
Yeah, I hope they have a good idea where they are going with this, by giving out so much info in one episode. I know they want to have a good hook for season two, though.
I am done with it. Can't stand (the two) secondary agents...who can't ever make up their minds...fickle as F!
Here is the biggest thing about this whole show. IF they ever solve the entire plot -Jane gets her full memory back and all the back story is retold- then the whole show is over. Same for The Blacklist. So no matter what we learned in the season premier , things will keep twisting and changing to keep you viewing.
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Anyone watching anymore .... the halfway Season Finale was this week.
Back for the second half later.
I really hate it now that that has become the normal for shows.
It's one thing to have a Holiday break, as in Christmas and maybe even skip a week for Thanksgiving, but breaking from Thanksgiving to sometime after the 1st of the year is ridiculous.
Anyone watching anymore .... the halfway Season Finale was this week.
Back for the second half later.
I really hate it now that that has become the normal for shows.
It's one thing to have a Holiday break, as in Christmas and maybe even skip a week for Thanksgiving, but breaking from Thanksgiving to sometime after the 1st of the year is ridiculous.

I totally agree with you. I still watch Blacklist on NBC and I just hate the ridiculous break from October until some time in February or even later than that :mad:
Still watching but I will admit not quite as taken with this season as the last.

Agree with the above comments about the lengthy mid-season breaks. Fortunately I have enough unwatched stuff on my DVR I'm never lacking for things to watch.
It has about 10% of my attention when I'm playing a recording as I surf the Internet.

The plot went from interesting - the tattoos to dumb as a militant group that doesn't seem to have the ability to do tattooing, nevermind planting hidden codes in them.
I think the winter break allows networks to cut down on the amount of episodes they shoot per show and they fill that break from Thanksgiving to almost the third week in January with specials , and other Mid season crap replacements you don't see during the current season.
At least Jane won't take a long winter break like some other NBC shows have done in the past.

Jane will return next week from her Christmas vacation, and maybe we will find out Patterson's first name.
Hope to catch up with the last 3 episodes or so this weekend.

That break in the March made me forget about Jane this last few weeks.
I read that Blindspot is on the bubble and may be or not be renewed for next year. So ratings might be down due to NBC doing the usual hide and seek with their best shows. Get them premiered and then remove them in the winter for mid season schlock shows to run and then only to return for a short number of weeks till the season finale hits. This same formula has killed many a show on this network. Revolution is one that comes to mind and Heroes too.
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I read that Blindspot is on the bubble and may be or not be renewed for next year. So ratings might be down due to NBC doing the usual hide and seek with their best shows. Get them premiered and then remove them in the winter for mid season schlock shows to run and then only to return for a short number of weeks till the season finale hits. This same formula has killed many a show on this network. Revolution is one that comes to mind and Heroes too.
I'm beginning to think your right ... I'm tired of investing time in show and have them leave do to Network stupidity (showing a few shows a month with weeks and weeks off is bad for business) ...
Of course ratings are down, they don't show enough episodes to keep peoples attention.

Like someone previously mentioned, the Tats shows were the basis for the show ... now that Tats clues really are not the main prority, the show has gone off track.

Hopefully it comes back another year with better story planning.
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