Can AT9 be mounted on a steel pipe?

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sheridan said:
I am aware of the vents and such already through my roof, thank you. I have no desire to add any more penetrations, no matter how well sealed. If other people have no problem with roof mounts, that is their business. I won't have one, and since it is MY house, it will be as I want.

And this whole discussion, with the forceful opinions expressed by installers who obviously feel that their way is the ONLY way serves to justify why I will NEVER have any of my dishes installed by anyone else but me. I have installed my own as well as helped others and every one of them is working just fine with high signal strength.

Again, these are MY opinions.

And I chimed in on MY opinion. I will make my self clear on one thing. I never try to push a customer to do anything he will regret. I let the customer know what their mounting options are and let them decide. I am sure you and Eric are great guys and I have nothing against you guys. What I am trying to point out is that when you try to force tell an installer of any source what he is and is not going to do it makes us angry. Some things customers ask us to do is way beyond what an ordinary install consist of and most of the stuff they want done would get us in trouble for if a QC call is done on us.

If you don't want the dish mounted to your house that is your choice, but I am not going to mount anything to a object, even something like Eric's which seems to look fine, but that type of installing is not my style.
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Tate, thank you. Your response is more civilized and considerate than some others, and it is those others that set me off.

In all fairness, I would never insist on something that was unsafe or get an installer in trouble. All I would insist on is a clean, professional installation and for the installer to consider what I wanted. If what I want is not in the normal install, then it is up to me to either pay for the additional work or have certain things already done prior to the visit from the installer.

You've stated that what the customer wants is considered, unfortunately, that is apparently not the attitude of some others.
dragon002 said:
just bob,

better example, the power company comes to your new home and is going to run aerial wires to the mast and meter socket. you say , no way, i want underground.....guess what , you pay $$$$ same scenerio with the phone and cablecos, you want it non-standard you pay $$$

so why are we any different?

I never said that you shouldn't have to pay for something that's non-standard. I simply disagreed with your statement about not telling an electrician or a plumber how you want it done, so don't tell a satellite installer how you want it done. If that means it's going to take extra time/material, then of course the customer should pay that difference. Now if the non-standard method doesn't take any extra time/material, then I wouldn't expect to pay any extra. The customer should be able to have the job done the way he wants it, within reason (codes/safety/etc). If the customer and contractor can't agree on that, then they shouldn't do business.


good post. but you have no idea what techs like tate and i go through. 99% of the customers are fine , but that 1% are really something.
if a cx wants a pole and installs it himself, fine, ill even tell him where to locate it. ( the 1% say, well i put in the pole will you bury the coax ??......NO!)

the other one.... well they said you can do that. the subject word is CAN. it is not "required to" its CAN.
I love the ones that when you tell them the price of a pole mount they will tell you I will go buy a pole you can install it on, they are amazed when I tell them ok $125.00 "the price we charge for the pole installation" minus the price of the pole "for example we pay around $35.00 for our direcway poles" so you will be charged $90.00 if you buy the pole. People cannot grasp that we cannot dig a hole, wait on concrete to dry, and dig a trench to bury the wire for free.

I also LOVE the people that won't me to wait around while they install their own poles.

Like dragon said only 1 percent of the people are like this. I may run into 1 of these a**holes per month if that.
The Tate said:
I love the ones that when you tell them the price of a pole mount they will tell you I will go buy a pole you can install it on, they are amazed when I tell them ok $125.00 "the price we charge for the pole installation" minus the price of the pole "for example we pay around $35.00 for our direcway poles" so you will be charged $90.00 if you buy the pole. People cannot grasp that we cannot dig a hole, wait on concrete to dry, and dig a trench to bury the wire for free.

I also LOVE the people that won't me to wait around while they install their own poles.

Like dragon said only 1 percent of the people are like this. I may run into 1 of these a**holes per month if that.

I run into one of them once a week. It's like a few people I see here. FREE FREE FREE is the only thing in their head. You are not getting this pole for Free, this wallfish for free, this mirror for free, and installing this ird you bought from BESTBUY for free.
JustBob said "so don't tell a satellite installer how you want it done."

OMG you better hope your bosses never read this!!!

Not only was my install mount my idea, it made the installers job much easier. I was a D* installer for 2 years. It is not an easy job and yes you do get people that want work done for free. But to say that the customer has no say in where the dish is installed is just wrong.

Comparing someone wanting their dish mounted on a mast instead of on the roof or wall to having an electrical service drop buried from the street is a night and day difference!!
When a customer pays you to bury the coax, do you put it in conduit and bury it 18 inches minimum below grade? Do you use a backhoe to dig the trench and have it inspected by the city before you backfill it? If you do not then stop tiring to compare the two.
I had a D* CSR tell me the installer would drive 90 min from my house to install 2 of my SD units on my 5th wheel at the campground and provide the extra equipment at no cost to me. this is 100% true, I am not a moron and knew there was ZERO chance this would happen and told the CSR it was not right to over promise a service that the installer could not or should not deliver.

If you are asking an installer to dig and install a pole and use extra supplies that he pays out of his pocket for then expect to pay for it. Or even a wall fish as this takes extra time and that is not fair to the installer. It is bad enough that the company they work for does not respect their time.

All this said it is the customer that pays the money to D* and D* that passes money down to the install company and they pay the installer. The bottom line is the customer pays your check and like it or not the customer is always right.
when i got d* for my mother the tech came out and said i needed a pole and that it'd be cheaper for me to do it myself and that he would be back the next day to do the install so i went to work. went to my local home depot bought a galvanized pole (shoulda bought a thicker one but it does the job for an 18" dish), put a couple of bolts in the pole, dug the hole about 2 1/2', put the pole in the hole, put some gravel in, plumed it then emptied the fast drying concrete mix in to the hole, poured water in, let dry over night then i dug the trench for the cable from the pole to the house. the tech came the next day and installed everything and i covered the trench. no problems. the supplies cost me no more than $40. why do people argue over something this easy and cheap to do? oh boy, i can't wait till i start working for the hsp here and run in to people like that.
Eric Goempel said:
All this said it is the customer that pays the money to D* and D* that passes money down to the install company and they pay the installer. The bottom line is the customer pays your check and like it or not the customer is always right.

D doesn't pay us. The cust has to pay us for any custom work period. The cust is not always right. I been in many houses where D* has cancled the order and told me to walk.
grydlok said:
D doesn't pay us. The cust has to pay us for any custom work period. The cust is not always right. I been in many houses where D* has cancled the order and told me to walk.

i didnt understand that one either.
Wow i called D* and the Aproved my "custom" install. Any one that believes the customer is not always right has no bussiness in a service industry. I never said D* paid for custom work. but your paycheck comes from you company and D* pays them for the install and that money comes from the customers bills.

Trust me the companys are NOT paying you out of the goodness of their hearts.
The customer is always right. If they say the dish should be mounted to something out of the ordinary, it should be. If they say that they should not have to pay for custom charges, they should not have to.:rolleyes:

What we are saying for the last time is all customers are not like this but some unfortunately are.

i have had directv "approve custom work" but not in the manner you are stating. the cx pays me for the custom work and then is reimbursed by directv. im sure tate will agree with this also.
I have no dought that custom work is extra charge and rightly so. But my install for example is not custom work in my view.
but it is in the techs view and it is he who is doing the work.

you said before you installed these systems. so i am doing a new post and i am going to describe a FREE install.
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Hughes GAEBO & International Dish

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