Blog: HD DVD: Fight or Quit (Preferably Quit)

And the rest is history.


And a good history lesson it was. Thanks. :)

I sure get tired of the "M$ just wants VOD to win" argument. There's nothing anyone can document this claim with, and I think it's a pretty silly rumor. Ignoring the physical & mentality barriers to VOD via Internet to start making any inroads to optical disk's market share, how would this benefit Microsoft? Anyone think they would automatically have a monopoly or even largest market share? The natural leaders in VOD would be the current leaders in "temporary movie viewing" - the rental companies. Netflix already has "Instant Viewing" for a large number of movies. I'm entitled to 17 hours per month included free with my rental subscription. Do you how many hours I've used? Zero - Nada. My 512k Wi-Fi internet service is way too slow, but I don't enjoy watching movies in from of my computer anyway. And Blockbuster just bought movie download service Movielink. These companies will lead the way to the small market for (legal) downloading movies, not Microsoft.

No. M$ supports HD DVD for a number of reasons. But, probably at least as important is that they oppose Blu-ray for two main reasons.

1- Sony said something a few years back to the effect of the Playstation platform could eliminate the need for a PC in the home. That didn't sit well with Mr. Bill.

2- To replace the Playstation with the Xbox platform as the top selling game console.
1- Sony said something a few years back to the effect of the Playstation platform could eliminate the need for a PC in the home.
Wasn't this similar to what Andreeson said about his Netscape browser replacing the need in a fat operating system like Windows?
And soon after their "airsupply was cut off"...

I believe profit margins in the Windows/Office business started shrinking a few years ago and Microsoft needed a new market.
They picked the living room and that escalated all the anymosity between them and Sony...

BD vs. HD is just one of the "rounds" in this fight. 360 vs. PS3 is the other.

It's an ugly and brutal world of big money...

BobMurdoch;988619]Oh please......

Sony sabotaged unification efforts at every turn, just as they have always done.

It was not Sony who walked out but Toshiba and M$.

It sticks in their craw that the lion's share of the royalties went to Toshiba in the DVD spec, and they were determined to flip that this time. Nevermind that similar tactics failed with Beta, Minidisc, SA-CD, the list goes on and on .....

And yet Sony gave up the Vhs/Beta war to Toshiba and then on the DVD specs they fell right in line with everyone else. So when both Toshiba and Sony brought forth a new HD standard for discs and most chose the BD side why did not Toshiba fall in line? Who was being greedy here by forcing a format war nobody wanted? Toshiba did not want a new dvd format that would not keep paying them royalties and M$ stepped in to offer a big wallet to keep Toshiba from falling in-line with everyone else.

HD DVD wins in usability hands down with better interactivity capabilities, combo disks that can be played in either standard or HD DVD players, and a lack of region coding that enables you to buy any disc from any region with NTSC disks.

There is nothing HD-DVD movies have over Bd other then iHD and by October that will not be in the mix either. The lack of regional coding is one of the reasons most studios went with BD in the first place. And most BD movies come with a lossless audio soundtrack -- something HD-DVD doesn't really offer right now.

The only advantage for BluRay is slightly larger capacity and the hammer that was supposed to be the PS3 ensuring the format's success. GTA4 is lost for this year, Madden 08 is reviewed by numerous outlets as running more sluggish on a PS3 vs. the 360, Metal gear Solid will lose its exclusivity next (HMV had to backpedal when they announced it before they were supposed to), and Halo 3 and Mass Effect will steal more of the hardcore gamers they assumed were theirs. Meanwhile Wii will pass them both (although 3rd party support for the Wii is still remarkably scarce) this week or next.

Besides larger capacity, higher bit rate for both audio and picture, another level of security (BD+) comparing the PS3 and the XBOX in a discussion of HD formats is a looser. The XBOX360 HD-DVD comes up lame simply because it cannot provide any lossless audio formats. We are talking HD movies here not games.

I agree that BluRay still has the upper hand as Disney, Sony, and Fox try and ram it through with sheer brute force, but it is not a "better" format by any means. If Universal and Microsoft continue their hold out, at worst it will drive prices down further for both hardware and media.

There is no raming being done. If you are happy with your XBOX360 and HD-DVD add-on the be happy. Don't come in here and cry spilt milk because the movies you really want to see are on BD. You should of bought a BD player -- standalone or PS3. If the price is too much -- just wait -- the prices are coming down.

Meanwhile, I'll be enjoying watching "Heroes" on HD DVD in a few weeks..... We ain't dead yet.

You go right ahead and enjoy your Heroes while I will be enjoying the Spiderman movies, the Bond movies, the Disney movies and of course the first Spielburg movie to be on either format "Encounters of the Third Kind" with a special Spielburg directors notes only on BD. There's plenty more but I am tired of typing.
I have both an HD-DVD player and a PS3. I only buy BD discs now unless they are an Universal HD-DVD exclusive. Why? Because like it or not BD has won. Is there anyone that really thinks that all the studios will drop BD support now and switch to HD-DVD exclusively?

The best the HD-DVD camp can hope for is the survival of the format, there is a chance (but I think fairly small) that the format may be discontinued completely. My opinion is that it is more likely a dual format player will come out cheap enough to save the format. It is possible that a BD exclusive studio could start supporting HD-DVD, but I think it will be a very long time before Sony Pictures ever does it, far more likely Universal will give in and go dual.

The way I would like to see it play out is that universal players get cheap enough that everyone switches to them and then studios switch to whichever format suits them. What is more likely is that HD-DVD slowly fades away.
Could be. But don't forget, retailers must stock these items, and the more SKUs, the more expensive. They no doubt view it as providing basically the same thing in an unnecessary number of formats. Shelf space, warehouse space, tracking, etc, all add up. Expensive for studios, too. So there's pressure to kill one off.
Disney backed Divx last time and it didn't work out too well..... How many enthusuasts wish they could take Ratatouille in the car trip on the minivan DVD player, and then watch it in all its HD glory in their media room? I CAN do that with my HD DVD combo disks.....

Yes, the format may eventually die, but for now HD DVD wins the usability war. Spiderman 3 won't work on the airplane ride, the car, or anywhere else but that PS3 in your living room.....
The war is over.

Universal, Paramount, Warner, Dreamworks all HD DVD..........

Paramount just saved me 500 dollars!! Every HDDVD owner should now go out and thank HD DVD by buying 500 dollars worth of movies.

No more paramount BD production

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