Anyone noticed that getting Blockbuster disks at home has suddenly slowed to a crawl?

The day I get the email that they have shipped, with some estimate for delivery days in the future, I get it the next day.
How is it they're treating you so well? I get the email, and then (I'm convinced) they SIT ON IT that day, send it on day 2, and then finally I get it on the 3rd day.
Beginning a couple of weeks ago, the return trips started taking two days and the deliveries take two days. They don't process on weekends. In the end, it is pretty much impossible to do better than one disc per week. The return address is 50 miles away and first class usually travels overnight either way.

The shipments are still noticed well before the returns and the time between seems to be stretching.
Beginning a couple of weeks ago, the return trips started taking two days and the deliveries take two days. They don't process on weekends. In the end, it is pretty much impossible to do better than one disc per week. The return address is 50 miles away and first class usually travels overnight either way.

The shipments are still noticed well before the returns and the time between seems to be stretching.
yep, getting a lot longer for me. i sent a movie back last tuesday and it says they are processing my next shipment.
My local BB closed a few weeks ago, but the mail return is still pretty quick for me. I put a movie in the mail Saturday morning (5/19), and just received my email (7:58 am) that I will get the next one in my queue by Wednesday. Can't get much faster than that... :up
My local BB closed a few weeks ago, but the mail return is still pretty quick for me. I put a movie in the mail Saturday morning (5/19), and just received my email (7:58 am) that I will get the next one in my queue by Wednesday. Can't get much faster than that... :up

Movie received in this A.M.'s mail. I guess I can get it faster than that... :)
I get the email saying that my next disc in my queue is being sent, then the next day, I get an email saying that they received my returned disc. Every. Single. Time. I am in VT and yes, the disc-to-disc turnaround has slowed way down to approx. once a week and that's if I watch then return the disc the day after I receive it. Used to be able to get 2 discs per week.
I'm in SE Ohio and the warehouse is in Cleveland and the service is getting really slow. The service is either getting really popular with Dish Network subscribers and they can't process the discs fast enough or all the cut backs are slowing down the system. (I'm thinking it's the second one) The way it's been lately I have to go through my queue every couple of weeks and remove the movies that have already aired on the premium networks.
I just removed three from my queue that are now available on Epix channel, which is a part of the BB@H package.
When I first joined, it would take 2 days to send, then I'd receive notice that they received my disk and sent out my next disc in the same day for a 4-day turn around. For my last few DVDs, they have added an additional 2 days between receiving and sending the next disc, which means a week between when I put the disc in my mailbox and when the next comes. This is more than double the length that netflix took. Not acceptable.
My turnaround hasn't changed since day 1. If I drop in the mail on Saturday, I get a notice that my next one shipped on Monday and get the disc on Wednesday/Thursday. If I drop on Sunday or early Monday, I get a notice on Tuesday and get disc Thursday/Friday. If Monday is a holiday, I get notice on Wendnesay with disc on Friday/Saturday. It is atypical for me not to get the disc on the first day of the 2day splits listed previously.

quick update- I dropped in the mail this past Saturday, got notifications yesterday and the disc today.
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I have been getting more and more annoyed by this as well. I used to have 3 day turnaround on most movies. Drop in mail monday on way to work and Wednesday the disc would be there. Drop Saturday, I would have by Tuesday. Now, say the last month. Drop Monday, get notice of received and ship Wednesday and receive Friday at best. I am on the 2 at a time plan and I used to get 4 movies a week depending on the timing of things, now, I barely get 2 as the turn around is at least 5 days. I shipped 2 movies last week, I want to say Thursday and Friday, I have not received them yet, but hope they are in the mailbox waiting when I get home
My turnarounds have also slowed to a crawl. Get one a week -- half speed. I have bunches of movies that are "very long wait" and have been for well over a month. Blu-rays. Oftentimes I'll see them at Redbox and just rent them. I wouldn't recommend to others that they sign up for this service just for the discs. However, I'm a long-time subscriber to HD Platinum and like the channels anyway. They are my only pay channels.
If this doesnt tell the story, I dont know what does... 5/29/2012 6/7/2012 5/24/2012 6/4/2012 5/22/2012 5/29/2012 5/18/2012 5/25/2012 5/15/2012 5/22/2012 5/11/2012 5/18/2012 5/7/2012 5/14/2012 5/7/2012 5/14/2012 5/1/2012 5/7/2012 4/30/2012 5/7/2012 4/23/2012 4/27/2012 4/23/2012 4/27/2012 4/17/2012 4/20/2012 4/17/2012 4/20/2012 4/12/2012 4/16/2012 4/10/2012 4/16/2012 4/6/2012 4/11/2012 4/3/2012 4/6/2012 4/2/2012 4/5/2012 It is as though things went really wrong in May
I just dont get how turnaround times can go from 3-4 days to 7-10. It almost seems as though it is a strategy. Ship less movies per week and save money...

satjay, what is your plan, 1, 2, 3 movies at a time? Also, do you watch and return or hold movies? I would just be curious why some people have brutal turnaround and others are still claiming it to be the same.

Heck, if this does not improve I would be willing to test netflix. 10.99 1 at a time. If I get 2 a week it is the same amount I get now once a week on a 2 at a time plan...
I have the one movie plan, I don't know if it helps that I am dropping my movies off at my local Blockbuster? For me I think the plan holds good value since I have a Blockbuster right up the road from me. If I did straight to the mail I wonder how my turnaround time would be
So it's official. This past week I got just one movie with my 2 movie plan. All movies sent by last Saturday. That's a joke.

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