So it's official. This past week I got just one movie with my 2 movie plan. All movies sent by last Saturday. That's a joke.
yeah, its keeps getting worse for me, i am now at 3-4 movies a month MAX, thats getting them, watching them same day and mailing the next day.
i could do 6-7 movies/month when i first got blockbuster in oct.
i have movies in postions 1-4 that are all avail. 5 days after sending the disc in, it says they received it, then i get movies position #5 because the others have suddenly become short wait, the day after my #5 ships ,1-4 are available now again. so the tranist time is more than double now, and movies keep going to short wait. i had netflix before and is was great, i could do as many as 8 movies in a month without trouble at 1 disc out at a time.
i keep telling myselff it will improve, but................