plastic adjusters can be moved with your fingers. However on my current dish they are way to tight and I need pliers to turn them.

I have another quad pole feed system for another dish that the plastic screw move easily. Over tightening of the scalar ring will make them harder to turn of course.

Good idea on using thos automotive edge protectors for the edge of the dish... I may look in to that....

Okay. I am gonna change out the feed when I get the dish up, I want to use the voltage controlled LNB I have on my 7.5 dish, but I wanted to get it close before continuing with the meshing process.

What did you tell me your focal distance was? Mine is 53.250 right now.:D

Thanks again. The door moulding idea was Anole's though. he's a genius. And green! :up:cool:
Okay. I am gonna change out the feed when I get the dish up, I want to use the voltage controlled LNB I have on my 7.5 dish, but I wanted to get it close before continuing with the meshing process.

What did you tell me your focal distance was? Mine is 53.250 right now.:D

Thanks again. The door moulding idea was Anole's though. he's a genius. And green! :up:cool:

My focal distance is 52.625 This is measured from the center of the dish to approximately ¼ inch inside of the feed throat. The 53.375 focal distance is what is posted in the paraclypse chain drive book. I have a note here that earlier models had the 52.625 focal distance. I tired both when I assembled my dish because I had fabricated four feed poles that I made adjustable. I found that for my fourteen foot dish the 52.625 was the best reception.

There are so many variables that it is difficult to say categorically what is correct for your dish. I would try it as it was when you picked it up, then if it is not good enough you can play with it to get the best reception.

When measuring for feedhorn centering I ,measured from the end of the rib to the edge of the scalar ring. It makes little difference what the distance is, but it certainly makes a difference if they are not equal distance from the end of each rib. I used four ribs to measure from Those were the ones that did not have a feed support leg attached to them. That way you have an unobstructed distance from the scalar ring to the end of the rib.

I gather that you have already tightened the poles. No problem there, but measuring them will tell you if they twisted slightly when tightening….(think of how a bolt might slightly turn as you tightened the nut on it)

Also while measuring from the edge of the dish, I would check to see that the surface of the scalar ring is in a plane parallel to the center plate of the dish. If whose adjusting screws are not adjusted properly then the scalar ring will be slightly canted. Two things will result. One, the measurement from the end of the rib will be affected, and two, any feed horn mounted on those screws will not be pointed at the center of the dish.

I don't know if you have a serial number on your mount or dish, but my note indicated that serial number 151076 and earlier had the focal distance of 52.625, and the later ones had the distance.

I offer that for information purposes only. You mileage may vary, and what ever distance works for you is the one you gotta go with....

In addition, my note does not indicate if that information applies to dishes made with the horizon to horizon mount.

I don't know if you have a serial number on your mount or dish, but my note indicated that serial number 151076 and earlier had the focal distance of 52.625, and the later ones had the distance.

I offer that for information purposes only. You mileage may vary, and what ever distance works for you is the one you gotta go with....

In addition, my note does not indicate if that information applies to dishes made with the horizon to horizon mount.

The Paraclipse manual I got with the dish is dated 1992. And I surmise that the Ku upgrade kit was done at a later date, as some Ku pages were loosely stuffed in the manual. I wonder if the dishes with the Ku upgrade versus the button-hook changed the F/D?


Almost half of the mesh is done. Pics in a little while. The trim pieces are looking GOOD. :up

EDIT: One half done.


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The Paraclipse manual I got with the dish is dated 1992. And I surmise that the Ku upgrade kit was done at a later date, as some Ku pages were loosely stuffed in the manual. I wonder if the dishes with the Ku upgrade versus the button-hook changed the F/D?


Almost half of the mesh is done. Pics in a little while. The trim pieces are looking GOOD. :up

EDIT: One half done.

Looks good.

Changing the buttonhook to quad feed should have affected neither the F/D ratio nor the focal distance as both are related to the diameter of the dish and the depth of the dish. Essentially what the quad feed did do was to provide a more stable focal point.

With the old button hook feeds, the guy witres would eventually stretch a little and the feed would then sag off center decreasing the signal.. With the new Quad feed, you lose the potential for the sag, and gain the ability to fine tune the focal distance with those plastic screws.

Once you are all set up , you will probably only need to go hit it with grease a couple of times per yuear....
That gray plastic trim along the ribs is lookin' spiffy, dude!
Ya got 'er lookin' new! - :up

I can't believe they had no factory trim on the sharp edge of the mesh.
Wouldn't a bird flying into it get his head cut off? :eek:

I think most californians are green :D maybe he's from outerspace ... thats why he's Green & so good at all this satellite stuff :D
Naw, Californicators come in all colors of the spectrum. We're a real melting pot.

Had a nice magnitude 5.4 earth quake about 50 miles away, today.
Almost shook my scales loose!
Just business as usual, for us. Keeps us dancin' ! - :cool:
That gray plastic trim along the ribs is lookin' spiffy, dude!
Ya got 'er lookin' new! - :up

I can't believe they had no factory trim on the sharp edge of the mesh.
Wouldn't a bird flying into it get his head cut off? :eek:

Naw, Californicators come in all colors of the spectrum. We're a real melting pot.

