I found this hilarious and to the point at the same time...
Blu-Ray sales tank for good reasons - The INQUIRER
The funny part is, Microsoft and Intel, as co-founders of AACS, get "infection kickbacks" too...
Blu-Ray sales tank for good reasons - The INQUIRER
The format has three problems, DRM infections, BD-J and greed. The greed part is obvious, Sony won the format war and are trying to charge people between 50 and 100% more for a product with marginally better quality. Sure, it looks better, and the 0.07% of people with 7.1 channel audio setups will be overjoyed, but for the rest, it is a small step at best over an upconverting DVD.
That brings us to the next down side, there is no up, DRM. Every Blu-ray disc is DRM infected even if the producer doesn't want it to be, in order to get a company to manufacture it, it must be infected. Sony gets an infection kickback fee as well, so don't think it is purely for protection unless you mean it in the -racket sense.
Blu-ray DRM infections do not protect anything, Slysoft has cracked it...
There are two problems with this, other than the fact that morons spent money on a Sony format, it works like crap and it phones home, both comprise the third negative. Working like crap is the obvious one...
The funny part is, Microsoft and Intel, as co-founders of AACS, get "infection kickbacks" too...
