I seem to have a consistent 4 business day turn-around time. Considering that I usually mail the discs in the afternoon, that is not much different than I had with NetFlix. I think NetFlix was a day faster some times.
Don Landis; said:Mail just delivered the last disk I will get with this service. I ordered Piranha 3D months ago and it was finally sent. Was looking forward to seeing how this was in 3D as I had seen it in 2D. My store got one copy in in 3D but it was checked out and never returned. Well, as my luck would have it, BB@Home sent me a DVD of Piranha even though I had selected it as 3D ages ago. Just going to return it today and wait for the confirmation of receipt and then I'm planning to cancel.
I get 1 movie a week and sometimes not even that. i've never gotten more than 4 movies in a monthDelivery really slowed down. I dropped my disc into the mailbox Sunday. Received an email from Blockbuster that they received it Wednesday and a shipment email on Thursday. If I am lucky enough to receive the disc on Saturday it will be a 1 week turn around time. Not good! And because they closed the only Blockbuster in my area I cannot even exchange in the store.
I doesn't seem like Blockbuster is trying to compete with Netflix at all. The selection of streamable programs is abysmal and the disc delivery is crawling.
Signed up 11-12 days ago and received and returned 3 discs in that time with normally a 2 day time frame (Boston area) but they weren't exactly at the top of my queue. They got my disc back since yesterday morning and I am getting we are processing your order message since then even though I have a few movies showing as available. I really don't trust the queue system since it changes availability so easy and it also does not seem to be accurate. New releases that you would expect to be not available are listed as available etc, while older releases are listed as not available. I mostly added it for the channels and knew it was not going to be like Netflix but they really need to work out the queue system so a person at least as a general idea of when or if a movie will ship.
It certainly appears to be the case.Pretty obvious that are not planning on keeping this side of the business going but are using it to get people into contracts.