Anyone in Atlanta? External antenna?


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Original poster
Jul 28, 2006
D* HD is out. No LOS. Comcast not an option for me. Anyone want to refer an HD extermal antenna installer. I have a referral but he's not being responsive. I know it's football season and busy and all, but gee whiz. Any input is appreciated and taken for what it's worth. Thanks in advance.
Hey guys, I am from Jackson Co. about an hour northeast from Atlanta. I have a CM3020 with RG-6 and I am able to pick up about all the Atlanta channels with about 50% to 80% digital signal strenght. At nights I usally pull in CBS at 92%. That is not bad considering I have the not so favorable antenna with no preamp.
rknight442000 said:
D* HD is out. No LOS. Comcast not an option for me. Anyone want to refer an HD extermal antenna installer. I have a referral but he's not being responsive. I know it's football season and busy and all, but gee whiz. Any input is appreciated and taken for what it's worth. Thanks in advance.
Where are you?
I have a Channel Master 4228 8-bay bow tie antenna with a 10DB preamp (you may be better off using the CM 0064DSB amp, but I didn't know about it when I bought the preamp). I am in Tucker and I get all stations. CBS, TBS, WB, UPN are all at about 90% on my Dish 811 signal strength indicator. Fox and ABC are in the mid 80% range. NBC is about 75-80%.

If you are doing it yourself, the key I have found is to use AntennaWeb to find the direction to point your antenna. I was able to point towards Fox and ABC, which split the difference between CBS and NBC directions. I definitely recommend visiting the Atlanta Antenna website whether you do it yourself or want their help.

My equipment:
Channel Master 4228
Radioshack 10DB inline amplifier
Dish 811 HD receiver with 8VSB OTA tuner
Hitachi 43" FWX20

What OTA antenna should I get?

Hughes HTL-HD having problems

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