so att wants NFL ST but on U-verse they only have NBA LP. Will U-verse also soon have NHL CI and MLB EI?
I liked this part ..." Finally, the low cash component places the merger at risk in that Dish Networks (DISH) could counter with a higher cash component that satisfies both the DTV shareholders and the regulators, thereby sparking a bidding war. "AT&T's DirectTV Acquisition: The Cons Outweigh The Pros
I liked this part ..." Finally, the low cash component places the merger at risk in that Dish Networks (DISH) could counter with a higher cash component that satisfies both the DTV shareholders and the regulators, thereby sparking a bidding war. "
I thought that Charlie said that he doesn't have the funds to do another buy out attempt. After all he has spent a lot of money on bandwith that has yet to be used.
Dish's chief, Charles Ergen, has said that he does not have the cash to outbid AT&T for DirecTV. Dish tried to buy DirecTV in 2001 in a deal that was blocked by regulators.
The programming will remain, the customer service however is a different question. Although I have to admit AT&T has REALLY improved with their cell phone customer service over the past few years.
Not wanting to and being able to are 2 different things ...I have UVerse for TV so I am mixed how I feel about this whole deal.. As long as my IPTV service stays as is (or gets additional channels) I am fine.
I see this really as a way for AT&T to have their own service provider to offer video to rural areas (or areas they don't want to upgrade to UVerse). They already have the partnership with DirecTV to offer video so now they will just own the company and not be a partner.
I said this elsewhere. I could see AT&T try to offer a "triple play" bundle to rural folks - DirecTV (satellite) and LTE (DATA) Cell (Voice) to rural customers they don't want to "upgrade" to VDSL based Uverse due to distance/cost/ROI.
NFL ST IS open to all providers. D* just out bids them all. Of course Dish never puts in a serious bid because Charlie never buys anything unless he can make money from it. And Dish is not really interested in sports anyway.Att would be better off buying companies like Cox and charter than directv. Att biggest mistake was selling att broadband to Comcast. I was hoping Charlie would merge with directv.
How will this affect Sunday ticket? Contract expires after next year (2015) and of att buys directv then they could put Sunday ticket on att universe also.
Maybe the nfl will open Sunday ticket to all operators or allow people to just buy the package that allows online and mobile access and leave tv access to directv.
Now Comcast's,Cox's,TWC's,& Brighthouse Network's In Demand PPV/VOD service would be a different story as far as obtaining NFL ST goes.
Is he referring to the telecom industry or the airline industry?I'm skeptical that this deal is in consumers' best interest," the Minnesota Democrat said in a statement. "We're witnessing a major transformation of the telecom industry — and it's going in exactly the wrong direction. We're moving toward an industry with fewer competitors — where corporations are getting bigger and bigger and gaining more and more control over the distribution of information."