Another rabbit in C. Dolan's hat?

salsadancer7 said:
Everyone that I have read stating they signed up with someone else have said they did not need to sign-up with a long term deal...AND no $$$, that squashes that whole thing about people NOT coming back....and those are my 2 cents...

We are a small minority of the voom subscriber base. Even so, most people here who have gone with satellite have signed some type of contract. It's the cable people that haven't signed anything.
Why make 30 the magic number? Why not ask why were they still adding new channels until the last minute too? They may have gone hand in hand. Voom possibly had fulfill a contract if they were already in an agreement with some of the new channels and keep them up for a cretain time before shutting down or pay a penalty for breaking said contract. Depending on the agreements, it may have cost less to run Voom for 30 days since they added so many new channels in the last month. But then again, unless there in someone on the inside here, we'll never know.
Vooming Jim,
I called Comcast will have the install the 30th, I believe the Dish buyback offer is for E* or D* only, OK since I cancelled Dish AFTER the install of VOOM in March, have the cancelled check to show the Comcast installer proof of E* service.

The offer is 150 channels for $39/mth + $5 for the box rental, NO CONTRACT required.

If D* or * looks better this summer for HD content, I will drop Comcast to basic cable only.

Goodbye VOOM, we will miss you. :(
What makes the most sense to me, so of course it won't happen, is that Dish would make a deal to integrate the Voom21 programs into their offering. They already bought the bird. That would give them a big leg up on Direct. But nooooooooooo. they will probably use the bird for ota hd, which most of us voomers already worked out with antennas.

What makes mthe most sense to us, won't happen. :D :D :D :D
As I have said in previous posts, I am not rushing to sign up for service anywhere else. Am going to stick with V* til the lights go out, and then some. I also feel that Charlie has something else up his sleeve, and that this is all a smokescreen because it has to be this way before the next step can be taken. Also, have you all noticed how the on-air people have been able to retain their smiley faces through all of this? Do they maybe know something that we do not? Or is it just professionalism? Personally don't see how anyone can keep up the happy facade knowing that they will be unemployed in a few weeks. Just my thoughts, so please don't flame me.
I don't think something is brewing...I wish it was.

If something was in the works...all of this shut down stuff could be explained by Cablevision's desire to avoid lawsuits...from stockholders and Echostar. Part of Dolan's deal with Cablevision may have required that he have a gag order until his plans for Voom (including financing) were in place completely separate from Cablevision. I can see Cablevision working in overdrive to avoid lawsuits and Dolan mindful of that...if there is no big announcement on Monday...I think it's safe to say it's over. Of course, that's all speculative.
Comcast dish buy back

When I contacted Comcast (called 1-800 #) and asked about buyback offer & told them I was a VOOM customer and they were shutting down services the 30th all they said installer needed was proof of them shutting down and I was a customer. Their offer was better calling them than dealing online.They gave me a price of $40.70 for 16 months - no commitement. (No premium cahnnels but could add package & they were pushing internet which I declined. Am considering my options at this point.
Hey here my 2 cents,

be careful give you boxes to the cable company unless you know for sure that they don't want them back and so far everything i have read and heard they were wanting them back. I know the cable company will give you credit for the reciever but in the end you will lose cause you will have to pay voom for each reciever not returned about 400.00 a box. unless you bought you boxes up front. so just beware of letting these boxes go before you know for sure what they are going to want.

With Comcast, you do not need to give them too much info, just say you are a DBS customer and you are thinking about cable cable again, then they will jump thru hoops for you, when I switched I did not have to show them a bill or give them a STB.
alsie731 said:
When I contacted Comcast (called 1-800 #) and asked about buyback offer & told them I was a VOOM customer and they were shutting down services the 30th all they said installer needed was proof of them shutting down and I was a customer. Their offer was better calling them than dealing online.They gave me a price of $40.70 for 16 months - no commitement. (No premium cahnnels but could add package & they were pushing internet which I declined. Am considering my options at this point.

With Comcast, you do not need to give them too much info, just say you are a DBS customer and you are thinking about getting cable again, then they will jump thru hoops for you, when I switched I did not have to show them a bill or give them a STB.
well i can say this when comcast here in indy come to my sister house they would not give her the 400.00 credit unless she give him the receiver.

