Is it possible to have to receivers in the same room and use one remote to control them at different times? In other words not control box b while controlling box a.
Time Warner Cable, Brighthouse, Cablevision, Mediacom, Charter and overbuilder WOW are the major cable companies that don't offer the NFL Network. Comcast had a lot of issues with them but has carried NFL Net for a while now. None of these cable companies have lost a significant amount of subscribers by not carrying the NFL Network. Sure some have left, but not enough to have a negative impact. These are businesses, not charity operations, and despite what many people think, these companies have some very intelligent people working for them and when it is all said and done, it's not hurting them too bad by choosing not to carry the NFL Network. So there is no reason for them to offer it.
I love NFL, I love sports, but in all honesty, the NFL Network is a stinker. I watched it when I had DirecTV, my uncle has Dish Network, I see it at his house, the network is lame. IMO, ESPN does a better job with highlights and analyses. And while I love watching NFL RedZone on my phone, it just shows how greedy the NFL actually is. There is no reason for Red Zone to be a separate service at an additional cost, it could just be a programming block on NFL Network as during Sunday afternoons NFL Network is basically just a scoreboard channel.
I for one hope the NFL Network is NEVER EVER EVER added to TWC/BHN! As usual TWC/BHN are doing good, more power to them!
Steve Mehs said:Nope, you cannot set up each box with it's own remote control address, unfortunately.
Huh? How did all the providers make a killing with FCC digital transition? You do realize that transition did not apply to the cable companies, sat companies etc and only to over the air broadcasters right? BHN still provides over 60 analog channels. If anything BHN and the cable companies have lost money because of the FCCs rulings like there annoying "seperable security" requirement, and the whole cable card fiasco.
And yes BHN and others upgraded their network to remain competitive, but that does not take away the fact an upgraded network costs more money.
Every cable sub SHOULD be FORCED to have an STB. There is no reason for analog cable to exist in the year 2011. It's a massive waste of bandwidth that can be used for better things. For every analog channel removed you can have two HD channels or 8-10 SD channels with minimal compression. Time to get with the times here folks! Satellite has required STBs since day one, cable should be the same!
Yeah right, TWC and BHN lost millions forcing many subs into digital boxes. For example, like my 93 year old Dad, whom has had HBO for over 30 years and removed it completely from analog service, forcing him to have a stb to view it.
Spoken like a man whom works for Cable Company and wants those extra receiver fees.
So satellite doesn't charge for extra receivers? The beloved overrated crap called Verizon Fios doesn't have extra terminal fees? There is no reason crappy, fuzzy, analog cable should still be around. Being subjected to analog cable makes my eyes bleed. And I doubt cable companies really make that much off of set top rentals. These things don't come free from Motorola and Cisco, ya know. Cable companies have to purchase them from somewhere. But sooner or later all cablecos will be close to 100% digital only, so might as well get used to it. It's called progress.
I guess he would rather us also still use bag phones? Or the tele graph machine? I mean when the telegraph machine went away it forced people to buy a phone to communicate long distance.
No that is not the case. I have had both Satellite (Dish) and Cable and now Digital Cable with Time Warner for the past two years, and years ago with the "Great Rigas Adelphia System). IMHO, picture and equipment wise, DBS Satellite beats them hands down. The one slight advantage that cable might have is VOD; however with the advent of IPTV , that may soon be a non-factor. In the past two years with TWC, between Netflix Streaming and now with my new Samsung Apps of VUDU HD and Roxio Cinema Now; I can see no need for digital cable, especially for a provider whom won't make available channels that subs truly want (i.e. HD Net, NFL Network and other 24 hr HD RSNs). So come May when my NHLCI Package is over with; I will drop my TWC subscription down to High Speed Roadrunner with local basic broadcast channels only (as you state those useless analog and QAM Local Digital) and move over to Directv for less monthly fees, better equipment, and receive the channels I truly want and not be dictated to by Corporate Cableguys to decide what is best for me.![]()
Can you guys tell me what size hard drive is in the DCH6416, DCT6200 dct6416, DCX3400. those appear to be the boxes used locally. I am considering moving to Brighthouse because of a deal they are offering. Ive never been a fan of the these moto boxes.(COMCAST Former) only because they never seem to hold much HD content, which is not good in this house. I am going to try to work out a deal to pick the best ones, but not sure if any of these are even worth it. Also can you add an external drive to any of these?
iceturkee said:are any of those boxes you mention made by samsung. i have a samsung hd dvr that has a 500gb hard drive in it.
No that is not the case. I have had both Satellite (Dish) and Cable and now Digital Cable with Time Warner for the past two years, and years ago with the "Great Rigas Adelphia System). IMHO, picture and equipment wise, DBS Satellite beats them hands down. The one slight advantage that cable might have is VOD; however with the advent of IPTV , that may soon be a non-factor. In the past two years with TWC, between Netflix Streaming and now with my new Samsung Apps of VUDU HD and Roxio Cinema Now; I can see no need for digital cable, especially for a provider whom won't make available channels that subs truly want (i.e. HD Net, NFL Network and other 24 hr HD RSNs). So come May when my NHLCI Package is over with; I will drop my TWC subscription down to High Speed Roadrunner with local basic broadcast channels only (as you state those useless analog and QAM Local Digital) and move over to Directv for less monthly fees, better equipment, and receive the channels I truly want and not be dictated to by Corporate Cableguys to decide what is best for me.![]()
Can you guys tell me what size hard drive is in the DCH6416, DCT6200 dct6416, DCX3400. those appear to be the boxes used locally. I am considering moving to Brighthouse because of a deal they are offering. Ive never been a fan of the these moto boxes.(COMCAST Former) only because they never seem to hold much HD content, which is not good in this house. I am going to try to work out a deal to pick the best ones, but not sure if any of these are even worth it. Also can you add an external drive to any of these?
And yes those analog channels are useless, they need to all be made digital.