Still getting used to the new 15 PRO. Some of my contacts info got screwed up while I was setting initial setup. My new phone confused me with my son with the same name but with the III (3rd) suffix. So in my contacts and favorites my picture was in his and his picture was in mine fought with it for several days and then took it back to Verizon store and they couldn't figure it out either suggested going to Apple Genius Bar. Was going to do that but I accidentally figured out how to fix it today while I was fiddling around with resetting my wife's ringtones. For whatever reason her ringtones didn't carry over from the old phone. Anyway saves me a 70 mile round trip to Apple Store. By the way I am LOVING facial recognition!! Can't believe how fast it works. On an unrelated note, I have two, like new, iPhone 12 Otter Box Defender cases free to a good home just pay shipping. Only one belt clip though cuz one of the clips broke.