Battlestar Galactica -- Season 4

7 left, but the final 3 might be much longer in time length, than just a single hour. Also, there's supposed to be a final movie called "THE PLAN", that'll air sometime after the series ends.

Battlestar Galactica (2003) Episode Guide -

Where does that suggest longer episodes?

The IMDB listing for "The Plan" is interesting, it lists Tigh, but does not list Rosyln, or Kara, or Lee. Granted, the page has the word "rumored" for most of the cast-members.
I checked the Sci-Fi schedule; part 2 of the finale is a 2 hour episode, but not the episodes leading up to it.

So we have 8 "hours" of BSG left.
Bad thing is after this, who do you trust?

Interesting question...still...

I'd be far more likely to trust:

Bill Adama
Saul Tigh
Galen Tyrol
Lee Adama
Laura Roslyn
Karl Agathon
Sam Anders
The Pregnant Six
'Doc' Cottle

I'd like to trust Starbuck, but she's way too much of a "wild cannon" at this point in the game. At the moment, she's on the side I'd trust, but you never know when she'll flip and go off into la-la land.

Definitely do not trust:

Felix Gaeta
Gaius Baltar
Tom Zarek
Ellen Tigh (who'll likely pop up again sometime soon - she's a flake)
Bill Adama
Saul Tigh
Kara Thrace
Galen Tyrol
Lee Adama
Laura Roslyn
Karl Agathon
Sam Anders
Caprica Six
'Doc' Cottle

Boomer (who knows, she was once trusted and saved Sam and the Chief once along with Caprica Six)

Felix Gaeta
Gaius Baltar
Tom Zarek
Ellen Tigh
Anyone onboard with the Mutiny...
Where does that suggest longer episodes?

The IMDB listing for "The Plan" is interesting, it lists Tigh, but does not list Rosyln, or Kara, or Lee. Granted, the page has the word "rumored" for most of the cast-members.

Here: List of Battlestar Galactica (reimagined series) episodes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I quote: "As the second half of Season 4 was halted from production due to the writers' strike in America, the final 10 episodes were pushed back to January 16, 2009.[6] The final episode will air on March 20, 2009.[7] This half-season is advertised as "Battlestar Galactica: The Final Episodes" by SciFi network. Moore has stated that the final episodes of the series are going to vary in size with the final three possibly constituting a series finale up to 4 hours in length".
Maybe this Starbuck is the original's evil twin.

Maybe she's the "Cylon God". Wouldn't that be a kicker!

Just like everybody keeps telling her: "Nobody even knows what the FRACK you are!"

They just keep teasing us with that, and I expect to be totally slammed between the eyes, when they finally show us what or who she is!

I love this show!!!
Here: List of Battlestar Galactica (reimagined series) episodes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I quote: "As the second half of Season 4 was halted from production due to the writers' strike in America, the final 10 episodes were pushed back to January 16, 2009.[6] The final episode will air on March 20, 2009.[7] This half-season is advertised as "Battlestar Galactica: The Final Episodes" by SciFi network. Moore has stated that the final episodes of the series are going to vary in size with the final three possibly constituting a series finale up to 4 hours in length".

Well, wikipedia and the actual Sci-Fi programming schedule, which goes through March 31st, conflicts with that.

ONE hour episodes up through the 13th, 2 hour conclusion. I hope the schedule is wrong, but what incentive would they have to muff it up?
Well, wikipedia and the actual Sci-Fi programming schedule, which goes through March 31st, conflicts with that.

ONE hour episodes up through the 13th, 2 hour conclusion. I hope the schedule is wrong, but what incentive would they have to muff it up?

That's the clinker, isn't it? No incentive to muff it up that I can see...
That Wikipedia entry sounds like it was written sometime last year, so I would put more stock in the SciFi listings on their website than some fanboy's Wiki entry.

As for shockers, maybe we'll... the Lords of Kobol!
That Wikipedia entry sounds like it was written sometime last year, so I would put more stock in the SciFi listings on their website than some fanboy's Wiki entry.

As for shockers, maybe we'll... the Lords of Kobol!

i love it. :D

Been thinking about the whole Lords of Kobol thing, and really need to go back and watch the episodes where they were on Kobol with the temple. Wonder if there is stuff in those episodes that would make more sense now. :)
I really think they need to do a set of BD & or DVD's that have the ability to branch the deleted scences and webisodes into the story so you can get the full picture... the last disc of S4.0 has some interesting deleted scenes...

Spoiler tag and fill us in. :)

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