AT&T patent application could lead to pricier data for those who do bandwidth busting activities

And this is why bet neutrality is important. This patent not only allows ATT to charge me for data, but also for what I'm doing with my data. Ridiculous. Bits are bits. If you're selling me 10 GB a month then I should have the freedom to use those 10 GB for whatever the heck I want! From a consumer perspective, this sort of thing is supremely aggravating.

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Disgusting idea. And they wouldn't patent it if they didn't think it would get used.
This is an insight into the world some posters keep denying. This type of thing will come to home broadband use too. They'll never do this or that because of competition is a foolish thought, they will all do it so there will be no fear of competition. Do you really think Verizon won't do something similar if it makes more money? Data is where the money is at, more and more everyday, not phone minutes. People are using other means in place of talking such as texting or facebook. Why do you think so many are going to somewhat reasonably priced unlimited talk. I realize this is for wireless, but do you really think if it comes to a realization there that it won't for home broadband? Same problem, cable companies are losing a percentage of subscribers, how to make up the money? By doing something similar to this.
What's ironic, the more people who really do cut the cord from Cable and use the internet more, the more likely we are going to pay more and more for our source of data/internet.
Perhaps someone could fight it based on the ISP having no right to know what you're watching or doing online. Privacy.
Figures AT&T would be the first to jump on this,and they certainly won't be the last.

Touching on what Tampa8 was talking about...cable companies wanting to generate more revenue for lost subscribers.Here is a novel idea.Offer pricing that is affordable to most everyone,don't mortgage the farm on new customer pricing,make it attractive to everyone.And last but not least offer top notch customer service.It's always so annoying to hear companies raising rates because of lost customers,they all have it backasswards.
I don't want restrictions on what I use the internet for. Something like this leaves a nasty taste in my mouth if a provider would try to do this.

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