I don't know what is going to happen, but here is my plan of action.
I've only had VOOM for a month and loved it. I had Dish (customer for eight years) and kept it for the 508 DVR (SD DVR which I own) and had planned to dump Dish as soon as the VOOM DVR was available. I've not watched any Dish for the past month except for the few things that automatically record on the DVR.

My plan is to wait until May to see what happens and if no VOOM or "new voom" I'll then switch to COX (already have internet and phone service with them) because they have, basically, same HD as Dish plus a HD DVR for lease and no commitment. I'll dump Dish in May when COX is installed.

Even if Dish picks up VOOM 21 I'll stick with COX for a while because, from what I understand, Dish's new 942 HD DVR isn't available for lease to their old customers only new ones... how rude and dumb is that. So, unless something spectacular happens at Dish in next year I'll be a COX customer until something better appears.
Giving boxes to another provider????

Did I miss something someplace???? Has anyone had to or it been suggested to give their VOOM receivers to a cable company or D* or E* to get a deal? Comcast half hardedly mentioned giving them my dish and I stated it wasn't mine but VOOM's and got a chuckle from the CSR.
lostcause said:
We are a small minority of the voom subscriber base. Even so, most people here who have gone with satellite have signed some type of contract. It's the cable people that haven't signed anything.

TO: lostcause

No contract for me on May 2. E* has an offer through Radio Shack for basic with locals with 811HD leased receiver and 6 months free HD pack. That should keep me from HD withdrawls until the MP4 dust settles late in the year.
salsadancer7 said:
I have posted 2 threads mentioning that I TOO think there is something going on. VOOM as we know it is dead, but something similar could be a brewing because Charles, IF he did start something anew, would be running the new 'thing' as a private company....with his money. I still feel there might be a BIG anouncement on that April 18th meeting......I am ALSO sure that if something DID start, that was similar to our familiar 'friend'...EVERYONE of us here would FLY to it like bees to honey! Everyone that I have read stating they signed up with someone else have said they did not need to sign-up with a long term deal...AND no $$$, that squashes that whole thing about people NOT coming back....and those are my 2 cents...

Thanks for your support. I noticed in your previous posts in other threads you have said you believe this to be true. At least I am not alone on this. Or could we just chalk it up to misery loves company? We will have to wait and see. :yes
Indy....I think you and I are the only ones that have not read so much gloom and voo....ah..... doom. I mean let's be honest, at THE VERY worst....we'll have D* and E* and all the cable companies with more or less the same amount of HD content for the next 8-10 this time next year(and I know it's hard to even THINK of waiting that long...especially after tasting the good life of high content HD), we'll have again, more or less the same amount of HD between all the companies...BUT we'll have MORE than as the old saying goes, it will get bad...(like now with VOOM dead/dying), before it gets better....and IF it is not dead....the IDEA of VOOM...because VOOM as we know it is done...IF Chuck can pull another rabbit outta his hat.....I ASSURE YOU that the NEW VOOM will be the model for all other dbs/cable companies.
Well, unless Chuck enjoys throwing his own money away (and I'm not saying that he doesn't), then the NEW VOOM will need a better business model than the OLD VOOM.
I am still floored by Chuck Dolan's silence during the sale of the satellite in February, and then the sudden surge of energy to rescue Voom. If Chuck had a rabbit in his hat, he might have pulled it out before the sale of the satellite! I wonder, why was he so quiet during such a critical time period? That is the biggest Voom mystery of all.
When the cell phone company I worked for shut down, most of us got a 30 day notice and a 60 day severance! There were also bonuses for department managers if they stayed to the bitter end. So this is my way of saying, a company giving everyone 30 days notice before shut-down is not all that uncommon. One thing it does show is concern for the employees and customers!

I worked for GTE Wireless until the Airtouch/Atlantic Bell/GTE merger into Verizon left the portion of the company I was working for dangling.

See ya
Indy said:
I am willing to accept the exit of Voom if it happens. After all it is only TV. All I am saying is the Dolan's do not play hardball with any rules I have ever seen and it would not surprise me in the least to see this story go on for a few more chapters.
Indy, I'm on your same wavelength, and I've said ever since the very beginning, that what's between the lines has been more important than what's on them in this bizarre soap opera.

I'm still hoping for one last rabbit, realizing it may or may not be there, and resigned to living without VoOm if it doesn't appear...but still hoping, nonetheless!! :yes Vicki

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