AT&T To Buy DIRECTV for $67 Billion

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It will be decades before Google Fiber is available in just half the country.
Here's my theory. Unless Google has the clout, there will be so may roadblocks to Google, it may just go "ok FU , we'll not bother with your community.
I doubt the folks at Google are going to allow themselves to be fleeced by every little town government like the cable companies do.
Now I could see Google reps going to a town or city, make their presentation and listen to the town council ask them about 863 'what if' questions and then double that number of "what's in it for us" questions. Not only that, the incumbent cable co's and telcos will do whatever they can to keep Google out. They certainly do not want the competition.
Something like that happened in Charlotte. A company called "Carolina Broadband" got all the necessary permits and approvals from the Charlotte govt to start running fiber throughout the city. Even the sections where subscribers would be few. Lo ad behold, the new company was suddenly having to deal with paying higher rates than the telco or Time Warner paid the power company for pole rental. Now, Carolina had hired about 500 people to do the work as well as hiring a contractor to install the aerial as well as buried fiber. After about 6 months of delays and other nonsense, Carolina pulled out and cancelled the job.
The scuttlebutt was Time Warner did some back room dealings with the incumbent power company to make Carolina's venture 'a little difficult'.I have no proof of this but that was in the rumor mill...Google Fiber can expect the same BS. But Google is a huge company. It could probably take Time Warner and put it over it's knee, give it a hard spanking and send it to it's room with no dinner.
Surely none of you Dish guys are hoping Dish spends the kind of cash it would require to get ST?

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I don't think Dish has any intentions of acquiring the rights to NFL ST. But they can certainly make it expensive for D*/AT&T
A price War would be great between Comcast/NBCU and AT&T and DirecTV even though I believe DirecTV has exclusivity on dealings until a certain Date and can match any offers!1 just a though I read somewhere!! :)
I don't see the NFL making out of market games exclusive to just Comcast markets. That alone would dictate a significant premium and probably make their participation price prohibitive.

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Comcast / NBCU could though, and drive the price sky high...
But not everybody has access to Comcast like they do Directv. I certainly don't have access to Comcast. The only way Comcast could get NFL ST & make it available to everybody is through In Demand. Would In Demand offer all NFL ST games in HD? Would In Demand offer all games in one package like NHL Center Ice & MLB Extra Innings(the before two mentioned services' games were not all shown in HD by In Demand,maybe just one game per night) or will they offer each game per game day as PPV?
Reading stories about this merger could be the first real clear sign for Television v2.

Where TV and Internet merge. Making the Internet available to everyone. As almost everyone owns a TV.
But not everybody has access to Comcast like they do Directv. I certainly don't have access to Comcast. The only way Comcast could get NFL ST & make it available to everybody is through In Demand. Would In Demand offer all NFL ST games in HD? Would In Demand offer all games in one package like NHL Center Ice & MLB Extra Innings(the before two mentioned services' games were not all shown in HD by In Demand,maybe just one game per night) or will they offer each game per game day as PPV?
The NFL doesn't care about viewers as much as they do the money though, they could care less about those of us without a way to watch if Comcast won...
They absolutely care about the viewers, because then that impacts ad revenue. Trickles down to other broadcast deals as well. Potential viewers is probably one of the biggest factors for the cost. Combined Comcast and Time Warner aren't even present in like 15 states. They're in many of the top 50 or so markets, but have far less reach than DirecTV, which means they'd have to overpay even more just to get on par with DirecTV's reach and capability to recoup those costs, and THEN attempt to grossly overbid to convince the NFL that it's a good idea to leave out those eyeballs and diminish the value of the rebroadcast of NFL games that are currently going to 2mil+ paying ST subs.

I just don't see it happening, it's a linkbait headline at best. I don't think anyone can reasonably compete with DirecTV + ATT aside from DISH and another partner. With negotiations already underway the ship has probably already sailed for it to happen during this negotiation. ATT + DirecTV may have like 4m fewer paying subs, but their reach is far greater than anything Comcast/Time Warner can promise and that along with the advantage of a current successful relationship with the NFL is why there won't be a change IMO.
They absolutely care about the viewers, because then that impacts ad revenue. Trickles down to other broadcast deals as well. Potential viewers is probably one of the biggest factors for the cost. Combined Comcast and Time Warner aren't even present in like 15 states. They're in many of the top 50 or so markets, but have far less reach than DirecTV, which means they'd have to overpay even more just to get on par with DirecTV's reach and capability to recoup those costs, and THEN attempt to grossly overbid to convince the NFL that it's a good idea to leave out those eyeballs and diminish the value of the rebroadcast of NFL games that are currently going to 2mil+ paying ST subs.

I just don't see it happening, it's a linkbait headline at best. I don't think anyone can reasonably compete with DirecTV + ATT aside from DISH and another partner. With negotiations already underway the ship has probably already sailed for it to happen during this negotiation. ATT + DirecTV may have like 4m fewer paying subs, but their reach is far greater than anything Comcast/Time Warner can promise and that along with the advantage of a current successful relationship with the NFL is why there won't be a change IMO.
If they cared about viewers why were they shopping the Thursday package to cable networks? Sunday Ticket is too high now, imagine what it will be like if DIRECTV is successful in bidding for and merges with AT&T ...
Reading stories about this merger could be the first real clear sign for Television v2.

Where TV and Internet merge. Making the Internet available to everyone. As almost everyone owns a TV.

meh. i think all this broadband expansion stuff is just att trying to get this merger approved. I highly doubt that this merger is going to improve internet access for people who already don't have access to true broadband internet
They would have access to each other's customers to bundle each other's services. That and consolidation of costs/billing/contract negotiations are the biggest benefits.

Directv/Dish have nationwide access which is good for NFL Sunday ticket.
If they cared about viewers why were they shopping the Thursday package to cable networks? Sunday Ticket is too high now, imagine what it will be like if DIRECTV is successful in bidding for and merges with AT&T ...

THere are still cable companies who don't have NFL Network(my local & only cable company for instance),at least with the new Thursday Night Football deal,if I had my cable company for TV still,I'd be able to watch the game now. I'll never forget the heartache caused by a Dallas Cowboys-Green Bay Packers(with Brett Favre still as their QB) being played on Thursday Night Football & hardly anybody had the NFL Network at the time.
They would have access to each other's customers to bundle each other's services. That and consolidation of costs/billing/contract negotiations are the biggest benefits.

yea but att is making it sound like people who don't have access to high speed internet, are going to get access due to this meger. That is total bs imo

what's going to happen is they are going to bundle LTE and/or satellite internet, both of which most of those people can already get without this merger.
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Directv deal with Pac 12 "Dead"

Cabling Question
