Battlestar Galactica -- Season 4

I agree, it was an amazing episode - but I stand by my earlier criticism, I see them making no effort to provide answers; if this show was continuing, for me this would have gone down as one of the best episodes ever, but I still felt frustrated that we are NOT getting resolution.

And just my opinion but

I am not convinced that either Tigh or Adama are dead. Previews are supposed to frack with the head a little to get you to come back.

And yes, I wanted to see Gaeta take a bullet right between the eyes. Hopefully from Kara.
My wife, who usually doesn't care for my Sci Fi shows, is hooked. While watching last night's episode, several times we would look at each other and have the same "I can't believe they just did that" expression on our faces. The exchange between Baltar and Madam President was classic!

I started to watch the repeat last night, but zonked out. Thank the gods for DVRs!

(Hey, quick question: Last week, there was a lot of "Frak" being expelled by various people. Then someone mentioned "crap" and I thought, "What happened to "felgercarb"?" I mean, this IS Battlestar Galactica we're watching, right?)
I have most of S1 except for 33, S3 except for the first episode scattered between my Directv and Dish and all of S-4 on both.. plus S1 on HD as well as DVD, S2 on DVD Need 3 and 4... some points to ponder...
The Base ship could be considered Colonial One now :D Gaeta told the com enlisted guy to contact the cap, but not Hot Dog, so maybe Hot Dog will shoot down the other Viper and with Gaelen helping he will probably be at least a chief again...
I've got S1-S3 on DVD and S4 on EHD, so I'm pretty pleased with that. I'm sure SciFi and UHD will be re-running the series (hopefully in order) at some point.

Pondering points...
True, the Base ship could be considered Colonial One, though I'm sure Zarek wouldn't recognize it as a legitimate claim, and probably neither would Gaeta. :D
I think it was just a flash grenade, I believe I see Adama being ready to be flushed out the airlock in the previews for next week

I do not like this plot line. It is keeping me from knowing everything. There are so many questions and so few episodes left. I just keep hoping they do not do a one episode wrap up.
I don't think they'll do a one episode wrap-up. I would think they know the viewers don't want that.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Zarek get the axe in the next episode, or the one after that.

I'm guessing that Gaeta will likely do himself in while sitting in the brig with a morpha overdose. He almost did it in webisode 10, and so he's capable of it.

Those are my predictions...

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