I agree. I care more about sports in HD than I do HD-DVD/BluRay. My standard def discs look great on my upconverting DVD player and 56" HDILA. Of course, I don't watch all that many movies at home so it really is quite subjective.I disagree with every analogy except for the laserdisc/ced one.
This is an argument over nothing. Blu-ray and HD-DVD are both small niche markets compared to DVD--period. Blu-ray players still cost too much. HD-DVD discs cost too much. (Why? I have no idea.) Joe six pack isn't interested. To him HD is DVD (progressive scan) on his 32" 768p Vizio/Sceptre/Emprex/Ilo/Westinghouse LCD.
Like it or not this is SACD/DVD-audio all over again. (I wish it were DVD+/-R, but it's not.)
Yes, it is VERY much like the VHS vs. Beta "war". I see no difference between then and now. I ended up with both players at the time, one of them obviously being a paperweight.