Had a nice magnitude 5.4 earth quake about 50 miles away, today.
Almost shook my scales loose!
Just business as usual, for us. Keeps us dancin' ! - :cool:

Pictures do NOT tell the story, green one. Up close it still looks like a 20 year old dish, with 20 year old mesh, cobbled back together. :D

Sure does look cool, though. From a distance.

Can't make chicken salad out of chicken manure, know what I mean?

But, being the perfectionist that I am, it'd likely never be to my satisfaction. I am the most concerned about getting the best signal I possibly can out of it. it had danged well be better than my current dish, I can tell you that....:)

Keep things together out there, wouldja? We don't want ya falling off into the Pacific. :cool:
Many thanks to Mauiguy for his invaluable input.
Sure made a believer out of me.
Before this thread, I'd have never considered one of these dishes.
Now, I'm trying to remember where I saw the one in my neighborhood, and get some pix!
Pictures do NOT tell the story, green one.
Up close it still looks like a 20 year old dish, with 20 year old mesh, cobbled back together. :D
Sure does look cool, though. From a distance.
Yea, that's the whole point. Nobody's ever gonna BE close to it but you!
The rest of us will have to see it from the street.
What's that distance? 50 feet?
If it's tight, it'll look good to everyone who drives by. - :up
We probably won't even appreciate the gray rib-strips, nor the bling around the outside edge. :cool:
Keep things together out there, wouldja? We don't want ya falling off into the Pacific. :cool:
Oh, no worry here. We're all issued a paddle (insert your own joke here), and a life jacket. - :D
Never leave home without 'em!

saw on the news: 63 aftershocks in the 10 hours after the quake.
again, that's pretty typical, and nobody notices many of 'em other than the seismologists.
Many thanks to Mauiguy for his invaluable input.
Sure made a believer out of me.
Before this thread, I'd have never considered one of these dishes.
Now, I'm trying to remember where I saw the one in my neighborhood, and get some pix!

Yea, that's the whole point. Nobody's ever gonna BE close to it but you!
The rest of us will have to see it from the street.
What's that distance? 50 feet?
If it's tight, it'll look good to everyone who drives by. - :up
We probably won't even appreciate the gray rib-strips, nor the bling around the outside edge. :cool:
Oh, no worry here. We're all issued a paddle (insert your own joke here), and a life jacket. - :D
Never leave home without 'em!

saw on the news: 63 aftershocks in the 10 hours after the quake.
again, that's pretty typical, and nobody notices many of 'em other than the seismologists.

If you do decide to get one, I can save you LOTS of work. Because I did EVERYTHING the wrong way to begin with, and then did it the RIGHT way...LOL

And yes, Mauiguy is an invaluable reference. Even moreso in the next few days, because I hope to mount that puppy up very soon. Maybe as soon as tomorrow or Friday.

We've been talking elevation/declination and the meaning of life in general and where the Paraclipse fits in VIA email....stay tuned.

Havta cut the grass today, so no Paraclipse fun. :cool:
And it looks to be 95 with 100% humidity. Wonderful weather. :(
Havta cut the grass today, so no Paraclipse fun.
And it looks to be 95 with 100% humidity. Wonderful weather.
We must have the same weather pattern as you do Stogie. It was 98 yesterday with about the same humidity.

I planted a small peach tree about 3 years ago, and my wife and I picked all the peaches the day before yesterday and spent yesterday afternoon and evening peeling and cutting up peaches, so no satellite project for me yesterday. Just a nice home made peach pie last night. :)

saw on the news: 63 aftershocks in the 10 hours after the quake.
again, that's pretty typical, and nobody notices many of 'em other than the seismologists.
My Mom and Dad lived in San Francisco in 1948 - 49. My Mom said she woke up one night and the dishes were falling out of the cabinets. She woke my Dad, and he just said there was a train going by. :)

Mom said there weren't any train tracks within 20 miles. :D
Many thanks to Mauiguy for his invaluable input.
Sure made a believer out of me.
Before this thread, I'd have never considered one of these dishes.
Now, I'm trying to remember where I saw the one in my neighborhood, and get some pix!

Thank you sir,
All of the information I have been able to offer has come from either trial and error (mostly the latter) and from other forums where information and assistance has been given freely over the years.
It is a pleasure to be able to pass on that information.
I think back to a time when I could not even change an actuator. We had had a wind storm one winter out here and the dish had been blown so hard that it stripped out the inner arm of my actuator and the entire dish flopped over to point toward the west.
Imagine my surprise when I tried to turn on HBO and got static. I called the one remaining big dish installer on Maui, and he came out to replace the actuator. While he was working, all he could talk about was the aliens that had an underground base hidden in our volcano.
I decided then that maybe I should learn a little about my dish and how to fix it. I guess I can thank the aliens, and only hope that the information that I pass on proves to be useful.
Have a great day…. aloha
That's funny Mauiguy....:eek:

While cutting grass today I got caught in a thunderstorm, so I had time to make my missing mesh panels. I had to make each one in two pieces, but it is what it is.

Now, what color to paint them, silver, aluminum, or gray? :confused:;):D
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