A live call-in show. Fantastic!! Sounds like something I'd love to hear and occasionally call in to chat.
No it doesnt, Scott has called off the boycott wich is a good thing.Guess my traxis has to go without a remote for awhile (son broke it)
As a brodcast regultory laywer here in Canada, I will help you guys however needed.
Mery Christmas,
I'm sorry, but I just have to pick on you..Broadcast, Regulatory, and Lawyer were all spelled wrong in your post. Are you sure you're for real?
Fine with me.. the only channel I really want to receive is on C-band and shows no sign of leaving anytime soon. So if more channels that I want show up in the future.. all the better...fta will go the way of C-band.
But that's how it starts, isn't it? Joe Geek, toiling in his garage, comes up with a way to watch great tv for free. He tells a few of his friends and makes up some equipment for them too. Word gets around and Joe is spending all his time making equipment. It's all small time, a few thousand at most.
Then he gets the idea that he could sell this equipment and starts to really get the word out with advertisement and such. Then it gets big enough that it catches the eye of someone at "Let's Gouge The Hell Out of Them Cable/Programming Company" and they decide they need to do something about these people "stealing" their programming. Enter encryption. Isn't that about what happened with the programming we used to get on c-band?
Not really a lot we can do about it is there? There is always going to be somebody, like Buckner, eager to make a buck where they see one waiting to be made. It will be relatively short lived and in the end there will be a lot of electronic boxes for sale on e-bay. Maybe Joe can tweak them to be useful again![]()
I thought a big part of them encrypting c-band channels was because some cable companies were rebroadcasting the channels without paying.