
I have a feeling that they are putting Blindspot on Fridays to kill it off. That is the 2nd least watched night of tv . The first being Sunday nights with all the sports over runs. I record less tv on those two nights than the rest of the week.
I didn't even remember about this show, but from what I read here, sounds like the poor thing has been put back again just to let it die.
They did a 2 year time jump. Jane and Weller are married and the others work for different government agencies. Patterson is a civilian. I wondered why they shook things up.
They did a 2 year time jump. Jane and Weller are married and the others work for different government agencies. Patterson is a civilian. I wondered why they shook things up.

Wow, sounds like quite a mess IMO.

I do remember that last season ended with that bad woman, (sorry I'm bad with names) Jane's mom finally in the hands of that agent the Pakistani woman, back then I was interested to see what would happen with her :imconfused
Wow, sounds like quite a mess IMO.

I do remember that last season ended with that bad woman, (sorry I'm bad with names) Jane's mom finally in the hands of that agent the Pakistani woman, back then I was interested to see what would happen with her :imconfused
They "may" have flipped by it when they were doing the time jump. I will have to watch it again this weekend.
They "may" have flipped by it when they were doing the time jump. I will have to watch it again this weekend.

I watched the first few minutes of that season premiere, but it didn't look anything at all like the previous show.

I need to finish watching it and I admit maybe I'm being a little too hasty to criticize here, but I have the impression the writers felt some need to "fix" something that wasn't broken.
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I'll finish watching the premiere, and will watch the second episode, hope I like it.

But I think that once again the NBC execs, have screwed up with this one, this time assisted by the writers.

Blindspot was a hit the first season, in the Monday late time slot, with the original - naked tat gal coming out of a bag - idea, and its success was reflected in its ratings.

But I have the hunch this show is now doomed with the new turn pulled off by the writers, and pushed back into the far corner of Friday night oblivion, and the only way i see it's headed, is to Jane going back to the bag she came out of.
I still haven't watched beyond the first 5 minutes of the premiere, hope to catch up soon with Jane.

I just discovered Salvation (which was on CBS this summer) and I found it so good, that I binge watched it in just 3 days this past weekend, giving it preference over catching up on Blindspot, NCIS NOLA and others.
Finally after the fourth time, I was able to finish watching the premiere.

But IMO there are many things that don't make sense.

And I was surprised to see Patterson's reaction to Mr, sounds to me like they were somehow involved during the last 2 years....weird, but then again it doesn't have sense to have 2 tech guys, actually 3 with Stewart.

Will give it another chance to episode 2, and see how it goes.
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Finally after the fourth time, I was able to finish watching the premiere.

But IMO there are many things that don't make sense.

And I was surprised to see Patterson's reaction to Mr, sounds to me like they were somehow involved during the last 2 years....weird, but then again it doesn't have sense to have 2 tech guys, actually 3 with Stewart.

Will give it another chance to episode 2, and see how it goes.

It gets better IMO
It gets better IMO

Now that I've watched episodes 2 and 3 I think I agree.

First i thought Patterson was acting real strange and bitter, sadly she couldn't apologize to Stewart in time.

I like the character IMO he's funny and is a good addition to the team.

And I guess we'll never know Patterson's first name. :rolleyes:
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I have yet to watch any of this years Blindspot ...
I have watched every episode in the first few days ... till this year ...
From what I've seen it just doesn't make much sense anymore.
I´ll keep watching.
But I do have the impression there are some loose ends.
Whatever happened to Jane's mom?
What the heck is Jane's brother up to?

I have the impression that Patterson returned this season very bitter for whatever reason, she miss-treated Stewart and she wasn't able to apologize on time to him.

Same thing almost happened to her with

Hopefully she'll see once again the joy in living and having teammates that are willing to work with her following the same objective.
We didn't get the finale. The local NBC was showing some other bullsh*t instead. So looks like I will have to watch it on the NBC App with commercials next weekend.